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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Legitimately it was a great way to start the year

January 4, 2024

AEW did the very AEW thing of basically ignoring their PPV but kick out a stellar night of TV. Legitimately it was a great way to start the year. BCG with a shaky Gunn based alliance with the Acclaimed vs the Undisputed: intriguing. Swerve’s climb up the ranks: awesome. The women’s division exploding with talent: fuckin’ finally. I’m excited to see what 2024 has for this promotion.


Darby vs Hobbs and Takeshita

January 4, 2024

It’s Sting and Darby vs Hobbs and Takeshita (could always just put Don Callis Fmaily if youre not sure which members it’ll be)… it would be nice if we could get the same level of effort as any WWE show does for the recaps.


Amazing show

January 4, 2024

Amazing show overall, the storylines and history between wrestlers are overlapping so much that the whole show just feels alive.


without Jericho

January 4, 2024

This show was so refreshing without Jericho sucking the life out of it. Always hyped for Swerve v Hangman I just wish it was a little more spaced out.


ROH and various other AEW titles

January 4, 2024

I loved the Kingdom back in the day, so I’m happy to see them bring that back. I predict they will be draped in gold at some point this year (counting the ROH and various other AEW titles).

Fun characters, compelling stories, great matches, and room for the show to breathe. Strange how that happens when there is no “Judas” and no “Wild Thing.”


Cole manipulated MJF

January 4, 2024

So ELIA5. Cole manipulated MJF, to the point of him breaking his own ankle and helping Joe lose to then Joe winning? Shouldn’t Joe be just as pissed at Undisputed for his loss at grand slam? Also, they tease Trent turning on Danhausen, for then Danhausen to help Trent?


MJF has been a dick to everyone

January 4, 2024

Was taking to a pal it’s interesting ish that Cole and friends didn’t get booed that heavily

Suppose the issue is that they are right and MJF has been a dick to everyone so it is sorta turn about fair play


Excellent episode.

January 4, 2024

Love it highlighted mainly AEW “originals” and individuals not formerly of WWE. That’s not a bad thing, but I think in recent months they were following too much of a trend of leaning on a style and identity that didn’t get them to the level they are/were/can be again. I usually watch an hour or 75 minutes then finish the rest in the morning, but tonight flew by. That’s high praise because I came into it tired AF. Good shit!


Everything felt fresh and fun to watch.

January 4, 2024

If this is the first Dynamite of the year then I’m fucking excited for what’s coming for the rest of it. Everything felt fresh and fun to watch.

Really excited to see Private Party back and that pop for them was awesome. Konsuke is a machine and a future world champion, Deonna is great and Queen Aminata needs to get signed ASAP.

Hangman/Swerve/Senor Joe and UK/BCG/Acclaimed will both be awesome and I love it when feuds overlap with each other.


AEW World Championship to Adam Cole

January 4, 2024

My one main complaint is the idea that Wardlow will voluntarily give the AEW World Championship to Adam Cole. Are they teasing a breakup just as the faction has formed!?


Top to bottom that episode ruled.

January 4, 2024

Darby vs Takeshita was absolutely amazing. These two need to link up again, that match blew me away.

Mariah May looked great in her debut and I love how they handled Deanna. She instantly comes off like a huge deal.

I was hoping Bryan Keith could pull off the win and get a match with Eddie but I’m looking forward to Trent vs. Eddie still.

Also, Swerve and Garcia killed it. Really just loved this episode.


I fell asleep from work.

January 4, 2024

Did Sasha Banks debut? I didn’t watch the show cause I fell asleep from work.


stupider reason?

January 4, 2024

Does Trent put a question mark in his name to make sure nobody thinks he’s a real wrestler worth cheering for, or some other,


Great show. Also, that Hangman facial hair

January 4, 2024

I am firmly a Mariah May mark after that match. Her and Aminata put on one hell of a show.


Hope 2024 has a lot more of this.

January 4, 2024

I have been kind of waining on AEW lately plus was kind of bummed out after the half baked World’s End PPV, but this Dynamite really brought that warm fuzzy feeling back again.


Just a fantastic episode.

January 4, 2024

The second half of it was pretty much perfect, they’ve really nailed the swerve hangman saga. Takeshita vs Darby was great as was Garcia vs Swerve. Hottest episode in ages.


One of the better episodes in recent memory.

January 4, 2024

A few moments that didn’t hit on all cylinders, but then you had Christian’s promo, Takeshita/Darby, May’s debut match into Deonna’s debut that just fucking HIT. Old dynamite feels to this episode. Really hope the ratings reflect that, or we’re gonna have hundreds of weirdos that didn’t watch come out of the woods to say everything sucked


Private Party coming back

January 4, 2024

I’m excited about Private Party coming back and the idea of refocusing the tag division. Private Party vs Lucha Bros early on was one of the first AEW matches I remember seeing of the show, so they will always hold a spot in my heart. AEW has made me a much bigger fan of tag team wrestling in general.


fantastic episode.

