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That Kenny promo…Woof!

December 14, 2023

It’s really indicative of something that’s started to bother me in AEW, how seemingly every promo, from everyone, is either trying to feel like a worked shoot, or trying to be cute referencing backstage, insider stuff and winking at the audience….wont lie, I found that appealing for a bit too, but it happens so much now, more often than not, now I just roll my eyes. It’s like how Iron Man or Guardians was witty and fun, but then Marvel decided every single character had to be that way, and now none of it feels special or fun, and I don’t even care to watch Marvel movies.

Sorry for going off on rant, as it wasn’t really a bad show otherwise….just something that’s been bothering me and it stood out with all of them in that segment.

Enjoyed the main event, though I will say it’s odd having Swerve getting cheered like he is…after presenting him as the most dastardly villain the last couple months. Though I’ll shut up, as I don’t need to go on a second, what I hate about modern wrestling rant…


So happy I watch AEW on TBS and not the FITE stream for this reason.

December 14, 2023

The quick change from hangman crumpled up on the car, riding around in pain too Modern family was too funny. 😂


Great match

December 14, 2023

Great match between Mox and Swerve not sure on that finish though. And I’m begging please can we get Kenny away from Jericho please.



December 14, 2023

Mox is gonna sweep the block, but Swerve gets his win back in the rematch (the block finals)


Man’s not digressing

December 14, 2023

Taz hard carrying that fuck up on the finish


Smash cut from Hangman

December 14, 2023

Smash cut from Hangman writhing on the hood to cold open of modern family with Cam and Mitch is certainly a transition.


Swerve is still in this.

December 14, 2023

Guys, ppl are allowed to lose in round robin tournaments.


lasts about 5 years.

December 14, 2023

Jericho needs to go on a nice long tour with Fozzy that spans the globe and lasts about 5 years.


Full Gear match

December 14, 2023

I love that the Full Gear match made Sweve a babyface in the face of the audience and instead of that same audience determining that Hanger was the heel, it just made Hangman more over. That match did absolute wonders for both men.


I dig what AEW is doing,

December 14, 2023

trying to have a sports centered feel since the tournament started – but the commentators need to tone it down a bit and have fun. The whole vibe is giving that the show is for people who still think wrestling is 100% real.

Theres gotta be something more in the middle from where AEW is now and what WWE does


it’s possible Enzo pops

December 14, 2023

Anyone think it’s possible Enzo pops up at Worlds End and costs the Golden Jets the match?


Kenny Omega,

December 14, 2023

This Is Your Life


I am in the super minority

December 14, 2023

I am in the super minority here but I really liked the Golden Jets/Ricky Big Bull segment. I couldn’t even tell you why but I did. It made me laugh a few times. It could have been shortened a bit but nothing is perfect. Maybe I tricked myself into liking it because I’m really pulling for Big Bill to find a lot of success.

I read some of the comments in here and think some of y’all should just take a break. You don’t have to watch every week. If you don’t enjoy the show just change the channel for a bit.


AEW needs to do something earth-shattering

December 14, 2023

AEW needs to do something earth-shattering to fill the void left by Punk and win the >300k back that used to tune in. I have no idea what that would be.


it’s actually Jungle Boy isn’t it.

December 14, 2023

Just realized that The Devil used “real glass” when he attacked Hangman last night….


Opening segment was good,

December 14, 2023

Finally watched an 100% full Dynamite for the first time in two years, here’s an unnecessarily comprehensive review:

-Opening segment was good, but there was something funny about Samoa Joe going “I’m here to be executioner” then Hangman replying and them being interrupted by Roddy instead of getting any physicality felt like an e-fed rp where you just want to get your line in.

-Hangman vs Roddy ruled, very traditionally heel TV match after the kickass strike exchange early on. Part of me does wish Roderick can get to go fully all out in AEW with the time he has left as a top performer, but I can settle for this as long as the comedy goes away in time.

