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Could AEW World Champ MJF stop ROH TV Champ Samoa Joe from taking the throne? | 9/20/23 AEW Dynamite


Claudio vs Eddie banged.

September 21, 2023

Match of the night for me easily. Satisfying ending too and I’m glad it feels like a “hard end” to the feud and not one set up for a rematch.

Jericho vs Sammy I really liked even though the crowd was pretty cold on it. I liked the story they were telling of Sammy going for quick pins but Jericho being brutal. Catch finisher Codebreaker off a Shooting Star Press is a sick finish and the post match with Sammy turning and siding with Don is exactly what he needs right now to evolve his character. Also like the hints of us finally getting Sammy vs Garcia.

Mox vs Rey derailed the show entirely. Mox seemed off from the start and then that finish was total oof. Refs gotta be told by the boss to count the 3 if shoulders are down even if it isn’t the planned finish. Hopefully Mox is okay.

Toni vs. Saraya overdelivered for me. I have no interest in Saraya but she did her part and I was entertained by it. Good chance for Toni to spiral even more as a character but I’d like to see Ruby get away from being Saraya’s lackey.

Joe vs MJF was a lot of fun and 2nd best match of the night for me. A great open and close to the show. I’m a little frustrated though that MJF got the long “arm drop 3 count” spot yet Joe was called instantly. It’s already inconsistent as it is with refs doing the arm drop count or an instant call but having that inconsistency in the same match is bad booking IMO but otherwise an enjoyable match.


Samoa Joe lost two big matches in the span of a few weeks. One to Punk at Wembley, and one to MJF at Grand Slam.

September 21, 2023

Yet, he still has as much if not MORE heat on his side now even after losing twice. Because both matches you can argue he was the star working the crowd. Dude is 44, same age as Punk, yet his ring work is still smooth and not botchy. And his kayfabe heel psychology during match storytelling is just as great as ever (the maniacal laughing tonight after inflicting violence on Max was fantastic). Joe needs a title run. It would be 100% believable for him to win the belt, have the heel champion heat MJF was missing in the past year, and him losing the belt would really elevate whoever takes it off of him.

He’s right now an old school heel. I would much rather see him play that character as champion every week than Punk’s I gotta prove I’m still the real champ weekly promo rants. Him as heel champ is way more refreshing because of the mind games he plays. MJF as heel champ was just putting Starks, Danielson and such through his trials to get a match with him.


Good: Just about all of the in-ring action,

September 21, 2023

Eddie and MJF winning in NY, and the stage setup they used

Bad: Injuries and Rick Knox

Disappointing: No debuts/big surprises and no Kenny or Danielson on the card

Definitely not the best Grand Slam to date but still a very solid show. Hope the injuries to Mox and AC aren’t serious


Really great show,

September 21, 2023

only downside for me is obv the Mox ending, like I hope he’s OK, there were like 4 times in that match he either looked rattled or took a bump right on his head.


really good show.

September 21, 2023

I said in the show thread that I felt something seemed off and weird about the night and I stand by that. The vibe just seemed a little off. Don’t really think it was the crowd or the venue, it just seemed strange and I really can’t explain why or what. It could just be a me thing. Loved the show….but felt different.


Toni Storm has hit so much gold.

September 21, 2023

I hope she loses every match for like six months and just descends into utter madness.


So fucking glad I did bc MJF and the storylines around him is cant miss TV rn

September 21, 2023

I need to watch it again but it looks like Joe was our cold while MJF still had some life left in him?


So about the main event:

September 21, 2023

I thought that Joe was going to win after the Muscle Buster until Excalibur, like a total dork says “new champ!”

Also, can anyone explain why MJF got the “three arm drop” treatment, yet the ref just quickly checked Joe and called for the bell? Be consistent.


Great show,

September 21, 2023

Joe is on a great run right now. he seems like he’s really pumped up and having great matches, like his energy is higher than it’s been in the past. Loved the opener, Toni and Paige was really good, i loved mox and fenix as well. rock solid show


Mox vs Fenix

September 21, 2023

Mox vs Fenix was sloppy as hell lol


I’m confused about what the last 5 minutes of the show was…

September 21, 2023

It felt like they were sticking around for a surprise but then nothing


perfect Dynamite from top to bottom.

September 21, 2023

I kind of wish I hadn’t bought into the idea that we were getting a surprise debut tonight as aside from that and Mox getting concussed that was a near perfect Dynamite from top to bottom.


Great episode

September 21, 2023

AEW rules


I feel really bad for the fans who paid good money

September 21, 2023

I feel really bad for the fans who paid good money for those bowl level corner aisle seats near the floor, only to be blocked by the standing security guards. It’s really distracting even watching it on TV.


