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Could Darby Allin outwork the self-proclaimed TNT Champion, Christian Cage? | 8/19/23 AEW Collision


Weaker episode

August 20, 2023

suffered from mostly dead crowd and the commentary downgrade. main event was great though

although dynamite and rampage were both really good this week so maybe this episode just felt a bit worse in comparison


I love AEW.

August 20, 2023

I only watch AEW so I’m coming here from a position of love. Everything felt flat till the main event. AEW needs to really start getting better at not assuming that their audience sits around all day and only watches wrestling.

Enhancement matches with guys who mainly wrestle on ROH doesn’t do it for me. If you want to debut them, then give us a backstory, a vignette, a promo, something to get invested in this character. Literally, that’s how people got invested in Nick Wayne.

Tonight felt like a filler episode where nothing of note happened with the exception of the main event and maybe the Willow vs Diamante match. Probably one of the weakest Collision episodes in the show’s two months history.

And don’t get me started on the commentary, especially Kevin Kelly. You know it’s bad when JR adds excitement to the action nowadays. If Kevin Kelly has to continue being on the show full time, then make it a three man booth and have JR on the booth.


Greatest compliments

August 20, 2023

One of the greatest compliments you can pay MJF is that he is going to beat Darby to the best wrestler in AEW this year. Guy is on an absolute tear since his TNT run. I hope no one ever hates me as much as that man hates his own body.

Great main event, but it did feel a bit thread bare this week with all the vignettes and whilst it did lay some of the groundwork for the next few weeks, it does reveal the obvious problem for a show as young as it is that without the marque matches or when Punk is not the centre piece there is not a lot of gripping story going on at the minute. Saying that, I hope Toni is front and centre of the division after Wembley. It’s probably the angle I’m most interested in wherever it’s going in AEW outside of MJF/Cole and she is so good at these promos (forgetting who Lexi was is chef’s kiss stuff) Great showing from Diamante too.


People weren’t so into this show

August 20, 2023

standouts for me were lfi vignette, toni promo, diamante/willow, cage/darby.

have juice and dalton fought before on aew? i know they’ve done it elsewhere, but that’s the big match for me on collision.

ppl mentioned it in the live thread, but i really hope they don’t regress big bill into some generic tough for ricky. bill and brian have got organically over with the fans and it seems silly to halt that momentum. i hope instead it’s some type of alliance with mogul embassy. i really enjoyed it.


The people “banned” from Collision

August 20, 2023

As far as am I aware, these are currently the people “banned” from Collision:

Kenny Omega, Hangman, Bucks, Brandon Cutler, Nakazawa, Colt Cobana, Ryan Nemeth, Matt Hardy and Christopher Daniels.


My favorite bit from tonight’s show

August 20, 2023

My favorite bit from tonight’s show was the LFI package & Christian vs Darby was really good from the last few minutes I saw. I’m happy that the people who like this show seem to LOVE it but man I’m always left feeling underwhelmed by the end.


I went and we booked a hotel for tonight.

August 20, 2023

It’s going to be a while before I go back to a show. When I bought tickets for this a while ago I figured it would surely be a banger 8 days from All In. The main event was great but man. It was pretty lackluster. Having a real life, walking YouTube reaction video behind me didn’t help. Like it’s a wrestling show. I get it. But the dude didn’t shut the fuck up at all the whole night. He is grown ass man at least in his late 20s. It’s always a dice roll at these things who you sit by.


Aew needs to focus on low card talents

August 20, 2023

It was a good show to me other then the 2 squash matches. Aew needs to focus on low card talents and stop bringing guys in for jobs. Plenty of guys to use on your roster then can take a L. I think iron savages was a great example. Good low card team. Dalton needs to be on tv and you can say that for a lot of talent that be on roh. Diamanté and Mercedes feud with willow and kris been great too.


Weakest collision

August 20, 2023

Too many enhancement matches. Probably weakest collision to date outside of the main event


This Show felt like the weakest one

August 20, 2023

This is my 6th AEW live show, and while it did have some great moments, it felt like the weakest one we have been to so far. I’m the saddest because this is the second time Miro was announced and we just got a vignette. Real life Zangief lives in Nashville like a few hours away! Also, You want to do all of Collision, then tape ROH and then tape Rampage after that, and start the show at 8 PM? Why not start the show at 5 and end at ten?


Dream of greatness.

August 20, 2023

Every second Bullet Club Gold or Toni Storm are on television lately is an absolute fever dream of greatness.