January 4, 2024

worlds end closing off the year was a great choice because you can kick off 2024 with so many new feuds and storylines.


Swerve v Garcia match felt off

January 4, 2024

Really confused saying the Swerve v Garcia match felt off. The only time it was anywhere near off was the botched table spot. And that looked like a bad idea and made zero sense. Other than that the match was fire.


Swerve can finally win

January 4, 2024

I was looking forward to the celebration for the new champion. But instead we only got a recorded promo. The heck? I don’t like Swerve already challenging Joe at this early stage of Joe’s reign. To me Swerve should be the next champion. So either Joe has a short title reign or Swerve’s quest for gold ends early. Sure they can have a rematch again later on and Swerve can finally win but that wouldn’t feel as special.


Trent put a question mark

January 4, 2024

Does Trent put a question mark in his name to make sure nobody thinks he’s a real wrestler worth cheering for, or some other, stupider reason?


I cannot wait.

January 3, 2024

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Quick Results:

Main Event:

  • Samoa Joe addresses the AEW Universe as the new World Champion and accepts Wardlow’s rematch challenge.

Other Matches:

  • Orange Cassidy (c) def. Dante Martin to retain the AEW International Championship.
  • Queen Aminata def. Mariah May.
  • Daniel Garcia def. Swerve Strickland.
  • Non-Title: Trent Beretta def. Brian Cage, Bryan Keith, & El Hijo Del Vikingo in a 4-way match for a shot at Eddie Kingston.

Other Segments:

  • Christian Cage delivers a fiery “State of the Union” address, vowing to reclaim the TNT Championship from Adam Cole.
  • The Lucha Brothers interrupt The Superkliq, aligning themselves with Christian Cage.
  • Toni Storm makes her shocking AEW debut, declaring her intentions to conquer the women’s division.
  • Private Party return with their sights set on the tag team titles.

Storyline Developments:

  • The fallout from Adam Cole’s betrayal continues to cast a shadow over AEW.
  • Wardlow and Samoa Joe are set for a rematch for the AEW World Championship.
  • Christian Cage and The Lucha Brothers form an alliance against The Superkliq.
  • New stars like Dante Martin, Queen Aminata, and Daniel Garcia are on the rise.
  • The women’s division is set to get even more competitive with the arrival of Toni Storm.

Memorable Moments:

  • Orange Cassidy retains his title with a last-minute Orange Punch on Dante Martin.
  • Queen Aminata unleashes a thunderous spear for the win over Mariah May.
  • Daniel Garcia taps out Swerve Strickland with the Sharpshooter in a brutal grudge match.
  • Christian Cage and The Lucha Brothers confront The Superkliq, setting the stage for a future showdown.
  • Toni Storm declares her arrival in AEW, sending shockwaves through the women’s division.

Fallout from Worlds End: A Dynamite Night Packed with Redemption, Repercussions, and Rise

The dust had barely settled from the epic showdown at Worlds End when AEW Dynamite roared back to life on January 3rd, 2024. With Samoa Joe newly crowned AEW World Champion and Adam Cole’s reign as the shortest-lived TNT Champion ever fresh in everyone’s minds, the air crackled with anticipation. This wasn’t a night for slow burns; this was a night for redemption, repercussions, and the rise of new contenders. Buckle up, because we’re diving headfirst into the exhilarating chaos that was AEW Dynamite: Worlds End Fallout.

Orange Cassidy Weathers the Storm: The night kicked off with a high-flying collision for the AEW International Championship. Orange Cassidy, the perpetually chilled champ, faced the explosive Dante Martin in a match that defied gravity and common sense. Martin, hungry for gold and fueled by the momentum of his recent victory over Matt Sydal, unleashed a flurry of aerial assaults that had Cassidy scrambling. But the nonchalant champion, known for his uncanny timing and sly counters, turned the tide with his trademark blend of laziness and precision. A picture-perfect Orange Punch put Martin down for the three-count, proving that Cassidy’s reign is built on more than just laid-back vibes. However, the celebration was short-lived as Private Party, the electrifying tag team back in action after Marq Quen’s injury, hit the ring, setting their sights on the International gold. The tension simmered, promising an electrifying future for the division.

