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WWE SmackDown Full Episode, 02 February 2024

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FULL SEGMENT: The Rock steps to Roman Reigns on Road To WrestleMania: SmackDown, Feb. 2, 2024

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Rock and Roman Reigns face-off after SmackDown goes off the air!: SmackDown exclusive, Feb. 2, 2024

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SmackDown’s jaw-dropping moments: SmackDown highlights, Feb. 2, 2024

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I am no longer a fan.

February 3, 2024

I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of the wrestlemania plan. My wife just took our crying kids and said they’re all spending the week at a hotel. The rock has ruined my life and my party. I can’t handle this anymore. Goodbye wwe.


I am very unhappy.

February 3, 2024

I stopped watching WWE consistently after the last Mania.

I had been only getting back into it, just for this to happen.


This might be even funnier than

February 3, 2024

when he lost at last mania


What is it with Cody and forgoing title shots?

February 3, 2024

He did this in AEW too 😂😂😂


Rock v Roman is a huge money match

February 3, 2024

that is fitting of Wrestlemania’s 40th anniversary. I know it’s gotta suck to be Cody but he’s got to have guarantees to be the guy that beats Roman once he passes Hogan.


The most stupidest part about this is that

February 3, 2024

not only did WWE manage to make the world heavyweight Championship look like a midcard title.

Not only did they make the royal rumble look like it’s nothing.

Not only did they stopped any talents into becoming big.

But they also made the money in the bank look pathetic. Not since Cena announcing his cash in and losing to become the first failed cash in has the money in the bank looked so weak. That used to be this scary thing that everyone would die to have. Now it’s just slightly more important than the King of the ring


The build up is just stupid too.

February 3, 2024

Both rock and Roman might show up what, twice, maybe three times?

And there’s no logical scenario where Rock should beat Roman either.

It’s simply a money grab in the worst possible way, even though WWE is at an all time high.


What if the Rock beats Roman at WM?

February 3, 2024

Cody gave up his story just for somebody else to finish it?


This is like when Game of Thrones was cooking and then just fell off a cliff.

February 3, 2024

Rock v Roman is gonna be a 2 star match, with the crowd chanting this is awesome and some headlocks and a people’s elbow Roman kicks out off and I wouldn’t put it past the rock to have it end in a shmozz so he still looks strong.

While Cody vs Seth have another banger for the title that doesn’t really mean anything

All so HHH can say it’s the most successful Mania ever, even though it still woulda been without Rock smh


Cody winning at EC is a let down.

February 3, 2024

Don’t get me wrong, I think most of us WANT him to win. But we want him to win at WM, that is the whole point of winning the Rumble. So he can have his moment and finish it.


Cody didn’t say he was going to challenge Seth,

February 3, 2024

so this might still be the angle they’re going towards.


nyone saying

February 3, 2024

Did you hear the crowd?!? Rock/Roman is money! I understand why they….blah blah blah’ is an idiot. Sorry. You can walk and chew gum at the same time, and you can book Cody and book Rock at the same time. You don’t need to force Cody to give up his spot at WM to give Rock a spot at WM. For Christsakes, Seth and Punk are injured. Why didn’t they just have Cody say he wants to fight Roman at EC instead, then have Rock come out at EC and fight off the Bloodline while Cody wins. THEN you have a perfect set up for Cody vs. ??? and Rock vs. Roman as your double header. Cody still looks good AND headlines WM as champ. Instead, you cut a Roman promo that shat all over the other title and Seth and you basically had Cody scoot out of the way like a child to allow Rock to main event Mania. pure insanity, and it didn’t need to go down that way at all. In the words of the wise Randy Orton: “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!”


Cody really doesn’t hide his emotions well.

February 3, 2024

You could tell he was disappointed just by looking at him and so he should be. My heart really broke for him tonight. I don’t understand why he won the rumble now and why he pointed at roman at the end of the show. It feels like the last year was just wasted now.


Punk being injured absolutely fucked the Punk Vs Rollins match at Wrestlemania.

February 3, 2024

He’ll still be in recovery after surgery at that point and they needed a marquee. They’ll have asked Cody and said “listen we can set up “someone” Vs Rollins but it won’t be as big as you winning the title. We can have Rock Vs Reigns at Wrestlemania and they’ll be 2 massive main events”

Cody, being a company guy has said yeah, alright. As long as when I do face Roman it’s a win and not some bullshit. So I think short term it’s bullshit. But we’re not seeing the bigger picture as booking does. They need (for some reason) Reigns to have the Hogan beating title reign. Cody winning at Wrestlemania ruins that.

