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FULL SEGMENT — Rock, Reigns, Rhodes and Rollins highlight a bumpy Road to WrestleMania

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WrestleMania XL Kickoff










This was the plan all along.

February 9, 2024

I guess they are building to Roman v Rock at WM 41. Didn’t the Rock recently do an interview saying he wanted to build to something special, long term?


Four-way is not a good idea.

February 9, 2024

I dont want anymore “winner takes all” matches plus we need that Cody v Roman singles for the culture.

If anything have Rock turn on Roman by stopping Solo from interfering. Or, if I can do a little of bit fantasy booking, have Punk, Seth, and Jey stop Rock, Jimmy, and Solo from interfering. (Ik this is far fetched because of Punk and Seth, but they can put their differences aside for the greater good)


I don’t know about anybody else,

February 9, 2024

but I am pretty excited to see Jimmy try to be a goofball and get put in his place by new Tribal Chief Corporate Rock.


its wrestling not a martin scorsese film lmao

February 9, 2024

it’s simple, rock string armed cody into the spot, once he received all the support, he realized the gravity of what was being done to him. he fought back


It was so seamless that it doesn’t even feel like a pivot.

February 9, 2024

I have to honestly take back everything I said about Dwayne. He understood the role he had to play and played it to perfection. Trying to make him a babyface against Roman was never going to work no matter how much he tried to sell the Bloodline shit. So pivoting him to an egotistical heel using his corporate power to get what he wants works perfectly and with Cody insulting their family, now him AND Roman have a personal reason to target him.


The Rock and CM Punk

February 9, 2024

The Rock and CM Punk just won back all the hating internet losers without breaking a sweat.


working the fans.

February 9, 2024

The company deciding to backtrack a wrestler’s entire promo (“But not at Wrestlemania”) is not “working the fans.”


This shit is going to be awesome

February 9, 2024

Goddamn I didn’t think they’d do it but they managed to turn this shitfest with Rock around. We’re getting heel/Corporate Rock.


Not seeing a tag match night 1 with Cody/Seth v. Rock/RR

February 9, 2024

So I’m seeing Rock coming out during Cody/Roman or maybe even being in RR corner. He will somehow screw Roman and Cody wins the strap. Rocky maybe holds off Solo and Jimmy from interfering. Could be a ref bump into rock bottom, people’s elbow, toss to Cody for crossroads and the pin. Boom story finished and Rock v. RR set up for the land of blood money or Summer Jawn. Yes?


WWE Youtube channel

February 9, 2024

WWE Youtube channel has the video up and posted segments as well Thx for sharing here


happened today

February 9, 2024

Where can I watch all the shit that happened today?


Surprised Rock agreed

February 9, 2024

Surprised Rock agreed to this considering he’ll be running for president in 4-8 years.


I miss this feeling.

February 9, 2024

God yes I haven’t been worked like this in what feels like ages, this is incredible.


I think the matches will be:

February 9, 2024

Main Event of Night 1: The Rock vs Seth Rollins for the WHC

Main Event of Night 2: Roman vs Cody Rhodes for the WWE Universal Title

Rock beat Seth Rollins for the WHC, and the Bloodline seems more powerful than ever.

Cody beat Roman Reigns for the WWE Title. The next night on Raw, Rock is celebrating his WHC, until Roman interrupts him. There’s been tension brewing for weeks due to their own power struggle. Roman destroys a beaten down Rock. Roman leaves the ring. The Judgment Day comes out and attacks the Rock. Damian Priest cashes in MITB. Damian delivers a South of Heaven Chokeslam, and wins the WHC.


There’s absolutely no way this was the plan from the beginning.

February 9, 2024

Why is it such a badge of honor to “Not Be Worked” Doesn’t that just mean you’re not enjoying it as much as everyone else who is fully invested? To experience the full range of emotions and be immersed is part of the Wrestling experience or any art… why would you not want that? It’s backwards to me.

On top of that, a lot of people are trying to move the goal post. At first it was

“who cares what the IWC says, the live crowd loved it”

Then the dislikes hit 600k which is 6x the wrestlemania crowds worth of people. So it turned to “online trolls” Then the boos over took the live shows and they had to pivot, now it’s “oh all of you got worked”.. stop the cap

4. Anyway, yeah, I’m not mad at this!! Great and well executed pivot!!


I can’t believe I got worked this whole time.

