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This was a fan service episode,

September 16, 2023

Good entertainment but it does feel a bit like Smackdown is spinning its wheels without Roman. The Jimmy Uso story is just kinda confusing at this point.


One of the best episodes of SmackDown this year.

September 16, 2023

I was completely in shock and awe when I heard the first second of The Rock’s music. He really is entertainment at its finest.

AJ Styles and Finn Balor put on a BANGER yet again, no surprises there. Finn got his win back from Survivor Series WarGames.

Excited for the WWE Women’s Championship match next Friday.

And of course, nothing beats having John Cena on TV. Hopefully he does something big for Fastlane.

All in all, outstanding show.

You can also check out NXT Level Up, the Main Event was pretty good.


Austin Theory is now one of only

September 16, 2023

Austin Theory is now one of only three people who are current regulars in recent WWE programming to have been on the receiving end of both the Stone Cold Stunner and the People’s Elbow with known recorded footage. The other two? John Cena and Michael Cole.


I like that they’re building to LA Knight against The Bloodline.

September 16, 2023

I have no illusions that he’ll be the one to dethrone the chief, if they even 1 on 1, but no matter what that’ll be a big elevation for our boy.


That would have been one hell of a surprise.

September 16, 2023

It’s shows like this that I wish I hadn’t seen spoilers before watching the west coast feed.


Theory walks out to beef but still does his full entrance. XD

September 16, 2023

After the Rock’s surprise appearance one can expect something else from him, tho it’s probably not adding *I beat the Rock* to Theory’s resume.

hope the continued separation of AJ from the OC doesn’t mean they on a chopping block.

seems like they trying to recommit Lashley and the Profits to being heels albeit it seemed kinda awkwardly done.

when Santos was asking for his title shot i thought maybe maybe he and his Fantasma bros were gonna turn heel. the suit made me think too.

if LA Knight is finished with the Miz i dunno what’s next for him. he calls out titles he could go for, but will they let him try?

At least in kayfabe Nia Jax has already injured Rhea in some way.

the Judgment Day seem eager to recruit both Usos even tho have a shifty history of being loyal to people.

While Roman is distant both Jimmy and Solo are doing things without getting official Tribal Chief orders first.


My wife and I were debating

September 16, 2023

you think Pat and The Rock took a car or a PJ from Boulder to Denver? Looks like it’s a 35 mile drive but I’m not sure on the layout or traffic for either


This had to be because of the TKO merger, right?

September 16, 2023

First show since it became official. Totally felt like the ultimate showcase episode for new eyes on the product that don’t belong to wrestling fans… bringing back the two most recognizable wrestlers turned actors out there today


Was at the show

September 16, 2023

Took my 11 year old son to his first show and it blew his mind. This was just an amazing time, wrestling is awesome


Roman and Cody

September 16, 2023

I’ve seen so many mentions of Roman and Cody all over here and twitter despite neither of them being on this show lmao. Guess they’re the top two for a reason.


Going to live shows

September 16, 2023

Denver has gotten me to witness the returns of Goldberg, Jake Roberts, and now The Rock. PLEASE JUST GIVE US A DAMN PLE ALREADY


Amazing smackdown

September 16, 2023

what an absolutely amazing smackdown holy shit


A random ass episode of SmackDown

September 16, 2023

We get Rock, Cena, AJ Styles vs Finn Balor – lmao wtf happened! Such a star studded lineup today.


knockoff name Austin

September 16, 2023

The only thing Austin theory can be compared with stone cold is only the knockoff name Austin


What an absurdly wild and wonderful show

September 16, 2023

Just caught up on the show. What the fuck lmao.


Bro the fuck dark matches tonight where fucking insane.

September 16, 2023

First was cena and aj vs jimmy and solo. Then it was alpha academy vs the viking raiders.


I had to make sure

September 16, 2023

I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming when the rock came out 😂


I wouldn’t mind a faction wars type Survivor Series at all.

September 16, 2023

You can do a one night tournament for a new six man tag titles or just bragging rights or a trophy named after someone or some team. You have The Bloodline, Judgment Day, LWO, The OC, Imperium, Hurt Street Business, New Day, Brawling Brutes.


The rock will forever be smackdown

September 16, 2023

The rock will forever be smackdown kids like theory, waller etc should be grateful of the rock trailblazing for them


Rock opened the show

September 16, 2023

And yet LA Knight still got massive crowd reactions. This should tell you everything you need to know about this guy’s talent.


At the end of The Rock segment

September 16, 2023

They should have shown Paul Heyman backstage watching the segment on a monitor. Then say his line “call Roman Reigns” as he calls Roman Reigns on his phone.


The fucking star power tonight holy shit

September 16, 2023

Even if the Rock, McAfee and Cena weren’t involved just look at that card.

Balor vs. Styles. Asuka vs. Bayley. Miz vs. Knight. LWO vs. Street Business. Like on its own that’s a loaded card.

Plus it moved multiple stories forward. There was no time wasted. It was all killer no filler.

