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Royal Rumble Post-Show Press Conference: Jan. 27, 2024

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EVERY entrant in the 2024 Men’s Royal Rumble: Royal Rumble 2024 highlights

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Trash Royal Rumble

January 28, 2024

Trash Royal Rumble wasted my precious time


That was rough. I am glad the questions were asked.

January 28, 2024

You can talk about the positives all you want but the cloud around this is unavoidable.

I would say it is much more important to actually answer the questions. Cody did do that do the best of his ability. Paul didn’t.


I wanna focus on the positives was said like

January 28, 2024

they just lost out on getting a talent or someone got injured. That is a terrible answer in the face of his father being accused of sex trafficking a woman.

It’s not like anyone expected a straight answer, and more that everyone expected a corpo answer, but my god that was bad. When we don’t really know how far this rabbit hole goes, or how many people are exactly involved, they gotta do better than that.


why so many of you seem to think a post-PLE press conference

January 28, 2024

is the appropriate place to even attempt to address the Vince allegations and lawsuit a full 2 days after it happened. Leading into Royal Rumble what do you really expect HHH to say or even know what to say especially since WWE is named in the lawsuit. Ultimately this is in the hands of lawyers and as a representative of WWE theres probably a legal reason for him not to address this situation head on, especially when the press conference is basically a worked shoot idea to begin with,


Seth better rest his back

January 28, 2024

he’s gonna be carrying Punk in that night 1 mainevent of buy 1 get 2 night mania.


Thinking back of all the back to back winners before Cody that they listed.

January 28, 2024

Each one lost their match at the first WrestleMania and ended up winning the year after.


He was pretty awful in AEW too

January 28, 2024

but people’s nostalgia and other wrestlers carrying him in a couple good matches made people ignore it.


It looked like Drew was no selling his moves

January 28, 2024

and dead weighting him in the GTS but yeah, if you ain’t gonna have muscles he could at least done some cardio


They should have had Roman lose it tonight with Randy pinning AJ

January 28, 2024

Cody win it at Wrestlemania then Roman v Cody next year. That would protect Roman and also give the belt to Cody.

Now I’m not sure that they have Roman lose. I know the people want it but that’s not how the storylines are written.


Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, and now Cody Rhodes

January 28, 2024

All won back to back Rumbles before becoming world champion once.


BURIES AEW & Tony Khan!

January 28, 2024

Triple H SHOOTS HARD on the Forbidden Door,


He’s saying what needs to be said right now.

January 28, 2024

He’s not going to have the answers people are looking for no matter what. This is a personal relationship and a business relationship for him and he’s probably got a lot on his plate.


When Cody beats Roman and The Rock at the mania,

January 28, 2024

Cody needs to come out with The Lei on Raw after Mania.


Trips is showing

January 28, 2024

why he’s the goat right now with how he’s handling this


What do you want him to say?

January 28, 2024

My father in law is a fuckin creep? He is at the top, of course he isn’t going to say anything.


I made fun of Tony for this,

January 28, 2024

and I’ll shit on Triple H too for doing the same thing. What a non answer. He didn’t say anything.


Continuing to say

January 28, 2024

“we had a great week this week” is definitely a choice. And if you are in the role that Triple H is in, and you didn’t read the lawsuit against your company….


I knew HHH wasn’t going to give straight answers about Vince

January 28, 2024

but holy shit how are you going to answer a question about a woman being raped by top executives of the company with “I’d like to focus on the positives”???


The only thing that saved this PLE was the Women’s Rumble.

January 28, 2024

Definitely MOTN. Unfortunately it went downhill starting w/ Liv as #30. The crowd deflated after that. They should’ve had her & Naomi switch spots & keep Grace in longer. The pop for Naomi would’ve been way bigger along with the hug with Grace


Imagine this subs meltdown

January 28, 2024

when HHH puts the belt on The Rock and makes Cody eats the pin in triple treat.


And a multi-time Rumble winner,

January 28, 2024

putting him in with Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, John Cena, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar, Edge, Randy Orton, and Batista. And honestly Batista is an outlier because he definitely shouldn’t have won in 2014, and you could argue Cena should’ve won in 05 if Smackdown had a better champion than JBL. That’s elite company.


