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WWE SmackDown Full Episode, 19 January 2024

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SmackDown’s explosive moments: SmackDown highlights, Jan. 19, 2024

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FULL MATCH – Randy Orton vs. Solo Sikoa: SmackDown highlights, Jan. 19, 2024

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Great show

January 20, 2024

The women and their booking has been great


Kind of an obvious statement

January 20, 2024

The show is always better when the champs show up. Those episodes where there’s no Judgment Day, Roman or Logan feel like they have no stakes for the men.

The go home show looks like it’s gonna set up the Bayley beatdown at the Rumble very nicely.



January 20, 2024

Life of the Party vs Unholy Union was great, but the booking and time they got is just… not it.

I like them tying back the WM 37 interaction between Logan and KO into the storyline, continuity is a needed element in wrestling imo

Solo Sikoa lost in the main event. I’m sure the Korean IWC is rejoicing right now.


The Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn story

January 20, 2024

Get called up from NXT

Win 1 squash match and then drop the NXT tag titles to a team that split a few weeks later

Disappear off TV for months

Have vignettes play about them cursing the tag titles. Get no immediate follow up.

Reappear months later, get a title shot out of nowhere and job cleanly 6 months after their last match

Nearly anyone can have their booking turned around but right now they look like absolute numpties and have been an entirely pointless call up except to get rid of the NXT titles.


Lashley’s profits now feel

January 20, 2024

Lashley’s profits now feel like it’s just a way to get Kross’ group over more than anything


How did the crowd sound on tv?

January 20, 2024

The building was shaking for LA Knight and Orton.


Randy had roman read the contract.

January 20, 2024

I wonder if it has anything important on it


WWE SummerSlam 2024 Reigns vs. Aldis Match?

January 20, 2024

Reigns vs. Aldis needs to happen at SummerSlam at least.


I want Kabuki Warriors to get the tag titles but not yet.

January 20, 2024

KC2 hasnt had nearly enough time yet. Let Bayley botch the save or spooky witches interfere and have em fun it back at mania.


Would be an interesting way to write solo off for the rumble.

January 20, 2024

Imagine if he just takes a phenomenal forearm, bft, rko and punt. While jimmy and reigns just stand and watch on the stage. Then the three men brawl to finish the show, perhaps have roman and jimmy then run down to try to take advantage.


Betting Solo or Heyman,

January 20, 2024

Betting, Orton’s Punt Kicking a Bloodline guy in the go-home show


I’m loving how chaotic this main event story is.

January 20, 2024

Honestly wouldn’t mind interference in the fatal four way if the goal is to make the match as batshit crazy as possible.

Orton is down to business while all of his opponent’s either bicker or dispute the match even happening. The predator doesn’t take his eyes off of his prey.


Off-air post show:

January 20, 2024

Jey Uso vs. Finn Balor, Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura


Smackdown and Raw before a PPV having all the bigger Matches

January 20, 2024

Really love the trend of Smackdown and Raw before a PPV having all the bigger Matches that couldnt make the Main Card. Much better then having longer Cards or having big names on the Preshow. Overall thought it was a good show with Solo finally having some agency and the Story going through the whole Show. Hope the Womens Tag Team Title Match gets more time next week though cause i didn’t like them only having one shorter Womens Segment.


Did something messed up with the timing of this show?

January 20, 2024

The last three matches felt very short and the ending was kinda rushed lol


Great opening segment

January 20, 2024

LA finally getting to talk the mic and the shot he was taking at Jimmy lol, all 3 guys are over AF esp Orton

Great 6 man tag match they killed it, Santos group is dope

Bruiserweight are black, so happy Dunne got his name back

Great segment with Owens and Logan Paul he knows how to play a heel and Owens was speaking facts

Knight vs Styles was a good match they ruined boo

Orton still got it another Solo


No Bloodline at ringside

January 20, 2024

The contacts gonna have a provision that says ‘No Bloodline at ringside’ isn’t it? As no one from The Bloodline read the contract before Roman signed it, or did I miss that?


Solo has won

January 20, 2024

Since Labor Day Solo has won exactly one match


A.J. Styles is the most terrifying

January 20, 2024

A.J. Styles is the most terrifying soccer mom I’ve ever seen.