Where was OC?

September 21, 2023

After his passionate speech on being in every Dynamite..


I was channeling Jim Ross yelling at the referees tonight.

September 21, 2023

They were way too noticeable throughout the show, felt like every match had a screwy finish with them involved too.


Rey will lose the title to Moxley

September 21, 2023

Wonder if Rey will lose the title to Moxley next dynamite.


Seeing how AEW is set to run 12 PPV’s next year,

September 21, 2023

make one of them Grand Slam. Maybe it requires some date changes but Ashe Stadium is such an awesome venue and always looks spectacular on a screen.



September 21, 2023

Glad there are so many doctors here.


Eddie Kingston

September 21, 2023

The world isn’t cold for Eddie Kingston tonight.


Great main event

September 21, 2023

Other than my mind wandering at the end because the crowd didn’t pick on MJF’s cue in his promo to chant MJF while he choked Joe out..and Cole looking like he messed up his ankle or something jumping off the ramp.


MJF’s run as champ is arguably the best

September 21, 2023

MJF’s run as champ is arguably the best in the company’s short history, totally earned that in kayfabe he’ll surpass Omega’s time as champ.


New York crowd really wanted Toni Storm to win

September 21, 2023

Also, the New York crowd really wanted Toni Storm to win the AEW Women’s World Championship match and take the belt away from Saraya. Toni Storm is really over.

Also, there were two different callbacks tonight.

Sammy Guevara hitting Chris Jericho with a low blow after hugging him post match was a direct reference to what Chris Jericho did to Shawn Michaels post match at WrestleMania 19.

That MJF vignette was parodying an old Bret “The Hitman” Hart commercial.


nothing else was working!

September 21, 2023

Joe shoulda just gotten a chair and just keep beating MJF with it.


Good show tonight.

September 21, 2023

I really enjoyed the woman’s match


Good show but some really, really rough shit.

September 21, 2023

The communication in that Moxley match seemed rough as hell, and if he’s got a head injury, Knox fucking up and forcing Fenix to do a second piledriver on him was fucking stupid


Idk how it’s possible

September 21, 2023

But my fkn DIRECTV didn’t record the episode tonight. However, it’s set to record every other future episode. Like wtf! Makes no sense.


It’s really heartwarming to see how over Toni Storm

September 21, 2023

It’s really heartwarming to see how over Toni Storm was tonight with the crowd after being met with acknowledgment for good work, but pretty indifferent crowd reception during her interim title reign.


I’ve been to all three Grandslams so far. I’ll admit I wasn’t that excited about this show a few weeks back but I’m glad I went.

September 21, 2023

Just left the show. Had a great time. I also just spent the weekend in Mexico City during Mexican Independence Day weekend and went to two lucha libre shows, so seeing Fenix win a championship just days later was such a feel good moment.


Minor spoilers for Rampage,

September 21, 2023

But the fan videos of Don Callis getting booed like crazy are fun.


Ngl i feel bad for Fenix.

September 21, 2023

This is the third time in his AEW/ROH run that a title change involving him has ended badly. Like, first the Jurassic Express one where Fenix got injured, then the ROH Tag Title match where Dante Martin suffered that horrible injury and now here where Mox got a concussion if i recall correctly?. Honestly, poor Fenix man, bro wants to wrestle but he’s been cursed with title match injury situations.


Amazing episode.

September 21, 2023

Might be one of my favs honestly, but there’s one thing I have to say:



Claudio gear

September 21, 2023

The Claudio gear was definitely for Misawa/Kawada vibes.


I hope that doesn’t catch on tv

September 21, 2023

Those people chanting Seth’s theme song for like a minute after a curb stomp instead of enjoying the match are some bustas


emotions like Kingston.

September 21, 2023

I don’t know if anyone in wrestling has ever given me the emotions like Kingston.


I really hope the surprise

September 21, 2023

I really hope the surprise Fenix win causes a blowup in Death Triangle and we get a trios match between all three for it. I’ve been begging for a Fenix/Pentagon program but now we can throw PAC into the mix to make it top notch.


such a great sign!

September 21, 2023

ALVAREZ FEARS PORK CHOPS is such a great sign!

Le Sex Gods face off for the first time! Chris Jericho vs Sammy Guevara! | 9/20/23, AEW Dynamite
TITLE vs TITLE! ROH World Champion Castagnoli vs NJPW Strong Champ Kingston! | 9/20/23, AEW Dynamite

EW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023 Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction and Highlights

AEW World Championship Match: MJF vs. Samoa Joe

The main event of the night was the AEW World Championship match between MJF and Samoa Joe. This was a highly anticipated match, as it featured two of the best wrestlers in the world.

