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WWE Raw Full Episode, 29 January 2024

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Raw’s most explosive moments: Raw highlights, Jan. 29, 2024

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FULL SEGMENT – CM Punk confirms he’ll miss WrestleMania: Raw highlights, Jan. 29, 2024

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JD McDonagh brings a necessary evil back to The Judgement Day: WWE Raw Talk

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Great show.

January 30, 2024

Join us tomorrow for NXT NXT NXT.


Damn Cole loves

January 30, 2024

Pat so much 🥺


Drew is on the run of his career,

January 30, 2024

really hope they get him locked up.


Drew staying undefeated…

January 30, 2024

against Sami Zayn specifically


Roman and or the Bloodline attack Seth

January 30, 2024

While Seth’s proposition to Cody is being pondered over, Roman and or the Bloodline attack Seth backstage for what he said tonight and do the injury angle further exacerbating the damage so Seth can be off TV and get his surgery. In Kayfabe, Roman did this because he thinks it will cause Seth to vacate the title so Cody can challenge for that and leave Roman alone. But it backfires because Seth doesn’t intend to vacate and wants to keep his promise about Mania. Cody rightly states that there’s no guarantee he’ll be ready by Mania with his injuries and that Roman needs to be stopped, thus officially choosing Roman Reigns.


FTR Kilt to AEW confirmed

January 30, 2024

Pat: “He [Drew] would be a Top Guy anywhere.”


More great camera angles,

January 30, 2024

loving the changes recently


I love it

January 30, 2024

That corner shot is new,


I’m game

January 30, 2024

I see we are experimenting with new camera angles


Drew has felt in a long time

January 30, 2024

This is the most relevant Drew has felt in a long time. Gotta capitalize on it one way or another.


Naomi match?

January 30, 2024

Can we get that camera angle in a Naomi match?


This crowd is dead

January 30, 2024

they still have a dark match to go


Im trying to figure out what this means for Wade and Corey,

January 30, 2024

who certainly would have done a better job in this 3rd hr than Pat. I do like Pat and Cole together but Pat’s very animated shtick seems impossible to maintain and RAW needs it less than SD.


Bayley, honey,

January 30, 2024

you are about to get Batista-ed harder than anyone has ever been Batista-ed


Bayley is like R-Truth with Judgment Day.

January 30, 2024

Doesn’t know she’s about to get bear down.


Michael Cole 🤣

January 30, 2024

Yeah fuck you in particular,


I love Bayley,

January 30, 2024

she’s not ready for Rhea’s smoke.


Bayley always calls out Cole

January 30, 2024

So is there an inside joke as to why Bayley always calls out Cole?


just got severe PTSD

January 30, 2024

Kofi flying at a brawler in a title match,


Jericho has felt

January 30, 2024

Somewhere Jericho has felt a shiver down his spine


WWE had Kofi lose to Lesnar

January 30, 2024

can’t believe the WWE had Kofi lose to Lesnar in an embarrassing fashion.


Mid submission hold.

January 30, 2024

Fucking weird time for a commercial break.


i’m going for a splash from the turnbuckle.

January 30, 2024

what move would gunther use to finish the match?


ads in American television

January 30, 2024

How are there actually this many ads in American television. It actually becomes unbearable just let me watch the fucking show.


Gunther snapped that crab on fast.

January 30, 2024

Thought for a second it was going to be a squash.


GUNTHER about to chop Kofi

January 30, 2024

GUNTHER about to chop Kofi so hard his chest turns back to normal


Universal commercial

January 30, 2024

Very erotic Universal commercial


kofi was gonna get lesnar

January 30, 2024

ngl i thought kofi was gonna get lesnar’d, that run at the start scared the shit outta me


i still 100% believe Sheamus

January 30, 2024

idc what people say i still 100% believe Sheamus should be the one to dethrone Gunther


back into the main event where it belongs

January 30, 2024

All the comments about how Becky looks and none about her line about taking the title “back into the main event where it belongs” or the work she’s done since her match with Trish building up new stars


Pat McAfee sounds bored.