Fun episode

January 20, 2024

The man who squashed Cena getting pretty squashed by Cena’s greatest nemesis was apt

RANDY coming out on top at the end was chefs kiss 🤌🤌

For the love of God tho someone keep Logan Paul away from the Atlanta clubs on a Friday night.. we need him to lose clean at the rumble


Randy Orton might remove the RKO

January 20, 2024

People thought Randy Orton might remove the RKO from his moveset after returning from back surgery. Bro hit at least four of them tonight.


Did Roman wet his hair

January 20, 2024

Did Roman wet his hair to go out there for like 4-5 minutes?


Saw that RKO coming a mile away and still jumped up and down when he nailed it.

January 20, 2024

I know I shouldn’t be surprised with how smooth Randy is at this point, but goddamn is he smooth.


Triple H booked Orton

January 20, 2024

I have been looking forward to seeing how Triple H booked Orton and so far it has been amazing.


What the fuck was KC2 vs Unholy Union?

January 20, 2024

Sick finish at least.

Bigger problem is that none of the 4 are real characters with real problems with each other. Just 4 random people thrown together.


What the fuck was KC2 vs Unholy Union?

January 20, 2024

The other tag matches go to commercial but the actual title match got like 3 minutes? A good 3 minutes I’ll say, but thats still too short. If it was time constraints, I still think it shouldn’t have been the first match to be cut. Compare how Alba and Isla are treated compared to a lot of the other Smackdown call ups and its so obvious they aren’t cared for. Carmelo Hayes is still on NXT yet has 1000x more care put into him in the past month than UU has had in 9. (No shade to Melo of course, he’s talented but like come on lol)

Send Alba and Isla back to NXT please and revive the NXT belts, they deserve better than the bad booking they’ve gotten since joining MR, going up to MR has tanked their momentum so hard. They had the curse vignettes that went nowhere, attacked Damage CTRL which went nowhere, and came up to main roster as NXT tag champs and lost right away. This was their first TV match in 7 months and it was a 3 minute loss with no storyline. I don’t think it’s a burial (KC2 lost in 90 seconds to Chelsea and Piper a few months ago and are now champs so…) but it still sucks to see as someone who was excited to see them form in NXT.

The post match stuff wasn’t good to make up for it, it’s so lazy. I don’t care about the title match next week despite it being between two teams I love. I’m sure it will be great but there’s been no effort into making an actual storyline and its obvious who’s winning. Kabuki Warriors have like one win since reforming too so that’s meh.

Also no good development after Bayley lost last week, they just shoved her onto commentary so they could get all the women into a tiny segment. Where’s Bianca too? The champ Iyo didn’t speak either. 😭. Abysmal week for the women after how good Bayley vs Bianca was last week.


Roman loses the belt to Randy Orton at the WWE Royal Rumble 2024

January 20, 2024

They are doing way too good of a job at making me think there’s any chance that Roman loses the belt to Orton at the WWE Royal Rumble 2024


They told Heyman

January 20, 2024

They told Heyman if he didn’t sign then the title would be vacated so I guess that motivated him to do it.


Roman refused to sign it

January 20, 2024

There’s got to be some revision on the contract because Roman refused to sign it earlier just to come out and still sign it


Months back,

January 20, 2024

I said WWE wouldn’t change Butch’s name back to Pete Dunn, for various reasons. The people that argued with me were right and I was wrong.


I think confirmation for Cody vs Roman happens one of two ways:

January 20, 2024

Rhodes just outright wins the Rumble again, or Roman sends Solo and Jimmy to get Cody out of the Rumble, essentially guaranteeing that Cody will find another way to get to the shot.


Legitimately think Solo will be more over once he’s out of the Bloodline story.

January 20, 2024

I do. love Roman. I think he’s probably the best wrestler working today, at the very least one of the best. But I just want this to be over man. I want him to be pinned by Cody and he can move on.

I’m not sick of Roman, I want to see more of Roman Reigns. But I really, really just want confirmation for the Cody/Roman WM40 match, if it is even happening so him retaining last year will feel justified.


They did that for punk vs rock at the rumble.

January 20, 2024

Shield interference. Vince was going to vacate the belt but rock asked to restart the match


I feel like there was an extra clause in the contract.

January 20, 2024

He didn’t read it out of arrogance when he signed. Maybe Jimmy and Solo interfering would cause a DQ for Roman?


Too good at wrestling

January 20, 2024

logan paul is literally too good at wrestling


Feel like we didn’t need both knight vs styles and solo vs randy on the same night.