Now you add the fucking Rock, McAfee and Cena and the show became another level. That was about as perfect of a show as you’re ever going to get. It’s hard to surprise wrestling fans these days but they really pulled it off.


That’s exactly what this episode was.

September 16, 2023

You know when you play 2K GM mode, and you decide to sneak legends like Rock, Austin & Cena onto the roster out of nowhere?


Big stars at smackdown

September 16, 2023

Why are past big stars at smackdown while Roman reigns is missing


Happy to eat my words

September 16, 2023

Honestly prefer appearances like this then the thought of Rock actually wrestling again. Happy to eat my words if wrong (Sting can still go as long as younger guys can help prop up the full match) though if proven wrong but he damn near died the last run.


Austin Thoery isn’t buried,

September 16, 2023

Austin Thoery had a segment with Vinca & Stone Cold at WM 38, had a match v Cena at WM 39 & now a segment with Rock in the same year!


LA Knight sounds like the Rock doing an impression of Stone Cold Steve Austin

September 16, 2023

After months of “LA Knight sounds like the Rock doing an impression of Stone Cold Steve Austin”, we finally know what that really sounds like.


This was an amazing show.

September 16, 2023

Yea it definitely felt fresh. But also, its amazing storytelling. The bloodline is absolutely getting themselves into some trouble with getting into everyones business. At one point this has to blow back and roman will be upset jimmy is causing issues


Shout out to Austin Theory.

September 16, 2023

Showed more personality tonight than I ever seen from him and held his own against The Rock.


That show started as 🔥 but ended with whimper

September 16, 2023

The bloodline’s constant teasing of will they won’t they is getting annoying. Without Roman and Jey, there is just not enough starpower to make it Main Event 😉


Just watching the repeat.

September 16, 2023

Did the WWE wardrobe get a job lot of black tank tops?


I missed the fucking Rock

September 16, 2023

I can’t believe


it me or was Austin Theory killing it tonight?

September 16, 2023

The Austin/Rock one more time and telling the Rock it doesn’t matter was genuinely really good. The I’m the future stuff was still being overdone.


Aska n Shotzi should be a tag team

September 16, 2023

They are both crazy ladies in their current gimmicks. Will be interesting to see a chaotic team that you cannot predict.


LA knight is awesome

September 16, 2023

The fact people act like he’s not running back steve austin and the rock’s styles is absurd.

that promo after his match was an austin impersonation clear as day.

but he’s over as hell, because the fans love that shit just like they always have. because it’s good shit.


i’ve gotta hand it to theory man

September 16, 2023

know he ain’t been doing a lot of good as of late, but the boy has been in big angles with stone cold, vince mcmahon himself, john cena, and the fucking rock

they clearly see something in him and i hope it amounts to good things for his future


Don’t know where else to say this,

September 16, 2023

if they run Roman – Rock instead of Roman – Cody at Wrestlemania that’s such a huge mistake. don’t care about numbers. don’t care how many more dollars it draws on the night. people will excuse it but that is a huge miss on crowning a generational star in Cody.


Great show

September 16, 2023

WWE needs to leave the Fox censoring shit and go to a real channel


We have the Joshi fight next week.

September 16, 2023

So we had The Rock last night


Things AJ Styles likes to do

September 16, 2023

Beat up John Cena.