Cody knows how to answer those questions without answering them.

January 28, 2024

Imagine telling someone 10 years ago that Cody would be the face of the company and a decorated wrestler in multiple promotions. Wild.


Vince, TKO/WWE and HHH

January 28, 2024

Vince, TKO/WWE and HHH have all already either made statements or talked about it. I’m sure they knew the media wanted more details and Cody just answered it the way he should.


wrestling journalists.

January 28, 2024

Well, they’re “wrestling journalists.” I use the quotes because the industry is basically rumor-mongering and speculation.


Stupid question, as i havent seen any of these press conferences.

January 28, 2024

Are they actually..”real”? I mean, with actually press being there asking?


one-time champion!”

January 28, 2024

Lol! “Dawg, I’m just trying to be one-time champion!”


good talker

January 28, 2024

Cody is such a good talker


Presidential level

January 28, 2024

Cody’s speaking skills are Presidential level


Oh and Seth better rest his back

January 28, 2024

cuz hes gonna be carrying Punk in that night 1 mainevent of buy 1 get 2 night mania.


Thinking back of all the back to back winners

January 28, 2024

Before Cody that they listed. Each one lost their match at the first WrestleMania and ended up winning the year after.


Gotta say the steam feom Punks return vanished with the rumble.

January 28, 2024

Dude was gassed af and his hits had no real impact. why is he still such a big Deal? Botchtista had more stamina than this guy.


Making the #30 spot

January 28, 2024

the big surprise makes every Rumble predictable. Look through the history of the Rumble and how underwhelming the #30 spot usually was. Jade debuting at #28 actually made the moment a bigger shock imo


possible concussion?

January 28, 2024

Jade drilled her head into the corner & hasn’t really done much since…


Women’s roster

January 28, 2024

is deep and has really improved in the last couple years. They have done a better job of creating new stats than they have with the men


jade and Bianca

January 28, 2024

I was hoping jade and Bianca would throw them into each other 😂


How much longer is Brock under contract?

January 26, 2024

After the lawsuit, I could see Brock being told to stay home until it expired.



January 26, 2024

This company knew what Vince did and chose to do a “THANK YOU VINCE” tour where he’d go out to be cheered by the mindless fans while an active investigation was going on about him. Common sense is a myth in wwe.


The court document says that Vince offered her to Brock as a perk when signing a new contract.

January 26, 2024

“Sign with my company and you can have sex with this woman” is not how consent works. The document states over and over that Grant didn’t want to have sex with any of the men Vince tried pawning her off to, but that he consistently threatened her with his immense legal resources were she to come forward with any of the crimes.

As an athlete, if a promoter decides on behalf of a woman that said athlete can have sex with her as part of the athlete’s contract going forward, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that Vince is making the decision for her. Brock isn’t stupid.

Vince also bragged about raping Grant to multiple people in WWE, according to the document. This was no secret.


How did Brock know she was being trafficked?

January 26, 2024

It is entirely possible he thought it was all consensual. You should see the thing me and my GF text each other. If you read it straight up you would think we were criminals. Let this go to court and work itself out.


Given that NBC and CNN

January 26, 2024

Are talking about this when they never ever talk about the WWE in any other case, yes, people do care. And they should care. This is an accusation that Vince tortured and serially raped a woman over the course of many months, and invited other men to join in on the rape.

The fact that you call it “hand wringing” to care about this, in an attempt to trivialize the severity of these allegations, is pathetic. What you mean to say is that you don’t care, and you’re mad that other people do. Don’t try and sugarcoat what you actually mean.

In any sane world, Ric Flair would never work in the wrestling industry ever again, and Roman Polanski would be in prison. Do you believe such a world would be less or more preferable to the one we have right now?


Ric Flair literally sexually assaulted a flight attendant on a WWE-chartered flight,

January 26, 2024

With Vince McMahon and all of the other WWE brass on-board (and Linda McMahon too), and he still gets cheered to this day.

Sting, beloved Saint Sting himself, requested Ric for his retirement party.