The match started with MJF trying to outsmart Joe, but Joe was too quick for him. Joe took control of the match early on, and he used his power to dominate MJF.

MJF eventually fought back, and the two wrestlers traded blows for several minutes. The match was going back and forth, and it was difficult to say who was going to win.

In the end, it was MJF who came out on top. He hit Joe with a low blow, and then he hit him with the Paradigm Shift for the victory. MJF is now the new AEW World Champion.

Winner: MJF

Grade: A+

Reaction: This was an amazing match. MJF and Joe are both incredible wrestlers, and they put on a show for the fans. The match was full of action and excitement, and it had a great finish.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Saraya vs. Toni Storm

The AEW Women’s World Championship match was between Saraya and Toni Storm. This was another highly anticipated match, as it featured two of the best women’s wrestlers in the world.

The match started with Saraya and Storm exchanging holds. The two wrestlers were evenly matched, and they both showed off their technical skills.

After a few minutes, Saraya took control of the match. She used her power to dominate Storm, and she hit her with several signature moves.

Storm eventually fought back, and she hit Saraya with a few signature moves of her own. The match was going back and forth, and it was difficult to say who was going to win.

In the end, it was Saraya who came out on top. She hit Storm with the Night Shift for the victory. Saraya is now the new AEW Women’s World Champion.

Winner: Saraya

Grade: A

Reaction: This was another great match. Saraya and Storm are both incredible wrestlers, and they put on a show for the fans. The match was full of action and excitement, and it had a great finish.

AEW International Title Match: Rey Fenix vs. Jon Moxley

The AEW International Title match was between Rey Fenix and Jon Moxley. This was another highly anticipated match, as it featured two of the best wrestlers in the world.

The match started with Fenix and Moxley exchanging high-flying moves. The two wrestlers were evenly matched, and they both showed off their athleticism.

After a few minutes, Moxley took control of the match. He used his brawler style to dominate Fenix, and he hit him with several signature moves.

Fenix eventually fought back, and he hit Moxley with a few signature moves of his own. The match was going back and forth, and it was difficult to say who was going to win.

In the end, it was Fenix who came out on top. He hit Moxley with the Black Fire Driver for the victory. Fenix is now the new AEW International Champion.

Winner: Rey Fenix

Grade: A+

Reaction: This was an amazing match. Fenix and Moxley are both incredible wrestlers, and they put on a show for the fans. The match was full of action and excitement, and it had a great finish.

Other Matches on the Card

  • Eddie Kingston def. Claudio Castagnoli (Title vs. Title match for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship and the ROH World Championship)
  • Chris Jericho def. Sammy Guevara
  • Le Sex Gods (Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho) def. Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher)

Overall, AEW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023 was a fantastic event. All of the matches on the card were great, and the main event was incredible. MJF winning the AEW World Championship was a huge moment, and Saraya winning the AEW Women’s World Championship was also a big moment. Rey Fenix winning the AEW International Title was also a great moment. This was one of the best AEW Dynamite episodes of all time.

Here are some additional insights and reactions to the event:

  • The crowd was electric throughout the night. They were especially hot for the MJF vs. Samoa Joe match and the Saraya vs. Toni Storm match.
  • The production of the event was top-notch. The lighting, sound, and camera work were all excellent.
  • The commentary team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur was great as always. They did a great job of calling the action.

AEW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023: Storylines and Matchups

The AEW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023 was a highly anticipated event, and it did not disappoint. The show was full of great matches and storylines, and it was one of the best AEW Dynamite episodes of all time.

One of the biggest storylines heading into the event was the MJF vs. Samoa Joe match for the AEW World Championship. MJF had been cutting promos on Joe for weeks, and he was determined to take the title from him. Joe, on the other hand, was determined to defend his title and prove that he is the best wrestler in the world.

The match was everything that it was expected to be and more. It was a hard-hitting, back-and-forth match that went back and forth for several minutes. In the end, it was MJF who came out on top. He hit Joe with a low blow, and then he hit him with the Paradigm Shift for the victory. MJF is now the new AEW World Champion.

Another big storyline heading into the event was the Saraya vs. Toni Storm match for the AEW Women’s World Championship. Saraya had just returned to the ring after a long injury layoff, and she was determined to win the title. Storm, on the other hand, was determined to defend her title and prove that she is the best women’s wrestler in the world.

The match was another great match. Saraya and Storm are both incredible wrestlers, and they put on a show for the fans. The match was full of action and excitement, and it had a great finish. In the end, it was Saraya who came out on top. She hit Storm with the Night Shift for the victory. Saraya is now the new AEW Women’s World Champion.

Other storylines and matchups on the card included:

  • Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship and the ROH World Championship
  • Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara
  • Le Sex Gods (Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho) vs. Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher)

All of the matches on the card were great, and the show was a huge success. It was one of the best AEW Dynamite episodes of all time.