January 20, 2024

Would’ve preferred a longer tag match and longer main event

First half was pretty good, but everything in the second felt rushed.


Logan Paul and KO segment

January 20, 2024

That Logan Paul and KO segment was phenomenal



January 20, 2024

I love the tension continuing to build between Roman and Nick Aldis. I need Roman vs Nick Aldis at some point lol


It made sense

January 20, 2024

Roman didn’t want to face 3 different guys in one match. He tries to negotiate his way out of it until he simply can’t and he gives in by the end of the show. It makes perfect sense, this is a storyline that’s happened with countless heel wrestlers over the years.


Great bump on that RKO at the end

January 20, 2024

The entire subplot wit Roman not signing the contract made no sense but great bump on that RKO at the end


Roman missed that superman punch so badly

January 20, 2024

And the camera man missed him doing it.


Stipulation is that

January 20, 2024

if Solo or Jimmy interferes, he vacates the title or some shit that


I just gotta say it yall.

January 20, 2024

I’m not gay but I think Roman’s gotta be the sexiest human in the history of earth. GOOD LORD


I cannot wait.

January 19, 2024

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SmackDown 1/19/24: Quick Results and Takeaways

Main Event:

  • Fatal Four Way Contract Signing for Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles, LA Knight, Randy Orton (turned into Triple Threat due to Roman Reigns’ absence)
  • Winner: Randy Orton via RKO on LA Knight

Other Results:

  • Legado del Fantasma (Santos Escobar, Angel Garza, Humberto Carrillo) def. LWO (Carlito, Joaquin Wilde, Cruz Del Toro)
  • Kayden Carter & Katana Chance (c) def. Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn to retain WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships
  • Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne def. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson)
  • Kevin Owens Show: Logan Paul brags about Rumble, gets RKO’d by Randy Orton

Key Takeaways:

  • Royal Rumble contract remains unsigned, Orton emerges as potential frontrunner after RKOing Paul.
  • Jey Uso sows seeds of doubt within The Bloodline, Jimmy’s loyalty questioned.
  • Pete Dunne returns under his original name, forms unlikely alliance with Tyler Bate.
  • Legado del Fantasma continues their impressive run, LWO suffers another defeat.
  • Women’s Tag Team division heats up with Carter & Chance retaining gold.

Stay tuned for:

  • Royal Rumble on January 27th with unpredictable consequences and potential championship clashes.
  • The fallout from SmackDown’s events, potential betrayals and new alliances.
  • The Viper’s next move, targeting the Undisputed Universal Championship?

Remember: Expect the unexpected in the WWE Universe, especially with the Royal Rumble looming on the horizon.

SmackDown 1/19/24: Contracts, Chaos, and a Viper Strikes – A Night of Unpredictable Mayhem in Atlanta

The Georgia air crackled with anticipation as the WWE Universe converged on Atlanta’s State Farm Arena for a SmackDown promising fireworks. The Royal Rumble loomed large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over every superstar, every match, every decision. This wasn’t just another Friday night – this was a crucible, a night where alliances would be forged and shattered, where destinies would be rewritten in the white-hot heat of competition.

The evening began with a chilling glimpse into The Bloodline’s inner circle. Jey Uso, eyes burning with defiance, stood before Jimmy, a tapestry of brotherhood and tension woven across their faces. Jey’s words echoed through the arena – a challenge, a plea, a desperate attempt to remind his brother of their shared legacy. The question hung heavy in the air: would Jimmy choose family or his own ambitions?

Then came the main event, a spectacle destined to leave the WWE Universe breathless. The Fatal Four Way contract signing for the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship promised a war of words, a clash of egos. AJ Styles, draped in an aura of Phenomenal calm, declared his intention to reclaim his throne. LA Knight, oozing flamboyant charisma, vowed to make the Rumble his “Megastar Moment.” Randy Orton, the Viper himself, slithered into the ring, his eyes glinting with a predatory hunger. But it was Roman Reigns, the Tribal Chief, who stole the show. Or rather, it was his absence.

Paul Heyman, ever the master manipulator, orchestrated a masterclass in delay. The contract remained unsigned, a ticking time bomb in the heart of the ring. Nick Aldis, SmackDown’s Executive Director, faced a Hobson’s choice: postpone the match or proceed with just three competitors. He chose the latter, transforming the Rumble into a Triple Threat – a viper’s nest where alliances would be tested, loyalties twisted, and only one could emerge as the undisputed king.