Help John Cena


Roman reigns sucks

September 16, 2023

He has to have a mega deal to coast like this

The Rock Returns to Smackdown
The Rock made a surprise return to Smackdown on September 15, 2023, to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He was joined by longtime friend and colleague Pat McAfee, who was also making his return to the show.
The Rock addressed the crowd, saying he was back on Smackdown to “have some fun and get down to business.” He also took a few jabs at Austin Theory, who has been calling himself “the next Rock” in recent weeks.
Theory interrupted The Rock’s promo, and the two men exchanged heated words. McAfee eventually got involved, and the two sides started pushing and shoving. The Rock and McAfee eventually got the upper hand, and Theory was forced to retreat.
Finn Balor Defeats AJ Styles
Finn Balor and AJ Styles squared off in a highly anticipated match on Smackdown. Both men are former WWE World Champions, and they put on a classic match that lived up to all expectations.
Balor emerged victorious after hitting Styles with a Coup de Grâce. After the match, Balor was approached by The Judgment Day, who tried to recruit him into their group. However, Balor declined, saying he was better off on his own.
The Street Profits Defeats The LWO
The Street Profits faced off against The LWO (Legado Del Fantasma) in a tag team match. The two teams have been feuding for several weeks, and they put on a high-energy match that kept the crowd on their feet.
The Street Profits emerged victorious after hitting Cruz Del Toro with the Revelation. After the match, the two teams continued to brawl, and Bobby Lashley eventually came out to help the Street Profits.
Asuka Defeats Bayley
Asuka and Bayley faced off in a singles match on Smackdown. The two women have a long history together, and they put on a competitive match that went back and forth.
Asuka emerged victorious after hitting Bayley with a backslide. After the match, Asuka was interviewed by Kayla Braxton, and she said she was ready to challenge WWE Women’s Champion IYO SKY for the title.
The Grayson Waller Effect with John Cena
The Grayson Waller Effect returned to Smackdown this week, and it featured a special guest: John Cena.
Cena was interviewed by Waller, and the two men discussed Cena’s career and his upcoming match against Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell. Cena also talked about his relationship with Waller, and he said he saw a lot of himself in the young Superstar.
After the interview, Cena and Waller were interrupted by Solo Sikoa, who was accompanied by Jimmy Uso. Sikoa tried to attack Cena, but The Phenomenal One came out to make the save. Cena, Styles, and Waller then teamed up to take down Sikoa and Uso.
Other Notable Moments from Smackdown
Pat McAfee and Austin Theory announced that they will face off in a match at Hell in a Cell.
Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar challenged The Judgment Day to a match at Hell in a Cell.
Paul Heyman addressed the crowd and said that Roman Reigns will return to Smackdown next week.
Overall, it was a very exciting episode of Smackdown. The Rock’s return was a major highlight, and the other matches and segments were all very good. The show ended on a cliffhanger, with Reigns’ return being announced for next week.
Here is a more detailed analysis of some of the key matches and segments from the show:
The Rock and Austin Theory
The Rock’s return to Smackdown was a huge moment, and his interaction with Austin Theory was one of the highlights of the night. Theory has been calling himself “the next Rock” in recent weeks, and The Rock clearly didn’t appreciate it.
The two men exchanged heated words, and they eventually got into a shoving match. McAfee eventually got involved, and the two sides started pushing and shoving. The Rock and McAfee eventually got the upper hand, and Theory was forced to retreat.
This segment was clearly designed to build towards a match between The Rock and Theory at some point in the future. It will be interesting to see how this feud develops over the coming weeks and months.

Finn Balor and AJ Styles

Finn Balor and AJ Styles put on a classic match on Smackdown. Both men are former WWE World Champions, and they showed why they are two of the best wrestlers in the world.

The match was fast-paced and action-packed, and it featured some incredible moves from both men. Balor and Styles also had some great chemistry, and they made the match look effortless.

In the end, Balor was able to get the victory after hitting Styles with a Coup de Grâce. This was a great match, and it was a fitting way to celebrate the return of Finn Balor to Smackdown.

The Street Profits and The LWO

The Street Profits and The LWO faced off in a tag team match that was just as exciting as the Balor-Styles match. Both teams are full of young and talented wrestlers, and they put on a show for the crowd.

The match featured some great teamwork from both teams, and there were some impressive high-flying moves. In the end, The Street Profits were able to get the victory after hitting Cruz Del Toro with the Revelation.

This was a great match, and it showed that both The Street Profits and The LWO are teams to be reckoned with. It will be interesting to see how this feud develops over the coming weeks and months.

Asuka and Bayley

Asuka and Bayley faced off in a singles match that was a lot of fun to watch. Both women are very talented, and they put on a competitive match that went back and forth.

Asuka was able to get the victory after hitting Bayley with a backslide. This was a great match, and it showed that both Asuka and Bayley are still at the top of their game.

The Grayson Waller Effect with John Cena

The Grayson Waller Effect returned to Smackdown this week, and it featured a special guest: John Cena.

Cena was interviewed by Waller, and the two men discussed Cena’s career and his upcoming match against Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell. Cena also talked about his relationship with Waller, and he said he saw a lot of himself in the young Superstar.

After the interview, Cena and Waller were interrupted by Solo Sikoa, who was accompanied by Jimmy Uso. Sikoa tried to attack Cena, but The Phenomenal One came out to make the save. Cena, Styles, and Waller then teamed up to take down Sikoa and Uso.

This segment was interesting, as it showed that Cena is still willing to mentor young Superstars. It will be interesting to see if Cena and Waller continue to interact in the future.

Other Notable Moments from Smackdown

  • Pat McAfee and Austin Theory announced that they will face off in a match at Hell in a Cell. This match is sure to be a lot of fun, as both men are very talented and outspoken.
  • Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar challenged The Judgment Day to a match at Hell in a Cell. This match could be a great way to settle the feud between the two factions.
  • Paul Heyman addressed the crowd and said that Roman Reigns will return to Smackdown next week. This is sure to be a major moment, as Reigns is one of the biggest Superstars in WWE.

Overall, it was a very exciting episode of Smackdown. The Rock’s return was a major highlight, and the other matches and segments were all very good. The show ended on a cliffhanger, with Reigns’ return being announced for next week.

What to Expect Next on Smackdown

With Roman Reigns returning next week, it is clear that he will be the focus of the show. It will be interesting to see what kind of storyline WWE has planned for him.

It is also possible that we will see more build towards the matches at Hell in a Cell. We could see more interactions between The Rock and Austin Theory, as well as between Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar vs. The Judgment Day.

Overall, it is an exciting time to be a fan of Smackdown. There are a lot of great storylines going on, and the show is only going to get better in the coming weeks.

Watch WWE Smackdown 9/15/23 15th September 2023 Live Online 15th September 2023 2023/09/15 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review