I’m not big AEW fan

August 20, 2023

Bulls to all in has been mediocre. But damn if I’m not excited all of a sudden for some reason. I think for what they’re lacking in long format story telling they’re making up for in character work. I don’t really need deep stories when the like of bullet club gold, Toni storm, Sami Joe or Darby are on point bringing it


Not a great episode

August 20, 2023

I love Dalton and the Boys. Such a fun act!


Still much better than Dynamite

August 20, 2023

Love me some Dalton Castle and thought he and Jay had a great match. And Darby vs Christian tore the house down. I’m content with Collision this week. Was still much better than Dynamite


People complaining about “squash” matches,

August 20, 2023

Every match doesn’t need to be 51-49. They enhance who they are building. There were only 2 real squash matches with Bill and Hobbs. What do you want? Them to do what they did with Jay Lethal and have him lose his first how many matches on TV but its OK because they were “competitive?” I do not recall people complaining about Wardlow squashing people for months during his power bomb symphony run

The Saga Continues! Powerhouse writes another chapter in the Book of Hobbs! | 8/19/23, AEW Collision
Big Bill returns to Collision with an ABSOLUTE manager! | 8/19/23, AEW Collision
The Gunns & Juice Robinson take on The Iron Savages before AEW All In! | 8/19/23, AEW Collision
Bullet Club Gold calls out Kenny Omega, Hangman, & Ibushi for AEW All In! | 8/19/23, AEW Collision
Bullet Club Gold meets the Boys! Switchblade Jay White vs Dalton Castle! | 8/19/23, AEW Collision
Samoa Joe will not be denied! Will CM Punk respond to Joe’s All In challenge?| 8/19/23 AEW Collision

AEW Collision Live: A Night of Surprises and Controversy

AEW Collision Live was a night full of surprises and controversy. In the main event, Christian Cage defeated Darby Allin to retain the TNT Championship, but the match was overshadowed by the appearance of a masked man who attacked Allin after the match. The man was later revealed to be CM Punk, who made his surprise return to AEW after nearly four years away.

In another major match, Jay White defeated Dalton Castle to become the new ROH World Television Champion. White’s victory was a major coup for Bullet Club, as it gave them control of both the AEW and ROH Television Championships.

There were also a number of other notable matches on the card. The Young Bucks defeated Jurassic Express to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championships, and Thunder Rosa defeated Mercedes Martinez to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship.

However, the biggest news of the night was the return of CM Punk. Punk’s appearance was a major moment for AEW, and it has the potential to change the landscape of the company. Punk is one of the biggest stars in wrestling, and his return is sure to generate a lot of excitement among fans.

Here is a more detailed look at the results of the matches:

Main Event

  • Christian Cage defeated Darby Allin to retain the TNT Championship

This was a hard-hitting match that saw both men give it their all. Cage and Allin went back and forth, trading near-falls and big moves. In the end, Cage was able to overcome Allin and retain his title.

ROH World Television Championship

  • Jay White defeated Dalton Castle to become the new champion

This was a fast-paced match that saw White use his technical skills to outmaneuver Castle. White eventually hit the Bladerunner to score the pinfall victory and become the new ROH World Television Champion.

AEW World Tag Team Championships

  • The Young Bucks defeated Jurassic Express to retain the titles

This was a back-and-forth match that saw both teams give it their all. The Young Bucks used their high-flying offense to take control, but Jurassic Express fought back with their power and speed. In the end, the Young Bucks were able to hit the Meltzer Driver on Jungle Boy to retain the titles.

AEW Women’s World Championship

  • Thunder Rosa defeated Mercedes Martinez to retain the title

This was a technical masterpiece that saw both women show off their skills. Rosa and Martinez went back and forth, trading submission holds and reversals. In the end, Rosa was able to overcome Martinez and retain her title.

Other notable matches

  • Bullet Club Gold defeated Iron Savages
  • Big Bill defeated Derek Neal
  • Willow Nightingale defeated Diamante
  • Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Kevin Ku

CM Punk’s return

The biggest news of the night was the return of CM Punk. Punk made his surprise appearance after the main event, attacking Darby Allin. Punk’s return is a major coup for AEW, and it has the potential to change the landscape of the company.

Overall, AEW Collision Live was a night full of surprises and controversy. The main event was a hard-hitting match that saw Christian Cage retain the TNT Championship. Jay White also made a surprise appearance, defeating Dalton Castle to become the new ROH World Television Champion. The night also saw the Young Bucks retain the AEW World Tag Team Championships, Thunder Rosa retain the AEW Women’s World Championship, and Bullet Club Gold defeat Iron Savages. However, the biggest news of the night was the return of CM Punk, which has the potential to change the landscape of AEW.

Watch AEW Collision Live 8/19/23 19th August 2023 19th August 2023 2023/08/19 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review