Booking is a long-term process and I feel like Punks injury meant they had to turn to Cody to be that guy. So while it’s bullshit and Reigns shouldn’t be champion, Cody should take it at Mania, that’s the reason why.


Maybe Cody loses his mind

February 3, 2024

goes full R-Truth and chooses Iyo too.


What the fuck.

February 3, 2024

If you wanna fuck Cody over, then don’t have him win the Rumble! Get Drew or Gunther, or heck, even Sami!

Reigns is going to continue his stupid reign and we’re going to continue to deal with a part-time champ.

We’re going back to Vince’s booking where fans get fucked for emotionally investing in the product


Cody is gonna come out on Monday to start the show.

February 3, 2024

He’s gonna challenge Seth.

He’s going to pretend to be happy about it.

and the second that promo is over, I am going to check out until Summerslam.

I legit do not think I have been this angry over a booking decision in a very, very long time. and I really hope it is a swerve of some sort.

I’m not angry because I’m a huge Cody stan or anything. I’m just angry because…it just DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!

The entire story behind Cody’s WWE return has been built around him winning the Title that Roman currently holds at Wrestlemania. Literally Everything he has done since he has returned to WWE has been in service to THAT story, to winning THAT title. Not any other title. THAT ONE, SPECIFICALLY. He’s legitimately not given a single shit about any other title in WWE. Yeah he won the Tag titles, but he really didn’t give a shit, he got drunk did a funny press conference and then lost the titles shortly after.

He failed the first shot at it, he climbed back up the mountain, won the Rumble again (which hasn’t been done in almost 20 years) for another shot at THAT title, the one his Dad got screwed out of.

It makes absolutely no storyline sense at all for him to just….GIVE that opportunity away to a nostalgia act Hollywood actor. Even if he is the biggest star in the world. It STILL makes no sense. and I LOVE The Rock. I mark out every single time he shows up on WWE TV. This still makes me angry.

If Cody had gotten screwed in a way that made sense and pushed the story forward in a cool way, then fine. But he literally just…gave up.

now…if this is a swerve of some sort, and we still get Cody vs SOMEBODY at Mania for THAT title, then I take all this back.


This is the biggest bait and switch of all time.

February 3, 2024

They have what? 64 days left before Mania? Cody choosing to fight Roman is OBVIOUSLY what’s going to happen, they’re just trying to add some layers of intrigue leading up to it. Otherwise, we’re just looking at a 2 month countdown clock to Cody finishing the story.

If Cody came out tonight and said he was challenging Roman Reigns at Mania, we’d all just know that means he’s gonna be champion. Now, because of this, there is doubt.


I wanted Sami to beat Roman,

February 3, 2024

but he couldn’t because it had to be Cody. And then it wasn’t Cody anyway. And then I wanted Jey to beat Roman, but he couldn’t because it had to be Cody, but this time they really mean it! And now this is happening.

I am not a Cody fan at all, so I’m actually more entertained by the idea of Rock/Roman, but they have just passed up so many opportunities to end Roman’s reign in a satisfying and/or logical way. A year ago, people thought the Bloodline story might be the best wrestling story ever, and now it is a complete albatross that is preventing the show from moving forward. I had put a lot of faith in Triple H sticking the landing on that story when it was so consistently good every week, but he has fumbled it terribly at this point.


Cody and Seth

February 3, 2024

The good thing about Cody and Seth is that they’re so fuckin good that as long as they go hard they can sell me on anything


HHH better not force this DOA

February 3, 2024

Cody/Seth WM match as a main event. The crowds clearly just do not want it and there’s no saving it after how Roman buried Seth and the WHC tonight.

Stick it in the middle of night one and be done with it.


Cody Seth will be a great matc

February 3, 2024

Rock and Roman is money and Cody/Seth will be a great match. I got no complaints


I want to see to redeem this Wrestlemania

February 3, 2024

I’ve been thinking about what I want to see to redeem this Wrestlemania and I am left with only one thought: Hater of the Century Drew Mcintyre needs to beat Seth. Cody still has not said that he’s going to Wrestlemania to wrestle Seth, he didn’t even act like he wanted that title. Let Drew shine.


