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Very good show

December 5, 2023

Sami vs Drew was excellent and the promos were pretty good too, I also liked Drew’s attack backstage, his rage can no longer be contained.

DIY is slowly becoming more and more overs with the crowd, that makes me happy, good match too.

I love that despite being the heels, JD likes R-truth.

Raw really has a strong tag team division.

The Creed brothers are amazing!

The main event was a banger.


Absolute banger of a opener between Drew vs Sami, I love heel Drew

December 5, 2023

DIY vs Imperium was cooking as well, it’s good to see DIY get over with the crowd

That promo from Nakamura was absolute fire and we finally get his motiff for attacking Cody such a simple but effective storyline Hunter srt up for this feud

Happy to see KC2 win definitely surprised me

Great tag match between JD and Dom vs Creed Brother Creed Brother are the real deal

Great main event 🔥🔥 ple match on free tv


Drew ranting about the truth setting him

December 5, 2023

Drew ranting about the truth setting him free has him sounding like some crazed cult leader. He needs to relax. A bubble bath is good self-care. Maybe he will calm down and stop attacking totally innocent people.


Lots of good stuff tonight.

December 5, 2023

First Raw I’ve watched the whole way through in years. I picked a good one.


Drew out here feuding with 3 different people with Damian waiting in the wings.

December 5, 2023

Also, doubt Damian wants to cash in with 3 enemies out there


Raw flew by tonight, really great Monday night raw with some kick ass matches.

December 5, 2023

Loving The Drew heel turn, it’s rational and it makes sense, Drew is becoming one of the best parts of raw.

Sami is definitely one of the best baby faces and define if the best talents that wwe has, His fire promo and in ring just makes you want to root for him.

The sami and drew match was very good, great in ring work and amazing selling by sami, what a great match to kick off the show, they hooked me from the beginning to end.

Nia is doing her job, and gets good yeet, I’m waiting to see someone kick her ass.

The 2 out of 3 falls match was amazing, a much needed win for DIY and they crowd got behind them and got really into the match, had me on the edge of my seat.

The tag team roster is pretty stacked with some great teams, New day, Judgement day, DIY, Imperium, and alpha academy 👍 👑

Can’t wait to see who Gunther will fued with next.

R Truth is a treasure

Really awesome main event between Jey and Seth two very over stars tore the house down, Seth picks up the win.


Makes Jey look weak

December 5, 2023

The main event should been interfered in, whats the point of finishers if they don’t work. Makes Jey look weak while super seth continues.


Super Rollins strikes again.

December 5, 2023

Im sorry but this is worse than Reigns. Rollins is just eating multiple finishers every match just to come out on top CLEAN. Yea, I knew Jey wasn’t going to win but come on they’re just making Rollins look unstoppable.


It was a good match.

December 5, 2023

But Seth needs to go, or his match formula needs to change. Jey hit him with every single finisher twice and Seth kicks out, one curb stomp and it’s a pin. These long title runs are draining, pull the trigger.


Nia vs Shayna was solid.

December 5, 2023

Nia really works for having people root for her opponents, Shayna actually looked like an underdog here. Also I’m glad they changed Nia’s titantron, the old one was ugly af. Nia actually feels built up to challenge for the title, as does Becky, but they’ll be fueding with each other it seems like.

Becky feels more like the women’s champion of Raw than Rhea does to me, idk if anyone else feels that way. Becky vs Trish was a more developed fued than any of Rhea’s fueds with Zelina, Nat, and Raquel combined and Becky vs Trish’s match at Payback was 100x better than Rhea vs Raquel, as was the Becky vs Zoey FCA match. While Rhea was taking a break, Becky was elevating a lot of people during her NXT title run. Becky’s fued and match with Xia was better than Rhea’s with Zoey. Now Becky is confronting Nia while Rhea wasn’t here tonight. I feel like if Becky gets the World Women’s title next year, she will have an amazing reign. I’m curious to see how this story with Nia plays out, it needed to happen eventually.

KC2 vs Tegan and Natalya was interesting because it feels like non title women’s tag division matches don’t happen too often… it’s a shame how the match went though. Natalya randomly deciding to do that press on Katana was cool, but it felt like everything else was just a little off. KC2 was always on point in NXT but havent been as consistent on MR. It wasn’t just them as Nat and Tegan weren’t exactly great either. I legit gasped when KC won though, I was not expecting it. I am happy they’re seemingly the next challengers, I wouldn’t mind if this is the fued that ends Chelsea and Piper’s reign, I feel like it needs to end soon anyways.

Maxxine is so fun. Her and Ivy are doing a nice job as the managers of their teams. Candice and Indi being in their ring gear for no reason was funny.

Xia and Raquel have been absent for the past few weeks. Maybe they can start a fued with each other or something.