January 30, 2024

Really adding nothing to this broadcast.


Chelsea Green

January 30, 2024

Chelsea Green is very very beautiful.


Tony Chimel guy

January 30, 2024

I’ll always be a Tony Chimel guy but Samantha is also great


Logan Paul at Wrestlemania

January 30, 2024

Bron Breakker is going to murder Logan Paul at Wrestlemania and be one of the biggest babyfaces in the company.


Scott Stanford!!!!

January 30, 2024

What a National treasure


WWE has a problem of seriously overbooking champions

January 30, 2024

WWE has a problem of seriously overbooking champions to the point where no one else can credibly beat them so they just give us filler matches like this.


shut the fuck up

January 30, 2024

I aint eating your burger sonic shut the fuck up


Kofi going to get his chest

January 30, 2024

Kofi going to get his chest caved in even more



January 30, 2024



Calling it now, Gunther wins,

January 30, 2024

He starts beating up on Kofi and Xavier Woods comes out to help and then Ludwig and Giovanni come out and help Gunther beat down the New Day. Then out comes Main Event Jey Uso to help like he has been the last two months and challenges Gunther for the IC title. Book it!


Wonder what Gunther will do at WM?

January 30, 2024

Was gonna be Rollins, then Lesnar. But those options isn’t happening


Mania with Punk injured

January 30, 2024

If Gunther is going into the WHC picture for Mania with Punk injured, and he seems like a prime candidate, how should he drop the IC belt? Has to be Jey imo but it gets tricky with Gunther being unable to travel to Chamber.


Gunther to destroy kofi

January 30, 2024

I know it won’t happen but it would be dope for Gunther to destroy kofi afterwards for Big E to return and setup gunther vs big e


Woods has never won any singles titles

January 30, 2024

Woods is more believable as a singles guy than his teammate who is a former WWE Champ. Someone dropped the ball hard there.


KFC ad

January 30, 2024

KFC what was that ad implying


WM9 clip

January 30, 2024

TED producers were def trolling us with that WM9 clip


You’ll regret it.

January 30, 2024

Don’t listen to em guys. Don’t stick your dick in a bowl of hot potatoes.


I cannot wait.

January 29, 2024

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Royal Rumble Fallout: Raw Erupts with Shocking Twists and Fiery Battles! (2000+ words)

The echoes of the Royal Rumble still reverberated through the Amalie Arena as Monday Night Raw kicked off on January 29th, 2024. Champions stood tall, wounds from the weekend’s battle still fresh, while challengers emerged from the shadows, hungry for a taste of the WrestleMania spotlight. The air crackled with anticipation, a chaotic cocktail of emotions brewing under the bright lights. And as the night unfolded, Raw delivered a hurricane of drama, betrayal, and brutal brilliance, leaving the WWE Universe gasping for air and desperate for more.

CM Punk’s Bitter Truth and a Hung Jury:

The ghost of Philadelphia hung heavy in the air as CM Punk emerged, his right arm encased in a sling, his face etched with a stoic determination. The near-miss of the Royal Rumble victory still gnawed at him, the bitterness clinging to his tongue as he addressed the crowd. There was no anger, no accusations, just a raw vulnerability that resonated with every fan who’d witnessed his valiant effort. He congratulated Cody Rhodes, acknowledging his hard-earned triumph, but the sting of his own defeat was undeniable. As Punk spoke, a jury of emotions filled the arena – admiration for his resilience, heartbreak for his shattered dream, and a flicker of hope that this wasn’t the final chapter of his WrestleMania story.