Queen Aminata’s Regal Rise: The women’s division saw a clash of styles and personalities as the ferocious Queen Aminata took on the technically sound Mariah May. Aminata, a force of nature with a devastating arsenal of strikes, dominated the early goings. May, however, used her agility and ring smarts to evade the Queen’s onslaught, finding openings with well-placed kicks and submissions. The match ebbed and flowed, showcasing the diversity of the AEW women’s roster. In the end, Aminata’s raw power proved too much, as she unleashed a thunderous spear for the win, establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with. But May, battered yet unbowed, rose to her feet, earning the respect of the crowd and hinting at future battles to come.

Redemption for Daniel Garcia: The animosity between Daniel Garcia and Swerve Strickland reached a boiling point in a brutal grudge match. Garcia, still reeling from his loss at Worlds End, channeled his frustration into a relentless assault. Strickland, however, wasn’t about to back down. The two traded stiff strikes, submission attempts, and near falls, leaving the crowd on the edge of their seats. Garcia, fueled by the desire to prove himself, unleashed a vicious piledriver, but Strickland kicked out at two. The action spilled outside the ring, escalating into a chaotic brawl that left both men bloodied and battered. In the end, Garcia, with a newfound fire in his eyes, locked in the Sharpshooter, forcing Strickland to tap. This wasn’t just a win; it was redemption for Garcia, a hard-earned victory that solidified his place as a top contender in the AEW landscape.

Christian Cage’s State of the Union: The main event of the evening promised to be a night of reckoning. Christian Cage, stripped of the TNT Championship in a controversial flash pin by Adam Cole, addressed the AEW Universe in his “State of the Union.” With seething anger barely contained, Cage recounted the injustice he had suffered, vowing to reclaim his rightful title. But before he could unleash his wrath on Cole, the “Superkliq” surrounded the ring, proving that the numbers game was still in play. Just when things looked bleak for Cage, a familiar music hit, and the AEW Tag Team Champions, The Lucha Brothers, emerged. Rey Fenix and Penta Oscuro, united with the veteran Cage, sent a clear message: the fight for the TNT Championship was far from over. The tension was palpable, the seeds of future confrontations sown, leaving the fans hungry for more.

Samoa Joe’s Reign Begins: The show closed with the newly crowned AEW World Champion, Samoa Joe, standing alone in the ring. The Destroyer, a man of few words, surveyed his kingdom with a steely gaze. He spoke of respect, of earning the title, and of the challenges that lay ahead. Wardlow, the man Joe defeated at Worlds End, then interrupted, his eyes burning with rage. He challenged Joe to a rematch, demanding a chance to reclaim the gold. Joe, without hesitation, accepted. The main event of the next Dynamite was set.

Worlds End Fallout: Just the Beginning: The dust may have settled from Worlds End, but the reverberations of that epic night were felt throughout Dynamite. From Orange Cassidy’s defiant reign to Queen Aminata’s royal decree

to Christian Cage’s fiery address and Samoa Joe’s iron-clad resolve, this episode of Dynamite was a smorgasbord of emotions and storylines ready to explode.

The Seeds of Betrayal: One element that hung heavy in the air was the fallout from Adam Cole’s shocking betrayal. His alliance with the Undisputed Era, his swift dethroning of Cage, and his subsequent absence from Dynamite fueled speculation and ignited fan outrage. Cole’s motivations remained shrouded in mystery, leaving everyone wondering if he was playing another long game or truly embracing the villainous path. Would he respond to Cage’s challenge? Would the Superkliq become a dominant force in AEW? Only time would tell, but the tension was thick enough to cut with a blade.

New Alliances and Rising Stars: Amidst the established rivals and simmering feuds, new alliances bloomed and rising stars shone bright. Private Party returned with electrifying presence, hinting at a potential tag title run. Daniel Garcia’s hard-fought victory over Swerve Strickland cemented his place as a force to be reckoned with, his hunger for gold palpable. Queen Aminata’s dominant performance established her as a contender in the women’s division, while Mariah May’s resilience showed she wouldn’t be easily overlooked. And who could forget the electrifying arrival of Toni Storm, whose declaration of intent sent a shockwave through the roster? With fresh faces entering the fray and existing alliances shifting, the landscape of AEW was undergoing a fascinating transformation.

Worlds End Fallout Beyond the Rings: The ramifications of this Dynamite extended beyond the confines of the ring. Social media exploded with fan reactions, theories, and heated debates. News outlets buzzed with the latest developments, analyzing angles and dissecting storylines. The AEW landscape was alive and pulsating, a testament to the show’s ability to captivate and engage its audience.