Nikki needs to actually do something. They’ve had her just sit around or appear in the background for a year now. It’s not interesting anymore and hasn’t been for months because she doesn’t do anything. Why did she walk out on Nattie a month ago? Maybe have Nat and Tegan fued with Nikki now that they’re out of contention or something idk.

Overall, this did a nice job of setting up the next chapter for the women’s division. Becky vs Nia as the top fued and Chelsea/Piper vs KC2 as the tag fued are good choices.


Not the seth rollins fan at the moment

December 5, 2023

Look i’m not the biggest seth rollins fan at the moment, but i’m fine with him having a lengthy title reign. the dude spent the last couple of years putting everyone over. he lost to cody 3 times. and in one of them cody had a freakin torn pec!! he deserves this. also punk vs seth for the title is where the money is at. the fans are clamoring for it


Seth vs Punk

December 5, 2023

I get people want Seth vs Punk at Mania but man they should just do that at RR(if the dirtshirts are right) give the rumble to Drew and let him face/beat Seth for the title at Mania. Give the man his mania moment he was robbed of in front of a crowd finally


All of Seth’s recent defences

December 5, 2023

All of Seth’s recent defences have felt so deflating. Like even the finishes themselves feel abrupt and weird. He’s this severely injured man that gets absolutely everything thrown at him throughout the match and then at the very end he does like one move and wins. I guess they did too good a job at making us believe that Shinsuke Nakamura or Jey Uso could ever possibly defeat Seth Rollins for the world championship.


Seth’s title gets called the secondary one

December 5, 2023

Anyone else find it funny how Seth’s title gets called the secondary one, yet he has had more clean wins and defenses than Roman?


Cody’s segment was great,

December 5, 2023

The new Shinsuke feels like a threat and Cody is very good at putting his opponents over to get the crowd excited.

I also like how they tied Cody’s failed story with Shinsuke’s, this feud has a lot of potential.


Shinsuke had the easiest Face-to-World Title win booking in 2018 to losing

December 5, 2023

Then the easiest heel-to-World Title story to tell with Rollins back and lost

but now we’re supposed to believe he’s a threat to Cody? lol.


I want Priest to cash in so bad.

December 5, 2023

But it feels like he won’t the longer it goes on. Ugh.


Put the title on Drew.

December 5, 2023

He’d be a great heel champ between now and Mania. Bored of Seth tbh.


I liked the main event,

December 5, 2023

But good lord it wouldn’t kill either of them to sell something. They were moving too fast for their own good for a bit there.


Loads of good wrestling tonight.

December 5, 2023

Much better show compared to last week.


Look at that crowd after Seth wins,

December 5, 2023

I’m certain that the desired reaction of a babyface champion from a crowd isn’t “ugh, he won again”. God I just want someone else as champion🤦‍♂️


Man I hate how telegraphed near falls are

December 5, 2023

Been watcing Austin’s podcast series on Peacock and he points out some stars not closing their eyes or looking straight at the ref for the cue in some highlights and it made me see them more and more now 😭


8/10 Raw

December 5, 2023

8/10 Raw out of nowhere and Gunther and half of JD wasn’t even there. Absolutely cooking


Reigns and Jey

December 5, 2023

I actually like that Rollins countered the spear with the pedigree because that’s how he bested Reigns and Jey is just copying that move directly


I knew there was 0% chance of Jey winning,

December 5, 2023

but they got me with the spear/uso splash combo. Overall a very good Raw, much better than last week.


McIntyre is as hot as he can get right now.

December 5, 2023

Make him the champ ASAP. He can take the L at a PLE if you want a babyface champ but this is as good as it gets with McIntyre as of now


From a kayfabe perspective,

December 5, 2023

Drew is unmistakably a heel after tonight. He attacked Sami (who is a fan favorite), Jey, and Rollins. I believe the fans agree going to become less sympathetic to his internal plight as they get closer to the RR; a fatal-four-way at the event for the World Heavyweight Championship, would make the most sense.


Great main event.

December 5, 2023

6 matches that all ended clean and only 2 in ring promos, one of which was the direct lead in to the first match. Also a great main event.


There were like 3 ppv quality matches tonight.

December 5, 2023

I knew there’s was a 99% chance Jey would lose, but he still made me believe by the end.

The world title scene is just so insane with Drew, Sami, Jey, Punk, and Priest all going for it. It’s getting impossible to really predict what direction they’re going in as Mania gets closer and closer.


TV main event

December 5, 2023

Best TV main event for me all year Jey Uso is him


Rollins needs to turn heel

December 5, 2023

I think we’re at the point where Rollins needs to turn heel. Somethings gotta give with him sooner or later


CM Punk at Wrestlemania

December 5, 2023

Seth is clearly being built up for CM Punk at Wrestlemania



December 5, 2023

Drew with that R-Truth shout-out to end the show.