This hand-wringing is peak Reddit, nobody actually gives a shit about any of this stuff. Grammy-winning performing artists with time in prison for fucking murder, Academy Award-nominated directors who are the subjects of interpol warrants for sex crimes against children – nobody fucking cares.


This is different.

January 26, 2024

This is an allegation that Vince and Brock broke federal human trafficking laws. That Brock was a willing participant in a criminal conspiracy.

This isn’t anything like what the WWE has been through in the past. I can’t imagine how talent would want to work with Brock now, knowing that Brock knew a woman was being raped by Vince, and that he wanted to join in himself.


WWE fans have proven

January 26, 2024

they either don’t follow the news or don’t care, otherwise Vince would’ve been boo’d at every appearance he’s made in the past decade. I honestly think if Lesnar returns we’ll hear cheers


I watch Dynamite weekly

January 26, 2024

and lemme tell you it’s equally nasty work that AEW fans got amnesia all of a sudden when they’re the most chronically online fans. Ric Flair getting any kind of cheers in this day & age is gross. I can see not knowing, but not caring? That’s just nasty.

Edit: I’d also like to believe that, while Flair’s actions were heinous, his allegations weren’t Wall Street Journal and Forbes articles like Vince


You know what sucks?

January 26, 2024

There’s a good number of people who, despite the article being in the Wall Street Journal, will never really find out that Brock Lesnar is also a Nasty Man. Dude is always going to be a legend to some and would probably still get cheered in the current state of WWE today. Shitty situation all around.


Former UFC heavyweight champion

January 26, 2024

I mean “former UFC heavyweight champion” is literally in the lawsuit. There’s no one else that fits that besides Lesnar. Riddle and Punk were in the UFC but never came close to being champions and were both welterweights.


Fuck lesnar, give the potential mania spot vs gunther to Sami

January 26, 2024

(Jey would also be fine but I imagine it’s going to be jey vs jimmy since that is their top goal to wrestle each other at WM)


Brock Lesnar’s entire wall of privacy comes tumbling down

January 26, 2024

If it ever gets confirmed he’s the former UFC fighter in the lawsuit. He’s not going to want this lawsuit to go to discovery.

On one hand, WWE can hide behind, “he was never named in the lawsuit” especially since it seems UFC want him back for UFC 300 later this year. Corporate synergy and whatnot (we know how morally bankrupt Dana White is). But if they put him out there, he’ll get the Chris Jericho treatment and the enthusiasm will get sucked out of the room. It’d be a pretty giant black eye on what could otherwise be a great show on Saturday.


Both Usos will face off at the Rumble match,

January 26, 2024

But Jimmy just isn’t at the level Jey is right now

Jey flourished while Jimmy unfortunately stagnated with the confusing twist of him returning to the Bloodline. Unless Jimmy suddenly gets a big push like Solo did beating Cena, Jey vs Jimmy isn’t WM worthy imo

Maybe when the Bloodline falls apart and Jimmy and Jey end up on the same brand, then we’ll see a feud between the two


WWE Royal Rumble 2024: A Night of Thrills, Surprises, and History

The Royal Rumble, one of WWE’s most iconic events, never fails to deliver an exciting and unpredictable night of action. This year’s edition, held on January 27, 2024, at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida, was no exception. With a star-studded lineup, a plethora of surprises, and some unforgettable moments, the Royal Rumble 2024 did not disappoint.

The Men’s Royal Rumble Match: Cody Rhodes Makes History

The Men’s Royal Rumble match is always a highlight of the event, and this year’s edition did not disappoint. With a stacked field of 30 Superstars, the match was a non-stop thrill ride from start to finish.

The early goings of the match were dominated by surprises, as NXT Superstars Carmelo Hayes and Grayson Waller made their Rumble debuts. Hayes, in particular, showed off his impressive athleticism, eliminating several established veterans.

As the match progressed, the focus shifted to the returning Andrade, who made his grand entrance at the No. 4 spot. The crowd erupted with excitement as Andrade, a former NXT Champion, made his way to the ring.

The final four of the match came down to Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Gunther, and Drew McIntyre. Rhodes, who had won the Rumble the previous year, was looking to become the first Superstar to win the match back-to-back. Punk, on the other hand, was seeking his first Rumble victory.

