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Two weeks of celebration behind us.

September 22, 2023

It was fun time. In my opinion, second week was slightly weaker than first week, but we had some really good moments. Steve getting the DMC case is the best option but I am going to miss miss Yuya.

Ultimate X was one of the better Ultimate X’s with unexpected winner. I was rooting for Swann, though.

Heel Shelley rules and BFG main event is going to be so good. Their first match was great but now there is a story behind it.

Main event was a clusterfuck but in a good way. Could have been better and cleaner but I like stories more than workrate. Main event give us several potential stories you can do with all talent included and Impact will do some at least some of those. Gail vs Deonna needs to happen.

And it was cool to see Fox Box again. I would love to have it back in some capacity but I don’t know how it would make sense.

Had fun watching it and that makes a show good for me.


Josh/Trey was good.

September 22, 2023

KO tag was fun overall. I enjoyed seeing Gail wrestle again. Kong seemed in rough shape. There’s a lot of potentially strong BFG KO singles programs with Trinity, Mickie, Jordynne, Deonna and maybe even Gail in the mix.

UX was good. Angels winning his first ever singles match on a pre-show then beating big X acts for a title shot in a 2 week span is whiplash inducing. It would’ve been nice if Bailey did something recently to build him up for Ospreay instead of spending months just being a guy in matches who almost always lost and had no storylines. It would’ve made more sense for him to get the spotlight singles win that went to Jake instead of him losing a gimmick match to Angels minutes before Bailey v Ospreay was announced as 1 of BFG’s top matches.

Shelley’s slow heel turn is great. There’s big potential in him having a long heel run after being a face for over a decade. It would’ve been nice if there was a backstage segment where someone asked him to explain his actions last week to further flesh out his evolving character, MCMG talked about it being MCMG Era 2.0 or Sabin talked about his historic win. They could’ve cut at least 1 of Shark Boy’s “it’s a tag match now playa” bits and jumped quicker to that tag to make room. Was the World Champ with deep company history the only regular roster member to not wrestle this taping?


Fantastic episode.

September 22, 2023

It was fun, and never got dull. That Ultimate X match.. WOW Josh vs Trey was def a banger. We ATE GOOD tonight boys


Angelina Love doing

September 22, 2023

Angelina Love doing double duty tonight with a match against Athena in Ring of Honor too! How Rude of her!



September 22, 2023



Great episode.

September 22, 2023

A lot of nostalgia but still a big enough focus on current storylines. No other way for Impact to end their 100th episode celebration than the Knockouts main eventing.


Shark Boy’s

September 22, 2023

And somewhere Teddy Long raised a toast to Shark Boy’s handling of multiple wrestlers running in the ring during a match.


Moose during the Feast or Fired reveal.

September 22, 2023

Low key favorite thing was Moose during the Feast or Fired reveal. Saying how much he really wanted the tag team briefcase and then how sad he was in getting a World Title shot only to start laughing and not trying to hide it. Add in Brian Myers rolling his eyes not believing him and it was great.


iMPACT Wrestling returned on September 21, 2023 with a stacked card featuring Ultimate X, a Dirty Dango vs. Jake Something match, and much more. In the main event, Alan Angels defeated Mike Bailey, Rich Swann, and Kenny King in a thrilling Ultimate X match to become the number one contender for the X-Division Championship.

Ultimate X Match: Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann vs. Kenny King vs. Alan Angels

The Ultimate X match was a wild and chaotic affair, with all four competitors giving it their all. Bailey and Swann were the early favorites, but King and Angels were not to be underestimated. King hit a devastating cross body off the top of the ropes onto Bailey and Swann, while Angels hit a springboard missile dropkick on King.

The match went back and forth, with each competitor having their moments. Bailey hit his signature springboard moonsault onto Swann and King, while Swann hit his signature Phoenix Splash onto Angels. King hit his signature Royal Flush Cutter on Bailey, while Angels hit his signature Wing Clipper on King.

In the end, it was Angels who emerged victorious. He climbed the cables and grabbed the X before anyone else could. The crowd erupted in cheers as Angels celebrated his victory.

Dirty Dango vs. Jake Something

The match between Dirty Dango and Jake Something was a hard-hitting affair. Both men are known for their strength and power, and they put it all on display in this match.

Dango got the early advantage, using his size and strength to overpower Something. He hit a series of power moves, including a powerslam and a backbreaker. However, Something refused to give up. He battled back and hit a series of his own power moves, including a spinebuster and a chokeslam.

The match went back and forth for several minutes, with neither man able to gain a clear advantage. In the end, it was Something who emerged victorious. He hit his signature Black Hole Slam on Dango to pick up the win.

Other Matches on the Card

In other matches on the card, Eric Young defeated Kenny King, Taya Valkyrie defeated Mickie James, and Sami Callihan defeated Moose.