Gunther’s Iron Grip Tightens on the Intercontinental Championship:

In the ring, a different kind of champion stood defiant. The Ring General, Gunther, his reign of dominance as Intercontinental Champion seeming unbreakable. Across the ring, Kofi Kingston, a whirlwind of aerial acrobatics and boundless optimism, dared to challenge the seemingly immovable object. The clash was a symphony of contrasting styles – Gunther’s methodical powerhouse offense met with Kofi’s lightning-fast strikes and gravity-defying maneuvers. The crowd roared with every near fall, the tension thick enough to cut with a steel chair. In the end, it was Gunther who prevailed, his Ringkampf finisher once again leaving his opponent grasping at the canvas. But even in defeat, Kofi’s spirit remained unbowed, a testament to the unwavering heart of a true warrior.

DIY Rekindles the Flame, But Can They Overcome the Judgment Day?:

The tag team scene exploded as the newly reunited DIY – Johnny Gargano and Ciampa – took on the unholy alliance of Damian Priest and Finn Balor, the reigning Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. The energy was electric, a throwback to their legendary NXT battles. Gargano and Ciampa, their chemistry a weapon honed through years of tag team warfare, moved in perfect unison. But the Judgment Day, fueled by their dark charisma and Priest’s unhinged fury, proved to be formidable adversaries. The match was a roller coaster of momentum shifts, each near fall sending shockwaves through the audience. In the end, it was a controversial roll-up by Balor that secured the victory for the Judgment Day, leaving DIY heartbroken but far from broken. The war was far from over, the lines between light and darkness just blurred a little further.

Jey Uso’s Solo Journey Hits a Roadblock:

The fallout from the Usos’ implosion continued as Jey Uso, now flying solo, faced the monstrous Bronson Reed. The tension crackled as Jey, fueled by the betrayal of his brother Jimmy, unleashed a fury that surprised even the most seasoned observers. Reed, a force of nature himself, met Jey’s aggression head-on, the match descending into a brutal brawl. The crowd was on its feet, the arena a cauldron of raw emotion. Just as Jey seemed on the verge of victory, a familiar face emerged – Jimmy Uso. His intentions unclear, Jimmy stood between the ropes, a silent observer. The distraction was enough for Reed to capitalize, launching Jey into the air with a devastating powerslam and securing the win. The Usos’ saga, once a tale of brotherhood, now spun a web of intrigue and uncertainty. Where did Jimmy’s loyalties lie? Could the shattered bond be mended, or was this the final chapter of their epic story?

Bayley Climbs the Throne, But the Queen’s Reign is Threatened:

The Women’s Royal Rumble winner, Bayley, basked in the adoration of the crowd. Her journey, from underdog to champion, resonated with every fan. But the celebration was short-lived, as the cunning Dakota Kai, flanked by the imposing IYO SKY and the ever-dangerous Asuka, laid down the gauntlet. The Kabuki Warriors, with their blend of technical precision and brutal power, were a formidable obstacle for Bayley’s solo reign. The seeds of future battles were sown, the air thick with the promise of epic clashes down the road.

the fray! The ring erupted in surprise as Pat McAfee, the ever-enthusiastic commentator and occasional brawler, strutted towards the ring, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His microphone, a weapon as potent as any steel chair, crackled with a sardonic tone as he addressed the Kabuki Warriors. “Ladies,” he drawled, “I wouldn’t want to crash your little coronation party, but this deck just dealt me a very interesting wild card.” He revealed a contract, emblazoned with the iconic WrestleMania logo. “You see, Bayley might be the Queen, but she doesn’t get to choose her challengers. And I just won myself a golden ticket to the grandest stage of them all.”

The arena buzzed with a stunned silence, then exploded into pandemonium. Could this be serious? Pat McAfee, the unpredictable joker, challenging for the Raw Women’s Championship? Bayley, still basking in the glow of her victory, was now forced to confront a new, unconventional threat. The Kabuki Warriors, their plans for dominance disrupted, watched with wary amusement. The lines were blurred, the alliances uncertain.