Damien Priest for his briefcase

February 3, 2024

Cody is gonna challenge Damien Priest for his briefcase because he needs a little more time to think things through.


Cody hater this is good shit.

February 3, 2024

I think we’re due for a swerve but as a professional Cody hater this is good shit.


Cody or Seth’s current characters

February 3, 2024

As a fan who doesn’t like Cody or Seth’s current characters, I’m enjoying the shit out of this. I understand I’m in the minority but man this makes me happy.


It sucks man

February 3, 2024

To anyone saying “this is a work”, man, watch Codys face during all that. He was trying, but man, the disappointment and heartbreak was obvious. He couldn’t even hide it.



February 3, 2024

The funny thing is I actually liked the show up until that final segment.

But fuck me was that the burial of all burials. You buried Cody. You buried Seth. You buried the World Heavyweight Title. You buried anyone who would want to compete for the World Heavyweight Title. And for what?


Rock just enter as number 30

February 3, 2024

Why didn’t Rock just enter as number 30 and win what a complete pointless rumble


This really is such a cuckolding storyline,

February 3, 2024

are we sure Vince isn’t booking from home?


You know what’s funny?

February 3, 2024

If Cody and Seth happens at Mania and they feud over World Heavyweight Title, not only will this be their 4th match and second Mania match, Cody will also fight for the title that didn’t even exist when he was “finishing the story” last year at Mania 39….

I hope to Jesus Christ this is some 8D chess play by WWE execs and I’m being played like a fiddle, cause holy fuck, this is so dumb


Even in the new regime,

February 3, 2024

there’s still a Cuck storyline


WE really just nerf Cody

February 3, 2024

Did WWE really just nerf Cody because Punk got seriously hurt in the Rumble and won’t be able to wrestle at Mania?


So at first look this looks bad for Cody.

February 3, 2024

I mean what are we supposed to think?? We all wanted Cody to fight Roman Reigns at wrestlemania to finish his story. Instead, he got thrown to the side for the Rock to come in and supposedly give the impression he is going to beat Roman Reigns. The way it is set up it might look like the Rock will lose at Wrestlemanina because Cody hinted that he is coming for the title and Roman in the future. Though this might prevent another loss of Cody at wrestlemania to Roman Reigns, this for sure seemed to have just made the “Finishing the Story” of Cody Rhodes longer.

I just hope Cody does not get screw in the process because let’s face it, he might not win another royal rumble in a long time. Not to say I assume now Cody will fight Seth Rollins??? I just hope he doesn’t lose to Seth, but it would look bad for Seth to lose again to Cody. WWE is just throwing themselves into uncharted territory and I hope Triple H knows what he is doing.


hardcore fanbase

February 3, 2024

piss off your hardcore fanbase that actually spends money on the product just so you can appease casuals for one night


I thought Vince was gone from the company.

February 3, 2024

And yet here we are with Vince type booking. This is terrible. I hope people boo them liked they booed Batista to force DBry into the Main Event.


You know what.

February 3, 2024

let’s not flinch and wait, I can see it now…just imagine.. Monday..Raw.

Cody comes out..

“I told Roman I would not take his title from him at Wrestlemania 40 and I will not..

Because I will take it from him at Elimination Chamber”

Boom. Win win, Rhodes finishes the story and WWE get their money making rock/reigns match


Cody v Roman with Rock as special guest ref

February 3, 2024

How is this all not simply leading to Cody v Roman with Rock as special guest ref to keep the bloodline in order? Just seems bonkers to me to push Cody aside, likes he’s the dude who will benefit the most from beating Roman, he’s the Babyface WWE has been waiting for these past couple years.


Is it time to come and out

February 3, 2024

Is it time to come and out and say that HHH has never booked a cohesive story that lasted longer than a year?

Like, I think NXT being developmental, and the looming presence and the need to wrap up arcs actually shielded him.


Cody like this

February 3, 2024

I’m gonna be stubbornly optimistic theirs no way in hell they do Cody like this…… right ?


Show Timing and Info

February 2, 2024

Livestream links for WWE Smackdown 2/2/24 2nd February 2024 Live Online will be added before the show starts. HD Full show replay links for WWE Smackdown 2/2/24 2nd February 2024 Live Online will be added during the show. HD and HDTV Fullshow replay links for WWE Smackdown 2/2/24 2nd February 2024 Live Online will be added after the show ends.


I cannot wait.