In a dramatic finish, Rhodes eliminated Punk to secure his spot in history. Rhodes’ victory was a major moment for the company, as he became only the fourth Superstar in history to win the Rumble twice.

The Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Bayley Breaks Records

The Women’s Royal Rumble match was also a night of surprises and memorable moments. With a diverse field of Superstars, the match was a showcase of talent and athleticism.

The early goings of the match saw several former champions make their entrances, including Liv Morgan, Naomi, and Bayley. Morgan, in particular, showed off her impressive strength and endurance, eliminating several opponents.

As the match progressed, the focus shifted to Jade Cargill, the reigning TBS Champion. Cargill made her entrance at the No. 28 spot and immediately made her presence known, eliminating several Superstars.

The final three of the match came down to Bayley, Cargill, and Morgan. After eliminating Cargill, Bayley then eliminated Morgan to win the Rumble, setting a new record for the longest time spent in the match at 1:03:03.

Bayley’s victory was a major moment for the company, as she became only the third Superstar, and the first woman, to win both the men’s and women’s Royal Rumble matches.

Other Key Highlights

The Royal Rumble 2024 was not just about the Rumble matches. There were several other key highlights throughout the night, including:

  • Logan Paul vs. Kevin Owens for the United States Championship: This match was a wild and unpredictable affair. Paul, who was making his first defense of the title, was disqualified after using brass knuckles to hit Owens.
  • Universal Championship Fatal 4-Way Match: This match saw Roman Reigns defend his title against Randy Orton, AJ Styles, and LA Knight. Reigns retained his title after pinning Knight.
  • The Miz vs. Johnny Knoxville in an Anything Goes Match: This match was as chaotic and unpredictable as it sounds. Knoxville, known for his stunts and pranks, put on a show, but The Miz ultimately came out on top.


The Royal Rumble 2024 was a night of unforgettable moments and thrilling action. With a stacked card, a number of surprises, and some truly historic moments, the event did not disappoint. The victories of Cody Rhodes and Bayley were particularly memorable, as they both cemented their legacies in WWE history. As we look ahead to WrestleMania season, the landscape of WWE is sure to be shaped by the events of the Royal Rumble.

Big Stories: Hidden Gems of the 2024 Royal Rumble

While the main event Rumbles take center stage, the undercard matches at the 2024 Royal Rumble hold the potential for instant classics and explosive moments that set the tone for the rest of the night. Let’s dive into some quick matches with big stories waiting to unfold:

United States Championship Clash: Logan Paul vs. Kevin Owens:

  • Logan Paul, the social media superstar turned champion, defends his United States Championship against the ever-hungry Kevin Owens. Can Paul, with his athleticism and celebrity backing, weather the storm of Owens’s grit and unpredictability? Will this be a showcase of Logan’s growth or will Owens expose his lack of experience?

Tag Team Turmoil: The Usos vs. The New Day vs. Alpha Academy vs. Street Profits:

  • Tag team chaos erupts as these four powerhouses collide in a multi-team elimination match. Expect high-flying acrobatics from The New Day, brutal powerbombs from The Usos, innovative technicality from Alpha Academy, and pure swag from The Street Profits. Will new champions emerge, or will established powerhouses solidify their dominance?

Women’s Grudge Match: Bayley vs. Asuka:

  • A personal score needs settling. Bayley, the cunning manipulator, and Asuka, the Empress of Tomorrow, have simmering animosity towards each other. Expect lightning-fast strikes, devastating submissions, and a battle of wills that could steal the show. Will Bayley’s psychological warfare prevail, or will Asuka unleash her wrath and finally conquer her nemesis?

Intercontinental Showdown: Gunther vs. Sheamus:

  • It’s a clash of continents as Gunther, the Ring General of Europe, faces Sheamus, the Celtic Warrior. Pure, hard-hitting action is guaranteed, with stiff chops, monstrous throws, and an unstoppable clash of wills. Can Gunther continue his dominant reign, or will Sheamus unleash his fighting spirit and reclaim his championship glory?

