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What the hell are they doing with Wardlow?

February 15, 2024

Why is he still doing squashes against guys not even in the company? Shouldn’t he be going up against main eventers to work his way to the main event to get ready to face Samoa Joe like Cole said he would when the faction formed? He wasn’t even involved in the main event. The undisputed kingdom’s booking has been sketchy to say the least with MJF being out and Adam being in a wheelchair but Wardlow has gotta be the worst utilized guy on the roster. Other than that the show was fun but it’s baffling that they don’t use this tank of a man better.


Great opening match!

February 15, 2024

Today the show was really good, I liked it! Main event I didn’t expect it to be so good, but it surprised me very positively it was excellent!!! I believe Matt Taven surprised a lot of people including me


I love when AEW does stuff like this.

February 15, 2024

It went from “Matt Taven? Why the fuck?” to “MATT TAVEN WHAT THE FUCK?!?”


Matt Taven vs. Orange Cassidy

February 15, 2024

Matt Taven vs. Orange Cassidy was a fascinating match. Because the better and more violent it got, the funnier it got, purely because it was still Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Taven.

The only thing I can immediately compare it with is Santino nearly winning the world title in the Elimination Chamber, and that’s still a deeply flawed comparison.


That main event fucking ruled,

February 15, 2024

very happy for Taven. I’ve always thought he got an unfair rap (nobody on that ROH roster was gonna be able to singlehandedly save ROH after all the top guys left, that period wasn’t his fault). I saw him live a bunch of times back then and he was always good + his clips of getting the CMLL crowd so riled up they dumped him in beer showed he had something in him. Really happy to see everyone acknowledging him tonight!


This Dynamite is a perfect

February 15, 2024

Pre Dynamite: “Matt Taven vs Orange Cassidy? Who cares.”

Post Dynamite: “Holy shit Matt Taven vs Orange Cassidy.”

This Dynamite is a perfect example of why I don’t skip Dynamite despite how the card looks.


Great show.

February 15, 2024

That main event fucking ruled. Taven really proved how great he is. Tremendously entertaining. I loved that match.

I also gotta say it, I love the Young Bucks.

Great show. Christian out there proving why he’s the Patriarch of AEW. Hot promo for the World Title match. Really enjoyed myself tonight, as I usually do watching this show.

Now I’m sure tomorrow everyone here will all be mad about something, but I really appreciate a great fucking wrestling show like tonight’s was. That’s why I’ve watched this shit for 20+ years. It’s fun, and nothing else is like it.


Matt Taven has always been good.

February 15, 2024

Just keep him away from Bully Ray booking and you’re fine


expectations are blown away.

February 15, 2024

Its like Taven knows he isn’t gonna see another main event in a long time so he goes all out. Folks always trash AEW for the bloated roster but the benefit is these crazy matches. I love it when my expectations are blown away.


Adam Cole’s goal is the world title,

February 15, 2024

but with Joe in the triple threat, I guess they feel it’s too crowded to have him do much about it now.


Wardlow has to grind his way up in the rankings.

February 15, 2024

Swerve and Hangman were already higher.


Hangman and the BCC.

February 15, 2024

Undisputed Kingdom are the top heel faction, but they don’t spend enough time interacting with the other top guys in the company.

They’ll feel like a bigger deal when they begin regularly interacting with Joe, Swerve, Hangman and the BCC.


Taven’s insane dive

February 15, 2024

Imagine the most memorable spot from the match will probably be Taven’s insane dive into the table (and rightfully so), but I just wanted to say I loved that V-Day gift spot. I thought that was a really creative way to take what would’ve normally been an “ordinary” thumbtack spot, and spice it up with a fun character/story moment.


bosom of brilliance

February 15, 2024

That deathmatch was at the bosom of brilliance.


Another great episode.

February 15, 2024

AEW is really on fire rn. I can’t wait for Revolution, it just keeps getting more and more stacked. Also gonna be there live next and the two matches announced already got me hype. Plus big business coming up. The road to Revolution is an all timer.


The table didn’t sell it,

February 15, 2024

but that Taven elbow drop looked really good


backstage soon.

February 15, 2024

I hope Cutler brings us the scoop from backstage soon.


so much heat

February 15, 2024

Young Bucks have so much heat for retiring Sting that they finally got Cody cheered in AEW.


Really fun episode.

February 15, 2024

I’m sure people will find criticisms if they want to and tbh there’s a few stuff I could nitpick about (I didn’t really like the finish to Willow/Skye, the main event was great from a violence POV but I’m still kinda torn on whether it met the prestige required for an AEW Texas Deathmatch, it’s gonna take a while for me to get used to the Young Bucks doing no flips) but just in terms of the overall vibe of the show and the way the matches and segments all fed into wider stories, this was definitely a “Restore the Feeling” episode.


5 build up to a PPV in AEW history

February 15, 2024

I think the build up to Revolution has been a top 5 build up to a PPV in AEW history. I’m really enjoying this year so far, the shows have been more consistent.


Pretty good episode,

February 15, 2024

like that the hardcore match was actual hardcore stuff.

Orange’s blade job looked nasty though, hope he didn’t lose too much because it seemed a little too deep.


Respect my goat Brandon Cutler smfh.

February 15, 2024

The Stokely/Statlander/Willow stuff has maybe been my favorite stuff in AEW this year. Love seeing Stoke actually grow to like Willow lol



February 15, 2024

Takeshita vs Ospreay announcement, YB’s Darby segment and the 3 way promo were my big highlights but the TDM was great and the rest was also fun,


Swerve to get the belt for a while now

February 15, 2024

I’ve been rooting for Swerve to get the belt for a while now, but be damned if Samoa Joe hasn’t done a great job since winning it. His promos have all been fantastic and tonight was no exception. Great episode overall and I wasn’t all too excited for this one going into it.


completely different team.