The rest of the night unfolded like a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns. Santos Escobar, Angel Garza, and Humberto Carrillo, united under the banner of Legado del Fantasma, proved their mettle against the wily veterans of the Latino World Order (LWO) – Carlito, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro. The air crackled with Lucha Libre magic and veteran cunning, culminating in a thrilling victory for Los Ingobernables.

Meanwhile, in the tag team division, chaos reigned supreme. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance, the reigning WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, found themselves locked in a brutal battle against the unholy alliance of Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. The ring became a canvas of raw emotion, desperation, and aerial acrobatics, with Fyre’s fiery fury and Dawn’s chilling precision nearly toppling the champions. But Chance and Carter, fueled by unwavering grit and sisterhood, proved their resilience and retained their gold.

The action spilled over to the undercard, where Tyler Bate and Butch, the unlikely duo forged in the fires of friendship, clashed with the flamboyant tag team of Pretty Deadly. This match was a masterclass in contrasting styles – the brutal power of Bate and Butch versus the technical finesse of Elton Prince and Kit Wilson. The ring echoed with the thunderous stomps and the stinging slaps, culminating in a hard-fought victory for the unlikely allies.

But the night belonged to Randy Orton. During the “Kevin Owens Show,” Logan Paul, the brash United States Champion, basked in the adoration of the crowd. He boasted about his Rumble prowess, his social media dominance, his inevitable victory. But as Paul strutted his stuff, a viper emerged from the shadows. Randy Orton, silent as a ghost, struck like lightning. A swift RKO sent Paul crashing to the canvas, his arrogance replaced by a stunned silence. The message was clear: the Viper was ready to strike, and the Royal Rumble would be his hunting ground.

This SmackDown was more than just a night of matches. It was a microcosm of the WWE Universe itself – a tapestry woven with ambition, betrayal, and the unyielding pursuit of glory. The Royal Rumble loomed closer, its shadow stretching across every superstar, every rivalry. The lines were blurring, alliances shifting like sands in a storm. Who would emerge victorious in the Rumble’s chaotic battlefield? Who would claim the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship? The answers, like the night itself, were shrouded in mystery and electrifying anticipation.

One thing was certain: come January 27th, the world will watch as 30 superstars enter the ring, ready to rumble for their dreams. And in the heart of that chaos, the Viper will be waiting, his eyes glinting with a hunger that cannot be satiated. The stage is set, the stakes are high, and the WWE Universe is on the edge of

its collective seat. But before we descend into the madness of the Rumble, let’s savor the lingering echoes of SmackDown 1/19/24.

There were other moments that lingered in the air, like aftertastes of a delicious, yet potent meal. Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate, two contrasting styles, forged a temporary alliance, unleashing a brutal ballet of technical wizardry and pure grit. Their victory over Pretty Deadly was a testament to the unpredictable nature of in-ring partnerships.

And who can forget the chilling whisper of dissension within The Bloodline? Jey Uso, his voice cracking with raw emotion, planted a seed of doubt in Jimmy’s loyalty. Will the brothers stand united in the Rumble, or will the cracks deepen into fissures, fracturing their formidable alliance?

SmackDown ended not with a bang, but with a chilling question mark. As Orton slithered away, leaving Logan Paul sprawled and broken, the message was clear: no superstar is safe, no reputation too big to fall. The Viper has awakened, and his venom hangs heavy in the air.

So, as we brace ourselves for the Royal Rumble, let us remember the lessons of SmackDown:

  • Alliances are fluid, trust ephemeral. One moment you might be sharing celebratory punches, the next you could be on the receiving end of a betrayal.
  • Even the most dominant forces can be challenged. The Bloodline has been a juggernaut, but cracks within their foundation are starting to show.
  • Underdogs and unlikely heroes can rise to the occasion. Bate and Butch, a ragtag team, proved that grit and teamwork can conquer even the most flamboyant opponents.
  • And finally, never underestimate the Viper. Randy Orton is back, and his eyes are fixed on the ultimate prize.

The stage is set for the Royal Rumble, a battleground where dreams collide and legacies are forged. Who will rise above the fray? Who will etch their name in the annals of WWE history? Tune in on January 27th and prepare to witness the grand spectacle of chaos, ambition, and raw athleticism unfold. Buckle up, WWE Universe, the rumble is coming!