AEW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023: The Future

The AEW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023 was a huge success, and it has set the stage for an exciting future for AEW. With MJF as the new AEW World Champion and Saraya as the new AEW Women’s World Champion, AEW is in good hands.

MJF is one of the most talented wrestlers in the world, and he is sure to be a great champion. He is a great heel, and he is able to get the crowd to hate him. This will make for some great matches and storylines in the future.

Saraya is another one of the most talented wrestlers in the world, and she is sure to be a great champion. She is a great fan favorite, and she is able to get the crowd to love her. This will make for some great matches and storylines in the future.

AEW is also in good hands with its other wrestlers. Samoa Joe, Eddie Kingston, Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, and many others are all world-class wrestlers. AEW is also home to some of the best women’s wrestlers in the world, such as Toni Storm, Britt Baker, Jade Cargill, and Thunder Rosa.

The future of AEW is very bright. With MJF and Saraya as the new champions and a roster full of world-class wrestlers, AEW is sure to continue to grow and be successful in the years to come.

AEW Dynamite Grand Slam 2023 Preview

AEW Dynamite Grand Slam is one of the most anticipated events of the year, and the 2023 edition is shaping up to be one of the best yet. With a stacked card featuring some of the biggest names in wrestling, Grand Slam is sure to be a night to remember.

AEW World Championship: MJF (c) vs. Samoa Joe

The main event of Grand Slam will be for the AEW World Championship, as MJF puts his title on the line against Samoa Joe. MJF has been one of the most dominant champions in AEW history, but Joe is a former ROH World Champion and NXT Champion who is one of the most dangerous wrestlers in the world.

This match has been building for months, and it is sure to be a classic. MJF is a master of psychological warfare, and he will do everything in his power to get under Joe’s skin. Joe, on the other hand, is a veteran wrestler who knows how to stay calm and collected under pressure.

The winner of this match will be crowned the undisputed AEW World Champion, and it is sure to be a moment that fans will remember for years to come.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Saraya (c) vs. Toni Storm

Another highly anticipated match on the Grand Slam card is for the AEW Women’s World Championship, as Saraya puts her title on the line against Toni Storm. Saraya has been one of the most popular wrestlers in AEW since her debut, and Storm is one of the most talented wrestlers in the women’s division.

This match has been building for several weeks, and it is sure to be a great contest. Saraya is a powerful wrestler with a lot of charisma, while Storm is a skilled technician with a lot of experience.

The winner of this match will be crowned the AEW Women’s World Champion, and it is sure to be a moment that fans will remember for years to come.

AEW International Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Rey Fenix

AEW International Champion Jon Moxley will defend his title against Rey Fenix at Grand Slam. Moxley is one of the most popular and respected wrestlers in AEW, while Fenix is one of the most exciting and acrobatic wrestlers in the world.

This match has the potential to be a steal of the show. Moxley is a hard-hitting brawler, while Fenix is a high-flying luchador. The two different styles will clash in a big way, and it is sure to be a thrilling match to watch.

The winner of this match will be crowned the AEW International Champion, and it is sure to be a moment that fans will remember for years to come.

Title vs. Title: ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli vs. NPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston

ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli will take on NPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston in a title vs. title match at Grand Slam. This match has been building for several weeks, and it is sure to be a brutal and hard-hitting contest.

Castagnoli is a former WWE Intercontinental Champion and United States Champion, while Kingston is a former ROH World Champion. Both men are known for their tough and gritty styles of wrestling.

This match has the potential to be a classic. The two champions will put everything on the line to prove who is the best.

The winner of this match will be crowned the ROH World Champion and the NPW Strong Openweight Champion, and it is sure to be a moment that fans will remember for years to come.

Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara

Two of the biggest names in AEW, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara, will face off in a singles match at Grand Slam. This match has been building for several months, and it is sure to be a personal and heated rivalry.

Jericho is the leader of the Jericho Appreciation Society, while Guevara is a former AEW TNT Champion. The two men have been trading barbs for months, and they are finally set to settle their differences in the ring.

This match has the potential to be a show-stealer. Jericho is a veteran wrestler with a lot of experience, while Guevara is a young and talented wrestler who is always hungry to prove himself.

The winner of this match will get a major boost in their career, and it is sure to be a moment that fans will remember for years to come.

Other Matches

In addition to the five matches listed above, there are several other matches that could be added to the Grand Slam card. Some potential matches include:

  • The Young Bucks vs. FTR
  • Ricky Starks vs. Brian

Watch AEW Dynamite 9/20/23 20th September 2023 Live Online 20th September 2023 2023/09/20 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review