Seth Rollins’ Revelations and a Viper Strikes:

Just when the chaos threatened to boil over, the familiar music of Seth Rollins hit. The Architect, enigma as always, stood under the spotlight, his gaze intense. He spoke of visions, of whispers in the darkness, of a looming war far greater than any title match. His cryptic pronouncements left the audience bewildered, a sense of unease slithering through the arena. But before he could elaborate, a chilling hiss reverberated through the speakers. Randy Orton, the Apex Predator, materialized on the ramp, his eyes glinting with predatory purpose. His target? Not Seth, but Rollins’ former disciple, Austin Theory.

Theory, fresh off his Royal Rumble run-in, had been basking in the aura of Rollins’ approval. But the Viper saw through the facade, sensing a darkness in Theory that mirrored his own. The attack was swift and brutal, Orton’s RKO leaving Theory sprawled on the canvas, his dreams of Rollins’ mentorship shattered like glass. The message was clear: no one messes with the Apex Predator, and his loyalty is as fickle as the desert wind.

Edge’s Judgment Day and Judgment Calls:

As the arena was still processing the carnage, Edge’s ominous theme boomed. The Rated-R Superstar, shrouded in shadows, entered the ring, flanked by Finn Balor and Damian Priest, the Judgment Day reunited and radiating an unsettling charisma. Edge addressed the crowd, his voice dripping with veiled threats. “Judgment Day,” he declared, “is not just a team, it’s a movement. And tonight, we pass judgment on those who have strayed from the path.” His gaze fell upon Rhea Ripley, the former Queen of the Damned, now adrift in the wake of her Royal Rumble elimination. Rhea, defiant and unpredictable, stood her ground. The tension crackled between them, a promise of future conflict simmering beneath the surface.

Raw Erupts in a Six-Man Mayhem:

With alliances shifting and tensions boiling over, a six-man mayhem match erupted, pitting Kevin Owens and the Viking Raiders against Bobby Lashley, MVP, and Shelton Benjamin. It was a chaotic symphony of destruction, bodies flying over ropes, fists connecting with sickening thuds. Lashley, a force of nature, dominated the early stages, but the Vikings’ resilience and Owens’ cunning kept them in the hunt. In the end, it was a Viking Raiders’ Valhalla Bomb on MVP that secured the victory, leaving the battlefield strewn with battered bodies and the scent of victory hanging heavy in the air.

Blissful Delusions and Fiendish Fun:

The chaos continued back in the women’s division as Alexa Bliss, still clinging to the remnants of her Bray Wyatt persona, faced Nikki A.S.H. The Firefly Funhouse aesthetic had morphed into a twisted fairytale, Bliss wielding a giant mallet and giggling maniacally. Nikki, ever the resilient superhero, tried to fight through the madness, but Bliss’s unpredictable attacks and warped reality kept her on the defensive. In the end, it was a Sister Abigail from Bliss that secured the win, leaving the audience both shocked and strangely entertained.

Raw Wraps Up with Unanswered Questions and Burning Feuds:

As the show drew to a close, the fallout from the Royal Rumble continued to cast its long shadow. Champions stood tall, but their paths to WrestleMania were far from clear. New challengers emerged, their intentions shrouded in mystery. Alliances shattered, betrayals unfolded, and whispers of dark forces hinted at a larger conflict brewing on the horizon. The final image of the night was Cody Rhodes, the Royal Rumble winner, standing tall in the ring, the spotlight illuminating his determined face. But even his path to WrestleMania was veiled in uncertainty. Questions hung heavy in the air: how would Jey Uso respond to Jimmy

Raw Fallout and Rising Tide: A Preview of WWE Raw January 29th, 2024

The dust has barely settled on the pyrotechnic pandemonium of the Royal Rumble, but Monday Night Raw barrels forward with the fury of a charging bull, ready to ram the WWE Universe into a new chapter of championship clashes, unexpected alliances, and the ever-present tremors of the Royal Rumble aftershocks. Buckle up, because January 29th promises to be a Raw where destinies are forged, grudges are settled, and the Road to WrestleMania begins to snake its way through the treacherous landscape of the red brand.