February 15, 2024

If you compare Top Flight to the version in the timelines are just posted. They’re like a completely different team. from that first match.


Congrats, Taven. You earn it.

February 15, 2024

It is like AEW just wants to showcase Matt Taven tonight. Dude went off like he had never been before, including during his ROH title reign. The match also kept interference low just for the finish.


Fuck it I just bought 2 tickets to Revolution.

February 15, 2024

It might be a 6 1/2 hr drive but I got a homie to keep me company and we’ll get to see Takeshita vs. Ospreay & Sting’s retirement match


what he’d say

February 15, 2024

I just found out I’m the “what he’d say” guy. I ain’t even do it on purpose lmao


Once again I doubt OC and he completely overdelivers.

February 15, 2024

I was “meh” on Taven, “meh” on yet another Texas death match, “meh” on the minimal build and do we really need this, etc., etc.

Proving once again I am an idiot who doesn’t know shit.


DG vs Copeland

February 15, 2024

So that ending of DG vs Copeland is setting up DG, Copeland and Magic vs the Patriarch at Revolution right? Yeah I’m down to see that.


Cody chants on the show

February 15, 2024

It actually warmed my heart to hear Cody chants on the show after Darby referenced him lol


her interview with Renee.

February 15, 2024

I’m ready for the Aminata push to begin after her interview with Renee.


Thought it was a very good show with a great main event.

February 15, 2024

I am hoping it is just Garcia vs Christian with Garcia going over. This Edge/Christian feud has been good, but I feel like the title is kinda above the blood feud at this point. That isn’t saying the title is diminished, I just think we are beyond a title change between the two at this point.

Have Edge help Garcia win the belt and see what he can do as champ. Christian has had the thing long enough and it would make for a great pop for the crowd.


AEW IWC commentary in a nutshell.

February 15, 2024

Laughing again at all the negative comments on the post re: TK’s announcement of OC-Taven TX death match vs the comments raving about it here. AEW IWC commentary in a nutshell.


Ok dynamite.

February 15, 2024

Nothing bad in it. Standouts are Dax vs Mox and the main event.


Show Timing and Info

February 14, 2024

Livestream links for AEW Dynamite 2/14/24 14th February 2024 Live Online will be added before the show starts. HD Full show replay links for AEW Dynamite 2/14/24 14th February 2024 Live Online will be added during the show.HD and HDTV Fullshow replay links for AEW Dynamite 2/14/24 14th February 2024 Live Online will be added after the show ends.


I cannot wait.

February 14, 2024

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Dynamite Valentine’s Day Massacre: A Blood-Soaked Preview of AEW Dynamite 2/14/24

Forget chocolates and roses, this Valentine’s Day, AEW Dynamite is serving up a brutal buffet of high-stakes matches, heated rivalries, and potential career-defining moments. The air will crackle with anticipation as champions defend their gold, contenders clash for supremacy, and personal grudges are settled in the squared circle. So, put down the love songs, grab your wrestling mitts, and prepare for a night that will leave you breathless and begging for more.

Main Event Mayhem: A Three-Headed Monster Battles for the Crown

The centerpiece of this explosive evening is the highly-anticipated three-way dance for the AEW World Championship. Reigning champion Samoa Joe, the embodiment of calculated brutality, will find himself caught in a crossfire between two hungry challengers: Hangman Adam Page, the fallen hero desperate to reclaim his glory, and Swerve Strickland, the rising star with momentum on his side.

This is a clash of styles and personalities. Joe’s methodical approach will contrast with the high-flying acrobatics of Page and the lightning-quick strikes of Strickland. Expect a chaotic dance of power, agility, and desperation. Each competitor has a score to settle and a title to claim, making this a match brimming with emotional intensity and unpredictability.

Will Page, with a chip on his shoulder and the weight of redemption on his back, rise from the ashes? Can Strickland capitalize on his recent surge and prove he’s ready for the big leagues? Or will Joe remain atop the mountain, silencing his doubters with another masterclass of dominance? This main event alone is worth tuning in for, as it has the potential to be a historic and unforgettable championship clash.

Grudge Matches Galore: Blood Feuds Boil Over on Valentine’s Day

Beyond the main event, Dynamite offers a smorgasbord of grudge matches that promise intense personal battles. In a Texas Death Match, the ever-chill Orange Cassidy collides with the villainous Matt Taven. This clash between polar opposites transcends a simple title tilt – it’s a war of ideologies. Can Cassidy’s laid-back persona overcome Taven’s ruthlessness in this no-holds-barred environment?

Elsewhere, the veteran powerhouse Jon Moxley locks horns with Dax Harwood of FTR. This is a battle of experience versus hunger, with Moxley looking to silence Harwood’s recent boasts and establish himself as the true “Death Rider.” Expect a hard-hitting brawl filled with technical brilliance and raw emotion.

And let’s not forget the battle for the TNT Championship’s number one contendership. The unpredictable Daniel Garcia clashes with the legendary Adam Copeland. This is a David versus Goliath fight, with Garcia’s technical wizardry facing off against Copeland’s vast experience and undeniable star power. Whoever emerges victorious will have a golden opportunity to dethrone Christian Cage at Revolution.

Beyond the Ring: Toni Storm’s Silver Screen Debut and More

While the in-ring action promises fireworks, Dynamite won’t shy away from entertainment outside the ring. The ever-charismatic Toni Storm unveils her latest film project, “Wet Ink,” adding a touch of Hollywood glamour to the night. It’s a reminder that AEW is more than just wrestling; it’s a platform for diverse creativity and self-expression.

Watch AEW Dynamite 2/14/24 14th February 2024 Live Online 14th February 2024 2024/02/14 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review