February 9, 2024

Fuck me, great job by everyone. And that press conference was absolutely insane!


Never thought I’d live to see Heel Rock again.

February 9, 2024

This kickoff was one of the best I’ve seen.


That presser was pretty cool.

February 9, 2024

Honestly, I can’t remember this much of a fun vibe around WWE in probably 20+ years.

Why? Because there is an element of unpredictability returning. I felt like I had to tune into that presser because some shit was gonna go down I had to see live. And I was right.

I now feel I need to tune into Raw because I don’t know what tf is going to happen, and I want to see it unfold in real time. How does Seth factor in? What about Drew?

God this is a fun time. I also hope Rock realllllllllly leans into being heel. I want him to tap into Corporate Rock. I’m tired of the baby face kiss ass Rock. I want to see him ripping on everyone.


Tag match at EC?

February 9, 2024

If rock and Roman win the main event, if Seth and Cody win, both get to pick who they main event at mania?


Cody vs Rock NIGHT 1

February 9, 2024

Cody vs Roman NIGHT 2

Cody finishes his story & Bloodline is destroyed leading to Rock vs Roman at Wrestlemania 41


I’ve haven’t seen wrestling fans get worked

February 9, 2024

on such a mass level in a long ass time. The unbridled rage was insane.


It feels like a twist on Daniel Bryan WM30 story.

February 9, 2024

Cody has to go through Rock on night 1 in order to get to Roman on night 2.


I seeing this dumb scenario pitched over and over again?

February 9, 2024

Can people stop for one second and see how a tag match night 1 featuring the people in the main event on night 2 would totally deflate night 2? Why am I seeing this dumb scenario pitched over and over again?


So Cody changed his mind and is going after Roman and Rock if he interferes with his Board privileges.

February 9, 2024

They can easily explain away Friday’s promo by having Cody say he gave the Roman match to Rock because The Rock told him in their private conversation that he will take Roman and The Bloodline down but after seeing Rock and Roman embrace and talk about their family legacy, he realized Rock played him and Rock vs Roman was never going to be about taking The Bloodline down but instead make it stronger.


It was likely a pivot, but what a fucking pivot.

February 9, 2024

They took a ruined dish and cooked something better than the original food was ever gonna be.


Show Timing and Info

February 8, 2024

Livestream links for WWE WrestleMania XL KickOff PressMeet 2/8/24 8th February 2024 will be added before the show starts. HD and HDTV Fullshow replay links for WWE WrestleMania XL KickOff PressMeet 2/8/24 8th February 2024 will be added after the show ends.


I cannot wait.

February 8, 2024

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The Road to WrestleMania Begins: A Hype-Filled Preview of the WWE WrestleMania XL Kickoff Press Meet

The air crackles with anticipation. The aroma of storylines simmering, rivalries boiling, and legends preparing for one grand spectacle fills the nostrils of the wrestling universe. WrestleMania, the granddaddy of them all, is upon us, and the journey begins with the much-awaited WWE WrestleMania XL Kickoff Press Meet on February 8th, 2024. Buckle up, because this preview is about to take you on a whirlwind ride through the potential highlights, burning questions, and electrifying possibilities that await us at this star-studded event.

A Glimpse into the Grandest Stage:

Imagine a room teeming with wrestling royalty – veterans who have etched their names in the annals of WWE history, alongside the rising stars hungry to carve their own legacies. This is the atmosphere that promises to electrify the Kickoff Press Meet. We can expect the likes of Roman Reigns, the undisputed champion, to grace the stage with his imposing presence. Will he address the rumors of a challenger emerging from the shadows? Perhaps the Tribal Chief will set his sights on a new battlefield, one that transcends individual rivalries.

Then there’s the ever-enigmatic Brock Lesnar. Will the Beast Incarnate answer the burning question on everyone’s minds: who will he lock horns with at WrestleMania? Will he unleash his wrath on a familiar foe, or will a new challenger dare to step into the ring with him? The possibilities are endless, and the mere thought of Lesnar’s unpredictable presence sends shivers down the spines of both fans and Superstars alike.

Watch WWE WrestleMania XL KickOff PressMeet 2/8/24 8th February 2024 8th February 2024 2024/02/08 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review