And remember, dear reader, even in the midst of the mayhem, keep your eyes peeled for the lurking shadow of the Viper. His strike might just change the course of the entire event. Until then, let the anticipation simmer, let the speculation run wild, and let the WWE Universe brace itself for an unforgettable Royal Rumble!

WWE SmackDown 1/19/24: A Crossroads of Chaos – Previewing a Night of Title Clashes, Verbal Fury, and WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Ramifications

The drums of war echo louder than ever as Friday Night SmackDown electrifies Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on January 19th, 2024. This ain’t no ordinary SmackDown; it’s a crossroads of chaos, where championship gold hangs in the balance, grudges boil over, and the tremors of the Royal Rumble ripple through every storyline. Tonight, under the pulsating neon lights, superstars will be tested, alliances forged and fractured, and the road to Philadelphia’s Royal Rumble becomes a treacherous climb.

Trial by F(y)re: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter, the reigning WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, are fresh off their historic victory. But their champagne showers haven’t even dried before the shadows lengthen. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, the former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, emerge from the smoke and embers, their eyes burning with an unholy hunger for gold. This isn’t just a championship match; it’s a clash of styles, light versus darkness, a battle for the very soul of the tag team division. Will Chance and Carter’s resilience withstand the Fyre and Dawn’s mystical mayhem? Or will the Unholy Union plunge the division into eternal twilight?

The Kevin Owens Show: Open Mic Mayhem: Kevin Owens, the rabble-rousing king of chaos, invites the US Champion, Logan Paul, to his eponymous talk show. This ain’t no Koffee Klatch. Expect verbal fireworks, insults sharper than steel chairs, and the potential for spontaneous fisticuffs. Owens, nursing a grudge thicker than Roman Reigns’ ego, seeks answers about Paul’s mysterious Royal Rumble challenge. Will Logan Paul walk into the lion’s den unscathed, or will Owens tear him limb from limb with his acerbic wit and unfiltered rage?

Contract Caged: A Dance with the Devil: Roman Reigns, the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, stands tall, a mountain surrounded by hungry wolves. Randy Orton, the Viper, eyes the gold with a predatory glint. AJ Styles, the Phenomenal One, dreams of reclaiming his crown. And LA Knight, the megastar with a microphone of mass destruction, craves to rewrite history. These four titans will lock eyes in a contract signing for the Fatal-Four-Way at the Royal Rumble. Can Reigns maintain his iron grip on the title, or will one of these challengers tear him from his throne? Will alliances form and crumble in the face of ultimate glory? And what chaos will the ever-scheming Paul Heyman unleash to sway the tide of battle?

Six-Man Symphony of Fury: The LWO, the self-proclaimed saviors of SmackDown, take on Santos Escobar, Angel, and Humberto in a six-man tag team collision. Lio Rush, the kingpin of aerial chaos, throws down the gauntlet against Legado del Fantasma, their lucha libre artistry clashing with LWO’s calculated brutality. This is a battle of philosophies, a clash of cultures, and a potential preview of future SmackDown dominance. Will the LWO prove their worth, or will Legado del Fantasma leave them tasting defeat with a dash of lucha libre spice?

Beyond the Main Event: The rest of the SmackDown roster isn’t just watching fireworks. Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs groove towards a potential Intercontinental Championship clash. The ever-intriguing Aliyah seeks to reignite her momentum against a worthy opponent. And the ever-enigmatic Bray Wyatt might just emerge from the shadows, whispering cryptic verses that send shivers down spines and rekindle the flames of mystery.

A Rumble in the Distance: The Royal Rumble hangs heavy in the air, an ominous storm cloud promising a downpour of chaos and opportunity. Every match, every exchange, every glance is a calculated step towards Philadelphia’s battleground. Superstars will make their intentions known, alliances will be tested, and betrayals will sting like viper bites. This SmackDown isn’t just about championships; it’s about staking claims, sending messages, and laying the groundwork for Rumble glory.

So, buckle up, strap in, and prepare for a night where adrenaline pumps like molten lava. SmackDown 1/19/24 promises an intoxicating cocktail of championship clashes, verbal warfare, and Royal Rumble intrigue. It’s a night where legends will be written, destinies reshaped, and the lines between hero and villain become as blurred as the sweat dripping from a superstar’s brow. Don’t miss this electrifying crossroads of chaos. This is SmackDown, live, unfiltered, and ready to explode!

Watch WWE Smackdown 1/19/24 19th January 2024 Live Online 19th January 2024 2024/01/19 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free