February 2, 2024

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The Rumble’s Echo: SmackDown Blazes the Road to WrestleMania 40

The dust barely settled from the electrifying Royal Rumble, yet WWE charges headfirst into the new year with a stacked Friday Night SmackDown. The aroma of WrestleMania 40 hangs heavy in the air, and Birmingham, Alabama, prepares to witness the first tremors of the grandest stage’s seismic build-up. Brace yourselves, WWE Universe, because SmackDown promises an episode loaded with championship decisions, returning superstars, and the potential for fireworks.

The Tribal Chief Returns: Roman Reigns Reclaims His Domain

Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, fresh off conquering the Fatal 4-Way at the Rumble, makes his triumphant return to SmackDown. Standing resolute after 1,240 days of dominance, The Head of the Table will undoubtedly address the WWE Universe with his signature blend of arrogance and calculated power. But will his celebratory speech be interrupted? Could a challenger, emboldened by the Rumble’s outcome, rise to confront the Tribal Chief? Or will Reigns bask in his glory, setting the stage for an even more dominant Road to WrestleMania?

The Queen Chooses Her Prey: Bayley Sets Her Sights on WrestleMania Gold

With the prestigious “Queen of SmackDown” crown firmly on her head, Bayley stands at the crossroads of opportunity. Having emerged victorious from the Women’s Royal Rumble, the decision of who she’ll challenge for their respective titles at WrestleMania 40 looms large. Will she target the cunning SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan, seeking revenge for past defeats? Or will she set her sights on the Raw Women’s Champion, reigniting her rivalry with the ever-resilient Bianca Belair? Bayley’s announcement promises intrigue and sets the stage for a captivating women’s division heading into the biggest show of the year.

The American Nightmare Arrives: Logan Paul Walks a Tightrope on SmackDown

The controversial figure of Logan Paul returns to SmackDown following his turbulent victory over Kevin Owens at the Royal Rumble. His disqualification win leaves a bitter taste in Owens’ mouth and the WWE Universe divided. Will Paul attempt to justify his actions? Or will he face the music, potentially setting up a rematch with a vengeful Owens? The United States Champion walks a tightrope on SmackDown, his future championship reign hanging precariously in the balance.

The Dream Takes Flight: Cody Rhodes Ignites His WrestleMania Quest

The 2024 Royal Rumble winner, Cody Rhodes, arrives on SmackDown with the weight of expectation firmly on his shoulders. Having declared his intention to challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania, “The American Nightmare” faces the daunting task of making his intentions known to The Tribal Chief. Will Rhodes engage in a war of words with Reigns, igniting their WrestleMania rivalry early? Or will he take a more strategic approach, building suspense and anticipation for their eventual clash?

Beyond the Big Names: Unforgettable SmackDown Undercard

While the main event storylines steal the spotlight, SmackDown boasts a captivating undercard teeming with potential. The Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn, ever the opportunist, could use the Rumble’s momentum to reignite his rivalry with the resilient Sheamus. The Tag Team division promises excitement with The Usos facing a potential challenge from up-and-comers like Hit Row or Legado Del Fantasma. And the ever-intriguing women’s mid-card could see Shotzi Blackheart, Raquel Rodriguez, or Aliyah make their mark in a multi-woman match or a captivating rivalry.

Unpredictable Twists and Turns: The WWE Wild Card

Remember, the beauty of WWE lies in its unpredictability. A surprise return, a shocking title change, or a brutal beatdown could erupt at any moment. The ever-present threat of the “Wild Card Rule” throws another layer of chaos into the mix, allowing superstars from Raw to invade SmackDown and vice versa. This unpredictability adds a thrilling layer of anticipation, ensuring that viewers remain glued to their screens until the very last bell.

The Road Begins: SmackDown Paves the Way for WrestleMania Grandeur

This Friday Night SmackDown marks the first significant step on the Road to WrestleMania 40. With champions making crucial decisions, returning superstars igniting rivalries, and potential for unexpected twists, the episode promises to be a must-watch event for any WWE fan. So, clear your schedules, gather your fellow WWE enthusiasts, and prepare to be captivated by the electrifying atmosphere of SmackDown. Remember, the echoes of the Royal Rumble may have faded, but the tremors of WrestleMania are just beginning. Will you be there to witness them?

Watch WWE Smackdown 2/2/24 2nd February 2024 Live Online 2nd February 2024 2024/02/02 Livestream and Full Show Online Free Review