Championship Collisions:

  • Intercontinental Onslaught: The Ring General vs. The Dreadlocked Dynamo: Gunther, the stoic embodiment of European brutality, stands tall as the Intercontinental Champion, his reign a fortress of ironclad suplexes and bone-crunching lariats. But on January 29th, the gates crash open as Kofi Kingston, the embodiment of Jamaican sunshine and unbridled athleticism, charges in with a Royal Rumble performance still electrifying his veins. This clash of styles is a clash of titans, a dance between Kingston’s aerial artistry and Gunther’s earth-shattering power. Will Kingston’s Boom Drop topple the Ring General’s throne, or will Gunther add Kofi’s name to the growing list of challengers crushed under his iron fist?
  • DIY Dynasty vs. The Judgment Day: A Tag Team Throne in the Balance: Damian Priest and Finn Balor, the enigmatic champions of The Judgment Day, have carved their own brand of chaos into the Raw tag team division. But their reign faces its biggest test yet in the form of #DIY, the legendary duo of Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa. These two men have written their names in the annals of tag team history, their chemistry a symphony of synchronized offense and devastating tandem maneuvers. Can they reclaim the gold they once held, or will The Judgment Day add another layer of darkness to their reign with a decisive victory?

Fallout from the Rumble:

  • The Rumble Rematch: Rhea Ripley vs. Liv Morgan: The Royal Rumble was a battlefield, and no two warriors clashed with more ferocity than Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan. Ripley’s elimination of Morgan at the hands of Bianca Belair was a moment of heartbreak and betrayal, and the Raw aftershocks are sure to be seismic. Will Morgan seek retribution for her stolen Rumble glory? Will Ripley, the Queen of the Damned, rise to meet the challenge, or will this fiery feud ignite into an inferno that consumes both women?
  • The Tribal Chief’s Reckoning: Roman Reigns, the Universal Champion, emerged from the Rumble relatively unscathed, but the whispers of discontent within The Bloodline are growing louder. Jimmy Uso’s elimination by Cody Rhodes, fueled by Jey Uso’s simmering resentment, has fractured the once-unbreakable family. Will Roman, the master manipulator, mend the cracks or will The Bloodline crumble under the weight of their own internal conflict?

Rising Tides:

  • The All Mighty Ascends: Bobby Lashley, the embodiment of raw power, was a force of nature in the Royal Rumble, eliminating multiple superstars with his trademark ferocity. His eyes are now firmly fixed on the Universal Championship, and his sights are set squarely on Roman Reigns. Will Lashley’s hunger for gold lead to a collision with The Tribal Chief, or will other contenders emerge to challenge his path to the top?
  • The Queen’s Gambit: Charlotte Flair, the Queen of SmackDown, made a shocking appearance in the Royal Rumble, igniting speculation of a potential brand switch. Will she return to Raw and reclaim her throne as the Raw Women’s Champion, or will she set her sights on the bigger prize – the Women’s Championship held by Bianca Belair? The Queen’s intentions remain shrouded in mystery, but one thing is certain – her presence on Raw guarantees chaos and captivating storytelling.

Beyond the Headlines:

  • The fallout from the Women’s Royal Rumble victory of Asuka is sure to be intriguing, with potential challengers for her title lining up at the Raw door.
  • The United States Championship picture remains murky, with Austin Theory’s reign facing whispers of discontent from a resurgent Dolph Ziggler and the ever-present threat of the eccentric Mustafa Ali.
  • The Raw mid-card is brimming with talent like Chad Gable, Otis, and Dominik Mysterio, all vying for their moment in the spotlight.

January 29th’s Raw promises to be a night where narratives shift, alliances crumble, and the Road to WrestleMania takes its first sharp turn. So, tune in, WWE Universe, and prepare for an evening where the embers of the Royal Rumble ignite into a raging inferno of action, drama, and the unpredictable magic that only Raw can deliver.

Watch WWE RAW 1/29/24 29th January 2024 Live Online 29th January 2024 2024/01/29 Livestream and Full Show Online Free Review