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WWE SmackDown Full Episode, 16 February 2024

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FULL SEGMENT — The Rock and Reigns lay the SmackDown on the WWE Universe: SmackDown, Feb. 16, 2024

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Happy to be along for the ride.

February 17, 2024

Feels like The Rock saying he was going to make sure Roman wins is going to end up with Austin helping Cody. If that’s the case, this is so money.


Just rewatched The Rock’s ‘should I turn heel?’

February 17, 2024

promo back in 2003 and there were many similarities to tonight’s promo. Both times he insulted the crowd/city, asked if they really want to boo The Rock, picked out a specific fan in the crowd and told them off, started catchphrases and stopped or altered them and specifically said “sing-a-long with The Rock is over”

Yes, standard heel stuff and standard heel Rock stuff but watching them back to back felt like deja vu in some ways.


I understand (and liked)

February 17, 2024

that he’s a heel and being arrogant by not acknowledging Cody has the right to the match because he earned it, that’s fine. But the Jazz analogy doesn’t work in the way he used it! The Jazz lost in the finals, then actually did get their rematch the next year after they fought to get back and win the western conference finals again (just like Cody climbing back and winning the rumble again). At first I thought he was gonna use that story to point out that the Jazz did all that just to lose again the next year, and haven’t been relevant since or something. makes more sense as a burn on Cody, saying he’ll just lose again and become irrelevant/all this crying for his rematch will be for nothing because he’ll always be a loser etc.


The Rock can overcome.

February 17, 2024

The Rock vs The Mormon Church is something I don’t think even The Rock can overcome.


Anybody else disappointed in the presentation of Tiffany Stratton?

February 17, 2024

No cgi thing, nothing on the barrier/ring during the entrance, they even got rid of the paparazzi sounds.


Bruh I was marking out at that corporate rock silk shirt.

February 17, 2024

Feels like the first time we’ve seen The Rock really be The Rock in decades.

I was a little worried Rock wouldn’t go all in on a heel run to protect his very carefully crafted public image, then he made fun of mormonism and accused an overweight person of having an STI and removed all of those fears.


Most of the comments here saying

February 17, 2024

“The Rock’s promo didn’t make sense” made me feel old because this is Nation of Domination Rocky, just insults the crowd and rambles on about how great he is. I guess a lot of redditors here haven’t been born yet during that time. We loved this shit every week back then.


The Rock part of the

February 17, 2024

The Rock part of the Bang Bang Gang confirmed


Roman and Rock as a heel team was never on my bingo card,

February 17, 2024

but man did I feel something seeing them leave the press Conference together.

The Rock’s promo was about as attitude era as a PG show could get. As he said, it was always in him. He’s done being Dwayne.

I’m REALLY looking forward to the men’s chamber. It’s incredibly stacked with no cannon fodder; every guy in it is top of the line.


See I’ve been binging vintage Rock clips

February 17, 2024

for the past week or so so this promo had a bit too much member berries for my taste


story will have to wait.

February 17, 2024

If I had the pencil I’m sorry but Cody’s little story will have to wait.


That would be awesome

February 17, 2024

At this point the Bloodline should just come out to the Nation of Domination theme and throw up the 1’s instead of the fist.


Anybody else super nervous

February 17, 2024

now because rock got cheers tonight they’re going to think that they overreacted tech minority on the Internet and reinstate rock versus Roman and possibly even cut Cody out of mania season all together with an injury angle or something to save face ?


If there’s one takeaway I’m always remember from the ending segment tonight its this.

February 17, 2024

Roman is good. Regardless of how his career started, after he turned heel, the Bloodline run up until Mania 39, was fucking money.

But seeing him in the ring tonight side by side with an all time great, The Rock, made one thing absofuckinglutely clear.

Roman Reigns is not now, nor was he ever, an all time great. Its night and day.

No matter how much WWE wants to and insists upon shoving him down our throats, thats a fact.

Roman is good, but not good enough to be THE guys. Never was, never will be.

Cody, Seth, Drew, Becky – You have multiple people on the roster RIGHT NOW that could be THE guy, and would be lightyears better than Roman if given a similar megapush.

Its time. Let Cody finish the story, and take WWE back into the stratosphere.


In 2024 a Rock spoke to an arena full of Mormons to shit talk them.

February 17, 2024

In the early 1800s a rock allegedly spoke to Joseph Smith and the prophecies it made started Mormonism.


I think problem,

February 17, 2024

more so than the whole Rock not making sense thing, is just the fact that, who knows how many Smackdowns between now and mania, we will have both the Rock and Roman, and on one of the few that we do, they kinda just wasted it on Rock, insulting the crowd, instead of doing literally anything else to progress. The story, besides having him say he’s in the Bloodline,.


if Rock and Roman was the original plan or if they called an audible.