-Andrade vs Brody was very good despite some sluggishness. The picture-in-picture break hurts these matches but they got it back in time for a very hot final few minutes.

-Lazy segment to set up the Von Erichs tag but that was the point.

-Why are we wasting the last years Kenny has as a big deal on long promos and a Jericho tag team? He’s a meh talker and Jericho was always bad at 00’s comedy, he was just doing it in a company where everyone was doing it even worse.

-Riho is so powerful that her match wasn’t in the death slot. I don’t get Timeless Toni Storm but the match was pretty good. Back to back matches with the rope running into rope running spot?

-It’s great to see RUSH so over. Bad person aside, he’s one of the very very best AEW wrestlers. Watching Lethal in 2023 does nothing for me and so I’m very glad they went the unpredictable route and ended this match short. That’s good road agent work.

-At this point, how many ad breaks do 2 hours of TV entail, what? Jay vs Mark was pretty fun, Mark was particularly good in it which comes as no surprise.

-Swerve vs Mox getting a standing ovation and an AEDUB chant before anything and them starting with a 30 second grapple exchange rules. The crowd getting quiet because they’ve never been conditioned to take grappling seriously doesn’t. Would love to see Mox beat people with the gotch piledriver. Overall the match was good but it had a couple silly repositionings because Swerve was too excited to hit the next move instead of getting Mox in position. Despite the nitpick this was still the match of the night and really earnt the main event slot. At * * * 3/4 it might be the best gold league match yet (Blue league really clears).

-This devil thing… man. I can’t even think of who would be a good enough devil for this shit to be worth it.

Overall, a fine episode with every match being “not-bad” which is important. Would have been a very good episode if it had a killer angle in the first hour instead of the Golden Jets dud.


Winter Is Coming: A Blizzard of Brawls at AEW Dynamite

The air crackled with icy anticipation. Not just from the December chill that gripped Jacksonville, but from the electricity coursing through the veins of every AEW fan in attendance. This wasn’t just another Dynamite. This was “Winter is Coming,” a night where the title of “baddest man alive” was up for grabs in a brutal, unforgiving tournament. And oh, did it deliver.

From the opening bell to the final roar of the crowd, “Winter is Coming” was a blizzard of brawls, a symphony of submission holds, and a concerto of chaos conducted by the maestros of mayhem themselves – the stars of AEW.

Hangman Adam Page Warms Up with a Cold Vengeance

The night started with a familiar face, yet one with a new fire in his eyes. Hangman Adam Page, still smarting from his recent defeat, sought redemption against Brody King in a brutal clash of styles. Page, the grizzled gunslinger, danced around King’s monstrous power, peppering him with pinpoint strikes. King, the embodiment of untamed fury, roared and charged, his lariats leaving craters in the canvas.

The match was a brutal ballet, a Shakespearean tragedy penned in sweat and blood. Page, fueled by vengeance, soared off the top rope with a Deadeye, but King, the unyielding beast, kicked out at two. The Hangman, battered but not broken, finally connected with the Buckshot Lariat, sending King crashing to the mat and securing a hard-fought victory. It wasn’t just a win, it was a statement: Hangman Page is back, and he’s coming for his revenge.

Riho Defrosts the Competition, Andrade El Idolo Melts Hearts

The women’s division wasn’t immune to the winter chill, with Riho and Serena Deeb battling for supremacy in a match as technically precise as it was aesthetically beautiful. Riho, the tiny titan, danced around Deeb’s submissions, her agility a counterpoint to Deeb’s methodical grappling.

The match was a masterclass in storytelling, every hold, every near fall, a chapter in their ongoing rivalry. In the end, it was Riho’s unyielding spirit that prevailed, her double knees striking Deeb cold, securing the win and proving that even the smallest blizzard can pack a punch.