Main Event Contract Signing

In the main event segment, Josh Alexander and Trey Miguel signed the contract for their upcoming World Championship match at Bound For Glory. The two men exchanged words and stared each other down, setting the stage for an epic showdown at the pay-per-view.

Overall, iMPACT Wrestling delivered another exciting and action-packed episode on September 21, 2023. The Ultimate X match was the highlight of the evening, but there were several other good matches as well. The main event contract signing was also a good segment, and it helped to build hype for the upcoming World Championship match at Bound For Glory.

Match-by-Match Analysis

Ultimate X Match: Mike Bailey vs. Rich Swann vs. Kenny King vs. Alan Angels

The Ultimate X match was a thrilling and chaotic affair, with all four competitors giving it their all. Bailey and Swann were the early favorites, but King and Angels were not to be underestimated.

Bailey hit his signature springboard moonsault onto Swann and King, while Swann hit his signature Phoenix Splash onto Angels. King hit his signature Royal Flush Cutter on Bailey, while Angels hit his signature Wing Clipper on King.

In the end, it was Angels who emerged victorious. He climbed the cables and grabbed the X before anyone else could. The crowd erupted in cheers as Angels celebrated his victory.

This was a fantastic Ultimate X match, and it is one of the best matches of the year so far. All four competitors put in a great performance, and the match was exciting and suspenseful from start to finish.

Dirty Dango vs. Jake Something

The match between Dirty Dango and Jake Something was a hard-hitting affair. Both men are known for their strength and power, and they put it all on display in this match.

Dango got the early advantage, using his size and strength to overpower Something. He hit a series of power moves, including a powerslam and a backbreaker. However, Something refused to give up. He battled back and hit a series of his own power moves, including a spinebuster and a chokeslam.

The match went back and forth for several minutes, with neither man able to gain a clear advantage. In the end, it was Something who emerged victorious. He hit his signature Black Hole Slam on Dango to pick up the win.

Other Matches on the Card

Eric Young vs. Kenny King

This match was a back-and-forth affair, with both wrestlers getting their fair share of offense. Young hit a series of his signature moves, including the Angle Slam and the Youngblood, but King was able to kick out of each pin attempt. King hit a series of his signature moves as well, including the Royal Flush Cutter, but Young was also able to kick out of each pin attempt.

In the end, it was Young who emerged victorious. He hit a piledriver on King to pick up the win.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Mickie James

This match was a hard-hitting affair, with both wrestlers giving it their all. Valkyrie got the early advantage, using her speed and agility to outmaneuver James. She hit a series of high-flying moves, including a springboard moonsault and a crossbody off the top of the ropes.

However, James was able to battle back. She used her experience and ring smarts to take control of the match. She hit a series of her signature moves, including the Mickie-DT and the Chick Kick.

The match went back and forth for several minutes, with neither woman able to gain a clear advantage. In the end, it was Valkyrie who emerged victorious. She hit her signature Valhalla dive on James to pick up the win.

Sami Callihan vs. Moose

This match was a brutal and bloody affair. Both wrestlers are known for their hard-hitting style, and they did not disappoint in this match. Callihan hit a series of his signature weapons shots, including a baseball bat to the head and a barbed wire bat to the back. Moose hit a series of his signature moves as well, including the Moose Drop and the No Jackhammer Required.

The match went back and forth for several minutes, with neither man able to gain a clear advantage. In the end, it was Callihan who emerged victorious. He hit his signature Cactus Jack Driver on Moose to pick up the win.

Overall, these were all good matches that helped to make iMPACT Wrestling a must-watch show on September 21, 2023.

Main Event Contract Signing

In the main event segment, Josh Alexander and Trey Miguel signed the contract for their upcoming World Championship match at Bound For Glory. The two men exchanged words and stared each other down, setting the stage for an epic showdown at the pay-per-view.

Alexander said that he is the best wrestler in the world, and that he is going to prove it at Bound For Glory. He said that Miguel is a good wrestler, but that he is not good enough to beat him.

Miguel said that he respects Alexander, but that he is not afraid of him. He said that he is going to win the World Championship at Bound For Glory, and that he is going to prove to the world that he is the best wrestler in iMPACT Wrestling.

The crowd was hyped for the upcoming World Championship match between Alexander and Miguel. Both men are talented wrestlers, and the match is sure to be a classic.


iMPACT Wrestling delivered another exciting and action-packed episode on September 21, 2023. The Ultimate X match was the highlight of the evening, but there were several other good matches as well. The main event contract signing was also a good segment, and it helped to build hype for the upcoming World Championship match at Bound For Glory.

iMPACT Wrestling is one of the best wrestling promotions in the world, and they consistently put on top-notch shows. If you are not watching iMPACT Wrestling, then you are missing out.

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