February 17, 2024

I don’t really care. We are getting so fucking good right now with what they got going on with the Rock. It is incredible. Almost surreal how he can hop right back into WWE like he never left and give some of the best promos of his career. Like this isn’t face Rock. This isn’t goofy heel Rock. This is a no bullshit version of the Rock that has all the confidence in the world.

This is far more interesting and I hope they ride this while they can.


I think that was intentional.

February 17, 2024

Anyone else notice the Rock putting up a finger gun up instead of putting a one up?


just realized something kinda concerning this about this whole rock/Roman/Cody.

February 17, 2024

Assuming going forward Heel Rock brings the goods to his promo game..uh…Cody’s gonna get fucking eviscerated on the mic isn’t he…? Like the crowd still obviously loves Cody and so do I but Heel rocky first night out still had half the crowd cheering him and didn’t even say anything that crazy..


“but Cody won the Rumble,

February 17, 2024

There’s a surprising amount of people who are like “but Cody won the Rumble, The Rock is making 0 sense”, almost as if he wants to be a delusional heel


Please don’t ever turn him face again.

February 17, 2024

I don’t care, heel Rock is absolutely GOATed.


Rocky has so much charisma he immediately made Roman feel secondary.

February 17, 2024

Roman felt like the man for so long and standing in the ring with The Rock he just looks like a role player.


This is absolutely The Rock.

February 17, 2024

Yep. This finally feels like The Rock and not Dwayne trying to be The Rock.

The fucking vest, the glasses.


Unless it also ends up being The Rock

February 17, 2024

My problem is, if Mania Night 1 is Roman & Rock vs Seth & Cody, that leaves Seth weakened against his night 2 opponent.


Rocks’s promo makes sense.

February 17, 2024

He is delusional, and we are spoiled with Heel, who are rational these days.


Genuinely don’t get

February 17, 2024

Heel is going to invalidate the babyface? Real shocker. How is that complaint worthy. I think people just wanna complain man, I don’t see how that is in anyway a bad promo. We literally went from there being the rock vs Roman to now a rock and Roman alliance, it’s pretty fucking cool.


he was born to be a heel

February 17, 2024

Why was Rock ever a babyface lmao he was born to be a heel


Do we get heel Rock if

February 17, 2024

Jungle Boy doesn’t get slapped by CM Punk?


Rock promo

February 17, 2024

Man, that Rock promo was actually amazing.


What were some of y’all expecting out of that?

February 17, 2024

The point was to establish Rock as a heel now and move forward


Loved KO fight and the Tiffany one.

February 17, 2024

Teasing and teasing for a promo that was just more teasing, nothing really happened.


Not really Rock’s best promo tonight IMO but the storyline is interesting.

February 17, 2024

Heel Rock is going to be awesome, but I have a feeling Rock turns face again before Rock/Roman whenever that is. For one, one of them is going to have to turn face. But also I think with this most likely being The Rock’s last full storyline as a semi-active wrestler, he will go out a face.


I got heavy Hollywood Rock vibes from not only his promo,

February 17, 2024

but also his attire. Oof, the road to WrestleMania is only getting crazier, and I’m looking forward to what Cody has to say.


This ends with Rock getting a stunner.

February 17, 2024

That glass shatter in Philly will be an all time WM moment. Shades of foley. It’s coming.


B-side by a part-timer,

February 17, 2024

Lol Roman was relegated to B-side by a part-timer, albeit a much much bigger star part-timer.


Rock didn’t make much sense though.

February 17, 2024

Jazz fought back and made it back to the top (to lose) like he said… But didn’t Cody do the same by winning the rumble? He didn’t just ask lol


Hollywood Rock theme

February 17, 2024

WWE kinda missed a golden opportunity not bringing back the Hollywood Rock theme


For people complaining about the Rock’s logic

February 17, 2024

my guess is you can look at in the way that Cody himself said he wasn’t gonna challenge Roman at Mania and then introduced the Rock basically giving him the match before changing his mind due to the fans saying he has to finish his story.

It’s not about him not having a legit reason to be able to challenge Roman but that in kayfabe he said wasn’t going to but then after they made Roman vs Rock “official” he decided to challenge him in the end.


stunner at mania

February 17, 2024

I feel like this will end with the rock eating a stunner at mania.


I’ll be honest,

February 17, 2024

I don’t think The Rock is going to be booed until him and Cody have a segment together. People are too starstrucked that the rock is back but once he starts insulting Cody, people will start booing.


Loved Rock’s promo.

February 17, 2024

Refreshing to see him get out of that 2010’s Rock promo style and be more reminiscent of 99 or 03. The toilet line got a chuckle from me.


