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TNA’s best and most interesting wrestlers

February 2, 2024

Ramming Nic Nemeth against all of TNA’s best and most interesting wrestlers is a recipe for success.


Solid main event,

February 2, 2024

I’m really looking forward to the rest of the Best of 3 series.


I look forward to match 2.

February 2, 2024

Nemeth/Trey was better and smoother than Nemeth/Wentz. GYV/ABC was great.

System and Myers still don’t come of as a ME act to me. System’s gimmick is more VBD/Design vague nonsense creative thinks is deep philosophy. Moose’s slow non-explanations of “The System” are rough. Shelley/Moose feels more like a battle over who has better friends than a title feud. The main rivalry is under built. They were barely on the post-HTK show, last week’s ME was about Okada and tonight they had about 1 minute worth of segments. Angels had a bigger promo segment and Kon had more of a push tonight than the people in the next PLE’s World Title match. Shelley cut great, longer promos with clearer, hotter storylines during his reign. Him getting seconds now and little build to his chase is disappointing.

Kazarian’s promo was good albeit too long. Kazarian has never clicked with me as a singles and I think this run has been underwhelming. Maybe the turn will improve it.

Angels isn’t someone who needs his own talk show. It was awkward in a bad way, looked low rent and I’m not sure what the point was.

I dread a Kon singles push. Prudius is about the only male roster member who’s as poor in-ring and on the mic as Kon. There are better, younger guys out there to build into their next monster heel.


I don’t watch impact

February 2, 2024

but man I’d love to atleast follow along.


Why is Kon being pushed in the year of our lord 2024?

February 2, 2024

The System is such a miss. Get Moose out of there ASAP.

Kaz’s promo was a prime example of saying a lot but not really saying anything at all. Still can’t decipher what his motivations are besides wanting to be hated now.

Tag, X-div, and Knockouts stuff still rule the day in TNA.


which was the orginal impact zone?

February 2, 2024

Was this filmed at the same sound stage in orlando which was the orginal impact zone?


Feels weirdly sad that the design is dead when Deaner literally murdered a man to gain control of it.

February 2, 2024

Not as weird as Deaner not using the entirety of PCO’s lengthy intro video to leave the state


I still think they’re going to do well.

February 2, 2024

TNA really gotta start to build off the good feedback they got over the new year.


TNA Wrestling 2/3/24: Brace Yourself for Impact (Not That One)!

The aroma of anticipation hangs heavy in the air as TNA Wrestling gears up for a momentous night on February 3rd, 2024. Mark your calendars, wrestling devotees, because this promises to be an explosion of high-octane action, heart-pounding drama, and unforgettable moments etched in the annals of TNA history. So, buckle up, TNA Universe, and let’s dive deep into the electrifying matchups and potential storylines bubbling beneath the surface.

Main Event Mayhem: World Championship – Josh Alexander (c) vs. Moose

The undisputed king of TNA, “Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander, stands tall, his championship reign a testament to his relentless power and unwavering resolve. But his dominion faces a formidable challenge in the form of the indomitable Moose. Fueled by years of frustration and an unyielding hunger for gold, Moose’s sights are laser-focused on dethroning Alexander and claiming his rightful place atop the TNA mountain. Their previous encounters have been brutal ballets of strength and resilience, pushing each other to the absolute limit. This time, expect nothing less than an earth-shattering collision, a clash of titans that will leave the entire TNA Universe on the edge of their seats. Will Alexander’s reign continue, or will Moose finally seize the brass ring and ascend to the pinnacle of TNA?

Grudge Match with Global Implications: Eddie Edwards vs. Sami Callihan

The animosity between these two rivals burns hotter than a thousand suns. Their personal vendetta has transcended mere competition, morphing into a seething cauldron of hatred and vengeance. Their encounters have been nothing short of barbaric, leaving scars both physical and emotional. On February 3rd, they lock horns once again, but this time, the stakes are even higher. The winner earns a coveted opportunity in the upcoming X-Division Championship tournament, a chance to compete on the international stage and rewrite their legacies. Expect a brutal, unforgiving battle fueled by years of boiling rage. Will Edwards finally exorcise his demons and silence Callihan, or will “The Death Machine” add another layer of torment to his adversary’s soul?

Knockouts Championship Chaos: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

The “Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo has established a ruthless reign as the Knockouts Champion, her technical prowess and strategic cunning making her a formidable opponent. However, a storm is brewing in the form of the “Walking Weapon” Jordynne Grace. Her raw power and unwavering determination are a force to be reckoned with. Their contrasting styles promise a fascinating clash, a battle between finesse and brute force. Will Purrazzo’s technical mastery prevail, or will Grace’s sheer power overcome the champion’s intricate strategies? This match has the potential to steal the show, showcasing the incredible talent and athleticism of the TNA Knockouts division.

Tag Team Turmoil: The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) vs. Rich Swann & Moose

The Good Brothers, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows, have redefined tag team dominance in TNA, their undeniable chemistry and veteran experience making them a formidable duo. Yet, a new challenge emerges in the form of the unlikely alliance of Rich Swann & Moose. Swann’s high-flying acrobatics combined with Moose’s earth-shattering power creates a unique and unpredictable combination. This match promises high-flying action, innovative tag team maneuvers, and the potential for an upset that could shake the foundations of the tag team division. Who will reign supreme? Will the Good Brothers maintain their dominance, or will the unorthodox pairing of Swann & Moose shock the world?

X-Division Xplosion: Ace Austin (c) vs. Trey Miguel

The X-Division Championship, a title synonymous with daredevil stunts and mind-blowing aerial maneuvers, finds its champion in the “Super X” Ace Austin. His innovative offense and fearless attitude make him a true X-Division icon. However, the ever-agile Trey Miguel stands ready to challenge his reign. Miguel’s blend of speed, precision, and gravity-defying moves makes him a serious threat. This matchup promises a dazzling display of aerial wizardry, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the ring. Will Austin retain his title with jaw-dropping maneuvers, or will Miguel’s innovative offense dethrone the champion?

Watch TNA Wrestling 2/3/24 3rd February 2024 Live Online 3rd February 2024 2024/02/3 Livestream and Full show Online Free