Looking Ahead: With the seeds of numerous story threads firmly planted, AEW Dynamite: Worlds End Fallout left viewers yearning for more. The title picture of every division was muddied and intriguing. Champions stood guard, challengers circled with intent, and alliances hung precariously in the balance. As Wardlow prepared for his inevitable rematch with Samoa Joe, and Christian Cage plotted his retribution against Adam Cole, one thing was certain: the next Dynamite promised to be an explosion of action, drama, and redemption. Whether you side with the established veterans or cheer for the rising stars, one thing is for sure: AEW Dynamite has captured the hearts and imaginations of wrestling fans, and the fallout from Worlds End is just the beginning of an epic and unpredictable journey.

So, buckle up, wrestling fans. The road ahead is paved with surprises, twists, and undeniable moments of jaw-dropping action. AEW Dynamite: Worlds End Fallout has set the stage, and the only question left is: who will rise to the top when the dust settles?

AEW Dynamite: Kicking Off 2024 with Fireworks in Newark!

The calendar might have flipped to a brand new year, but the wrestling world is still buzzing with the echoes of “Worlds End.” And where better to land after that epic pay-per-view than in the heart of Newark, New Jersey, for a fresh serving of AEW Dynamite on January 3rd? This ain’t your average New Year’s Eve hangover, folks. This is a full-blown adrenaline shot straight into the wrestling veins!

The Smokestill Settling, the Fireworks Just Starting:

Worlds End was a night of chaos, heartbreak, and unexpected twists. Christian Cage, the resilient veteran, emerged with the TNT Championship held high, proving age ain’t nothin’ but a number. Samoa Joe, the Submission Machine, choked MJF into oblivion, claiming the AEW World Championship with a chilling intensity. And let’s not forget the fallout from Hangman Adam Page’s shocking betrayal of The Dark Order. The questions hang heavy in the air like the Newark smog: How will The Patriarchy react to Cage’s victory? Will Page find redemption, or plunge deeper into the abyss? And what devilish plans does Samoa Joe have for his reign as champion?

Collision Course: Orange Cassidy vs. Dante Martin for the AEW International Championship:

One thing’s for sure: championships are on the line in Newark. The ever-so-chill Orange Cassidy, fresh off his successful defense against Ariya Daivari at Worlds End, faces a new challenger in the high-flying Dante Martin. This is a clash of styles as contrasting as the Prudential Center’s gleaming chrome to the gritty streets of New Jersey. Cassidy’s nonchalant mastery will be put to the test against Martin’s gravity-defying acrobatics. Picture a hummingbird dancing with a laid-back panther – that’s the kind of electrifying ballet we’re in for.

Mariah May Takes Flight: In-Ring Debut Against Queen Aminata:

The spotlight also shines on the enigmatic newcomer, Mariah May. Her in-ring debut against the fierce Queen Aminata promises a collision of untapped potential and seasoned fire. May’s elegance and unorthodox style have captivated audiences, but Aminata won’t be a welcoming committee. This is a baptism by fire, a chance for May to prove she belongs in the AEW stratosphere. Will she soar or crash? The Newark faithful hold their breath in anticipation.

Beyond the Main Event: A Feast of Fiery Feuds:

But wait, there’s more! The stacked undercard promises a buffet of brawls and blood feuds. The Lucha Brothers, fresh off their World Tag Team Championship win, will be looking to unleash their aerial fury on someone unlucky enough to cross their path. The Bad Friends will be up to their usual shenanigans, probably involving thumbtacks and middle fingers. And let’s not forget the grudge match between Eddie Kingston and Lance Archer, a clash of titans that could leave the Prudential Center floor with more craters than the lunar surface.

The State of the Union: Christian Cage Takes Center Stage:

And for a dose of pure gravitas, Christian Cage himself will address the AEW Universe. The reigning TNT Champion, battered but unbowed, will likely have some choice words for his rivals, his allies, and the entire wrestling world. Will he lay down the law? Issue new challenges? Or simply bask in the glory of his hard-earned victory? Only Cage knows, and the anticipation crackles in the Newark air like static electricity.

AEW Dynamite: A New Year, A New Chapter, A New Explosion of Wrestling Mayhem:

So, mark your calendars, folks, because January 3rd is more than just the first day of a new year. It’s the day AEW Dynamite explodes back onto our screens, ready to blow our minds and shake the wrestling landscape to its very core. With championship clashes, fiery debuts, and enough grudges to fill a New Jersey landfill, this is a show you can’t afford to miss. Newark might be cold in January, but the heat in the Prudential Center will be enough to melt the Statue of Liberty. Buckle up, wrestling fans, because AEW Dynamite is about to take off on a wild ride!

This is just the beginning, folks. We’ve barely scratched the surface of the epic stories that await in Newark. So, dive into the comments below, let’s predict the unpredictable, and share our excitement for the first AEW Dynamite of 2024! Let’s make it a night that goes down in wrestling history!

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