Tiffany is such a star omg

February 17, 2024

like her presence among the veterans is so big


Show Timing and Info

February 16, 2024

Livestream links for WWE Smackdown 2/16/24 16th February 2024 Live Online will be added before the show starts. HD Full show replay links for WWE Smackdown 2/16/24 16th February 2024 Live Online will be added during the show. HD and HDTV Fullshow replay links for WWE Smackdown 2/16/24 16th February 2024 Live Online will be added after the show ends.


I cannot wait.

February 16, 2024

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Friday Night SmackDown’s Rumble Rampage: A Road to WrestleMania Paved with Chaos?

The aroma of electricity hangs heavy in the air as we approach yet another episode of Friday Night SmackDown, this time on February 16th, 2024. With WrestleMania 40 looming on the horizon like a colossus casting its shadow, the Road to the Grandest Stage of Them All promises to be anything but smooth. This SmackDown promises to be a powder keg waiting to explode, fueled by high-stakes Elimination Chamber qualifiers, the explosive return of two legends, and the ever-present uncertainty surrounding the future of WWE itself. Buckle up, wrestling fans, because the ride is about to get bumpy.

The Rock and Roman Reigns: A Family Feud Goes Nuclear

The main event needs no introduction. The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, stands face-to-face with his own flesh and blood, The Rock, in a showdown that transcends kayfabe. With The Great One holding the reins of power as Chairman of the Board, the potential for fireworks is off the charts. Will The Rock use his newfound authority to manipulate the landscape of WrestleMania, throwing a wrench into Reigns’ carefully crafted plans? Or will the Head of the Table assert his dominance, reminding everyone who truly runs the show? This isn’t just a match; it’s a clash of titans, a battle for control, and a family feud threatening to spill over into all-out war. Add Triple H to the mix, ever the opportunist, and you have a recipe for an unforgettable segment that could rewrite the WrestleMania narrative.

Elimination Chamber Qualifiers: Where Dreams are Made and Crushed

Four crucial Elimination Chamber qualifying matches take center stage, each with its own unique intrigue. Logan Paul, the social media sensation turned in-ring performer, locks horns with the veteran, The Miz, in a battle of experience versus audacity. Can Logan continue his impressive run and earn a coveted spot in the Chamber? Or will The Miz utilize his cunning to reign supreme? On the women’s side, Naomi, fueled by a burning desire to reclaim the SmackDown Women’s Championship, squares off against the ever-intriguing Zelina Vega. Meanwhile, the up-and-coming Tiffany Stratton clashes with the fiery Alba Fyre, and Kevin Owens, a seasoned competitor with a score to settle, goes toe-to-toe with Dominik Mysterio, Rey’s enigmatic son. Each match carries the weight of opportunity, and the victors will not only etch their names in the Elimination Chamber match but also send a resounding message to their potential WrestleMania opponents.

Beyond the Big Bouts: A Card Ripe with Possibilities

The undercard promises its own brand of excitement. Will Sami Zayn continue his crusade against The Bloodline, or will Solo Sikoa put a definitive end to his rebellion? Will Bray Wyatt’s cryptic messages take a more sinister turn? Can the Intercontinental Champion, GUNTHER, maintain his iron grip on the title, or will a challenger rise to dethrone him? The possibilities are endless, and every segment carries the potential to be a turning point on the Road to WrestleMania.

Unpredictability Reigns Supreme: A Road Paved with Chaos

With Roman Reigns’ future uncertain, The Rock’s motives shrouded in secrecy, and a host of hungry competitors vying for their WrestleMania moment, SmackDown promises to be a night of high drama and unpredictable developments. Will alliances crumble? Will betrayals occur? Will new feuds ignite? One thing is certain: the WWE Universe will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next twist in this ever-evolving story.

Predictions (but Remember, Anything Can Happen in WWE)

  • The Rock and Roman Reigns’ segment will be electric, ending with a cliffhanger that leaves fans guessing until WrestleMania.
  • Logan Paul will overcome The Miz’s experience and secure his spot in the Elimination Chamber, setting the stage for a potential showdown with Roman Reigns.
  • Naomi will channel her frustration into a dominant victory over Zelina Vega, reigniting her quest for the SmackDown Women’s Championship.
  • Kevin Owens’ veteran savvy will prevail against Dominik Mysterio, adding another layer of intrigue to the already chaotic men’s Elimination Chamber picture.
  • Expect surprises, returns, and shocking announcements that will further muddy the waters on the Road to WrestleMania.

One thing is clear: Friday Night SmackDown promises to be a night you won’t want to miss. So, tune in, grab your popcorn, and prepare for a wild ride as the Road to WrestleMania takes another unpredictable turn. The only certainty is that chaos is inevitable, and the WWE Universe will be right at the heart of it all.

Watch WWE Smackdown 2/16/24 16th February 2024 Live Online 16th February 2024 2024/02/16 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review