Surprise Returns in the Rumble:

  • The beauty of the Rumble lies in the anticipation of surprise entrants. Imagine the pop from the crowd if legends like Ric Flair or Mickie James strut down the ramp. Could NXT phenoms like Mandy Rose or Grayson Waller make their main roster debut in a shocking way? Keep your eyes peeled, because any superstar, past or present, could add a new layer of excitement to the Rumble.

These are just a few of the quick matches with the potential to steal the show and set the stage for the main event Rumbles. From championship clashes to personal vendettas to the thrill of the unknown, the undercard at the 2024 Royal Rumble promises to be a roller coaster ride of emotions and unforgettable moments.

The tremors of anticipation rumble through the WWE Universe like a pre-match earthquake. January 28th, 2024, marks the epicenter – the Royal Rumble, a battle royale where dreams rise and crumble like suplexed bodies. This year, the stakes are higher than ever, the arena louder than a thousand chants of “Rocky!”. WrestleMania XL looms large, a golden carrot dangling before 30 hungry superstars, each with their own path to the grandest stage of them all.

The Reign of the Tribal Chief: Roman Reigns, the mountain of a man who has cast a shadow over WWE for years, stands atop the mountain. His Universal Championship reign stretches into eternity, a testament to his ruthless dominance. But can even the Tribal Chief weather the storm of 30 hungry rivals? Will the Rumble be the stage for his ultimate downfall, or will he emerge, his reign further cemented in blood and gold?

The Second Coming of the Straight Edge Messiah: CM Punk’s return at Survivor Series was a thunderclap, electrifying the audience and sending shockwaves through the roster. Punk, the defiant icon who walked away from the spotlight, now faces a crossroads. Does he enter the Rumble, seeking a shot at the man who once ostracized him? Or will he forge his own path, his eyes fixed on a different prize?

The Viper’s Bite: Randy Orton, the Legend Killer, is a predator who thrives in the chaos of the Rumble. His cunning mind and viper-like strike make him a constant threat, his RKO a potential death knell for any superstar’s dreams. Will Orton slither into the Rumble, looking to add another WrestleMania challenge to his illustrious career, or will he unleash his venom on other contenders, ensuring his own path to the top?

The Rising Stars: The Rumble is not just for seasoned veterans. It’s a crucible for new heroes to be forged. Bron Breakker, the NXT juggernaut, stands poised to make his main roster debut, his monstrous power and undeniable charisma a force to be reckoned with. Will he dominate the Rumble, announcing his arrival on the biggest stage with a bang? Or will he fall victim to the experience and cunning of his veteran rivals?

The Women’s Revolution: The Women’s Royal Rumble is a battleground of its own, where ferocity and athleticism collide. Bianca Belair, the EST of WWE, may hold the Raw Women’s Championship, but the Rumble offers a chance to add the SmackDown Women’s Championship to her collection, solidifying her dominance. But challengers abound – Rhea Ripley, the Nightmare, hungers for gold, while Sasha Banks, the Boss, seeks redemption after a year of crushing setbacks. Will the Rumble crown a new queen, or will Belair maintain her iron grip on the throne?

Surprises and Betrayals: The Rumble is a breeding ground for the unexpected. Surprise entrants can change the tide of the match in an instant. Will we see the return of legends like Batista or The Undertaker, their shadows looming over the ring? Will NXT superstars like Tiffany Stratton or Carmelo Hayes seize the opportunity to make their mark on the grand stage? And what of betrayals? Will alliances crumble under the pressure of the Rumble, friends turning foes in a desperate scramble for that coveted last spot?

This Royal Rumble is more than just a match. It’s a powder keg of storylines, rivalries, and ambitions, ready to explode on January 28th. From the Tribal Chief’s reign to the rise of new stars, from the Women’s Revolution to the potential for shocking returns and betrayals, the Royal Rumble promises to be a night etched in WWE history. So, strap yourselves in, WWE Universe, for the rumble is coming. And when it does, remember: in the Kingdom of the Rumble, only one superstar will be left standing, their ticket to WrestleMania XL clutched tightly in their victorious hands.

Watch WWE Royal Rumble 2024 1/27/24 Live PPV 27th January 2024 Live Online Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review