Seth’s reign

December 5, 2023

The problem with Seth’s reign is that he keeps beating more interesting people



December 5, 2023



Seth and Jey

December 5, 2023

I wasn’t expecting Seth and Jey to have a clean finish. But also if a spear splash combo won’t beat Seth, then what the goddamn fuck will?


That match was crazy,

December 5, 2023

Seth was never gonna lose the belt on a random Raw but for a second you could’ve believed he was going to


R-Truth is the Devil

December 5, 2023

The Truth shall set you free….


Pretty good Raw.

December 5, 2023

I wonder what Cody’s going to do for 6 weeks after next week’s Nakamura match?


Great Raw, but a little lean on the meat.

December 5, 2023

Thought we’d get more of that Bronson / Ivar feud after last NXT.


great wrestlers job

December 5, 2023

I love watching great wrestlers job to Nia freaking Jax.


Jey Uso

December 5, 2023

Jey Uso should beat Gunther


Loved Drew as a babyface, but heel Drew is killing it.

December 5, 2023

Obviously there is recency bias from the freshness, but the mixture of how cruel he is while also being right about a good deal is great. The characters on Raw in particular feel really layered right now.

I’m also glad they’ve acknowledged how Sami’s arc started with him running away from Drew. That comedy feud was so important and it’s hilarious to think about.

Drew also is set right up to be a perfect monster heel. He’s revitalized for sure.

Main event was a great example of how you make someone look strong even in a clean loss.


First we had an honorary Uce

December 5, 2023

Now we have the honorary Truth


Put that world title on heel Drew asap.

December 5, 2023

You have him lose to Seth again welp there goes the momentum


WWE RAW 12/4/23 – A Night of Title Contentions and Fierce Rivalries

The WWE Universe is gearing up for another electrifying night of Monday Night RAW, set to take place on December 4, 2023, at the MVP Arena in Albany, New York. The show promises to be packed with exhilarating matches, captivating storylines, and potential title shifts that will leave the audience on the edge of their seats.

Main Event: Seth Rollins Defends His World Heavyweight Championship Against Jey Uso

In the main event of the evening, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins will put his title on the line against the determined Jey Uso. Rollins has been on a dominant run, showcasing his unparalleled skills and unwavering determination. However, Uso is no easy opponent, known for his explosive athleticism and unwavering resilience. This clash of titans promises to be a thrilling spectacle, with the fate of the prestigious World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance.

Drew McIntyre Takes on Sami Zayn in a Heated Showdown

Drew McIntyre, the former two-time WWE Champion, seeks to regain his momentum as he faces off against the cunning Sami Zayn. McIntyre’s fiery passion and raw power will collide with Zayn’s technical prowess and opportunistic strategies. This match is sure to ignite the crowd and test the limits of both competitors.

Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler Reunite for a Tag Team Match

The formidable duo of Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler, former WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, will reunite to showcase their devastating combination of strength and skill. Their opponents are yet to be announced, but the anticipation is high for this powerhouse pairing to make a significant impact on the women’s division.

The Creed Brothers Clash with Judgment Day in a Tag Team Showdown

TheCreed Brothers, Brutus and Roderick Creed, are determined to make their mark in WWE, and they will face a formidable challenge in the form of Judgment Day’s JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio. This clash of rising stars against established veterans promises to be an exciting and unpredictable tag team battle.

Natalya and Tegan Nox Take on Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

The experienced duo of Natalya and Tegan Nox will test their skills against the up-and-coming team of Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. Natalya’s veteran leadership and Nox’s fiery determination will face off against Chance’s agility and Carter’s athleticism. This match will be a showcase of the depth and talent within the women’s division.

DIY (Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano) Engage in a Two-Out-Of-Three Falls Match Against Imperium

In a captivating Two-Out-Of-Three Falls match, the resilient DIY duo of Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano will battle against the formidable Imperium faction, consisting of Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser. This high-stakes match promises to be a grueling test of endurance and strategic brilliance, pushing both teams to their limits.

Potential Appearances and Storyline Developments

In addition to the confirmed matches, fans can also expect appearances from WWE’s top superstars, including CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, and Bianca Belair. The show may also feature significant storyline developments, including potential rivalries, title challenges, and shocking revelations.


WWE RAW 12/4/23 promises to be an unforgettable night of action, drama, and excitement. With high-stakes title matches, captivating rivalries, and the potential for major storyline developments, the show is sure to keep the WWE Universe on the edge of their seats. Tune in to Monday Night RAW on December 4, 2023, to witness the next chapter of WWE’s captivating journey.

Watch WWE RAW 12/4/23 4th December 2023 Live Online 4th December 2023 2023/12/04 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review