Across the ring, Andrade El Idolo brought the Latin heat, his charisma as warm as the tequila he sipped at ringside. His opponent, Brody King’s tag partner Preston “The Butcher” Vance, was a stark contrast – all muscle and menace. Yet, El Idolo proved that beauty and brutality can coexist, his moonsaults and hammerlock DDTs a testament to his technical prowess and ruthless streak.

In the end, El Idolo emerged victorious, his victory dance a victory lap for the power of charisma and in-ring brilliance. It was a reminder that even in the coldest of winters, passion can thaw the frostiest of hearts.

The Gold League Grinds On: Jay White Outshines, Moxley Weathers the Storm

But the true blizzard raged in the main event – the Gold League. Jay White, the Switchblade of Destiny, faced Mark Briscoe in a match that was a masterclass in cold-blooded calculation. White, a viper in human form, slithered around Briscoe’s fiery offense, his every move a calculated strike. Briscoe, fueled by the memory of his fallen brother Jay, fought with the heart of a lion, but White was a chess master, anticipating every move.

In the end, White’s Blade Runner secured a crucial victory, cementing his place as a contender for the ultimate prize. But the storm was far from over. Jon Moxley, the Deathmatch King, faced Swerve Strickland in a battle that redefined brutality.

Moxley, a walking scar tissue, and Strickland, a whirlwind of agility and venom, clashed in a symphony of steel chairs and near falls. The match was a testament to their resilience, their bodies mere vessels for their unyielding spirits. In the end, it was Moxley’s sheer grit that prevailed, a Paradigm Shift silencing the arena.

But the victory was bittersweet. Strickland, in a moment of desperation, attacked Moxley after the bell, leaving the Deathmatch King battered and vulnerable. The message was clear: the Gold League wasn’t just about winning matches, it was about surviving the storm.

Winter’s Aftermath: The Blizzard Leaves a Trail of Champions and Contenders

As the final echoes of the fight faded, the arena was left in a state of stunned awe. “Winter is Coming” had delivered on its promise, leaving a trail of champions and contenders in its wake. Hangman Page had found his fire, Riho had reaffirmed her dominance, El Idolo had stolen hearts,

and Jay White had tightened his grip on the Gold League, his victory a chilling reminder that winter in AEW was not for the faint of heart. But the storm was far from over. The whispers of Hangman Page’s impending reckoning with White echoed in the air, while the specter of a vengeful Swerve Strickland loomed over Moxley’s shoulder.

The Blue League, too, was a brewing tempest. Andrade El Idolo, basking in the afterglow of his victory, was a magnet for drama, his charisma a double-edged sword. Brody King, his heart still raw from defeat, vowed to unleash his fury upon anyone who dared cross his path. The clash between these titans promised to be a spectacle of fire and fury, a battle that would reshape the landscape of the tournament.

But beyond the individual battles, “Winter is Coming” was a testament to the indomitable spirit of AEW. In the face of adversity, the wrestlers rose to the occasion, delivering performances that etched themselves into the annals of wrestling history. They bled, they sweated, they pushed their bodies to the limit, all in the name of entertaining the fans. And the fans, oh the fans, they roared their approval, their passion warming the arena like a bonfire against the icy December wind.

“Winter is Coming” was more than just a wrestling show. It was an experience, a primal scream of defiance against the cold, a celebration of human resilience and the unyielding power of storytelling through violence. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of winters, the flame of passion can burn bright, illuminating the path to redemption, revenge, and ultimate glory.

As the final snowflakes melted away, one thing remained clear: the blizzard of brawls that was “Winter is Coming” had left its mark. The landscape of AEW had been irrevocably altered, the lines drawn, the stakes raised. And as the next chapter unfolded, one question hung heavy in the air: who would stand tall when the final storm of the Continental Classic arrived? Only time, and the next episode of Dynamite, would tell.

Watch AEW Dynamite: Winter is Coming 12/13/23 13th December 2023 Live Online 13th December 2023 2023/12/13 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free