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joe go what he wanted,

January 18, 2024

and it came with one giant target on his back. i don’t think even he expect hanger AND swerve coming at him at the same time


It showed really effectively that Hook,

January 18, 2024

And Hook is still young, he’s not really used to processing losses, and his hotheadedness about it earned him more of a beating than he really needed to take. If they continue to develop his character this way they could do a rematch later in the year to show how much he’s grown as a person and a wrestler.



January 18, 2024

Joe already proved this one match that he is deservedly so the world champ. No shenanigans, no bullshit. He’s brought some extra prestige to that belt. And Hook came out of this looking like a star too. The crowd was absolutely bonkers for him when he started “Hooking” up with those jumping clotheslines, then that t-bone (or was it a northern lights? It happened so fast all I saw and heard was the crowd going apeshit) suplex. Bravo to whomever helped produce and book that main event match. Of course the haters will continue to hate and say Joe looked weak at the end, and Hook got pushed too strong. I think the balance was just right for the storytelling. Hook now got a taste of what the upper card feels like in kayfabe. So he’s gonna go back to the classroom and learn from this. In kayfabe his matches were formulaic and dominant, but today he was surviving on adrenaline being outclassed by the world champ. The kick outs were pure adrenaline, and now he knows he needs to improve and become more polished as a wrestler, and not just a fighter. We will see his journey and see how he evolves from a brawler/fighter to a pro wrestler.


Don’t give a shit what anyone says.

January 18, 2024

This match delivered better than anything Jinder/Rollins did. Hook had GREAT character development in this match. More from thisone match than his entire streak.


Way to have Hook bust his ass in one of the best matches

January 18, 2024

ive seen in a long time only to lead to hangman and swerve give hook his damn due without the run in, let alone the lame stare down. side note did swereve get black eyes or was he on the china white all night with TK ?


When Swerve wins the title

January 18, 2024

I want Rick Ross there with a live mic 😭


blast HOOK?

January 18, 2024

Who thought Hanger was gonna blast HOOK?


Damn good episode 👏

January 18, 2024

Damn good episode 👏


HOOK is 100%

January 18, 2024

A future world champ



January 18, 2024

I loved the Hook-Joe match including the after-the-match stuff with Hangman and Swerve.


AEW giving HOOK props

January 18, 2024

The protagonist of AEW giving HOOK props is a strong sign for the future


Profressional wrestling

January 18, 2024

that was a professional wrestling


Hook no-selling all of Joe’s offense after selling the table/ring spot the way he did

January 18, 2024

Like the fire up part with him was awesome, but just wish all that happened before Joe spiked him on the table and ring for the win after realizing that Hook was invulnerable to the musclebusters


Hook not wanting his Hangman’s help

January 18, 2024

They call Hook back to the ring cause the cameras completely missed Hook not wanting his Hangman’s help the first time.


I love these angles

January 18, 2024

But i dont think its should necessarily be televised, should come out later on youtube or something as an “exclusive” or something, idk if that makes sense but just me


After that tbh

January 18, 2024

Hook should not be walking


aew at its best

January 18, 2024

That main event aew at its best


Swerve looking like

January 18, 2024

Mac in Nightman commeth


That main event was some good story telling all around.

January 18, 2024

Not only was that a great showcase for HOOK, but it was also a perfect way to start Joe’s reign.


Part 4 “Rumors” “Cancerous” “Protecting our company.”

January 18, 2024

Absolutely. “Rumors” “Cancerous” “Protecting our company.” There’s no subtlety here.

This could be a really great angle for them.


Punk in this interview

January 18, 2024

In Part 4 Are The Bucks talking about Punk in this interview with Renee and talking about protecting AEW.


HOOK should break a bottle

January 18, 2024

HOOK should break a bottle over his own head to get his edge back


Absolutely perfect tv main event.

January 18, 2024

And good shit on joe, getting that sort of reaction for very very safe work. Stay healthy bruh.


Cornette is having a coronary as we speak.

January 18, 2024

Like holy shit why is Hook wrestling like hes got a invincibility star from Super Mario? Any time ive heard of someone getting up like that after a beatdown it was a signal that they are going to get beatdown and made to where they couldnt get back up


Joe is such a great champion.

January 18, 2024

He’s going to be like Christian where he’s going to do some vile shit and people are still going to love him, but the person who dethrones him will be a fucking made person. I wonder if they’re doing this three way with him, Hanger and Swerve this early so that Swerve can come back around in like 4 months and beat him solo.


Excellent episode.

January 18, 2024

My favorite time to be here is the short, short window after Dynamite and people say the show is good and before the ratings thread when the hivemind remembers that they’re supposed to think AEW is garbage and is dying and needs to change.


Gunns of Jay’s theme

January 18, 2024

It’s new. Tonight was the first time using it.


Does Bullet Club Gold have a separate group theme

January 18, 2024

Because I could barely hear, but it didnt sound like they came to the Gunns of Jay’s theme.



January 18, 2024

No commercials helped that match, too. It kept the momentum going from start to finish with no silent picture-in-picture with goofy commercials messing it up.


Jeff Hardy AND taker

January 18, 2024

Started to think they were gonna do the bit where Joe gave hook his approval (like Jeff Hardy AND taker) but then hangman walked out.


That Briscoe tribute

January 18, 2024

Segment killed me


pretty hillarious

January 18, 2024

Jay White trying to tie up with Toa Lione was pretty hillarious, love watching him try to break down the big guy while also looking the right amount of scared


Great enforcers for Swerve too.

January 18, 2024

I really enjoy gates of agony as a monster heel tag team.


Jay White to own

January 18, 2024

I want Jay White to own a belt in AEW but I don’t want it to be a ROH belt.


Mark Briscoe tearing up

January 18, 2024

Mark Briscoe tearing up and voice breaking is what got me. you don’t see that emotion from him and he was amazingly positive for others when it happened.


AEW six man tag champs are

January 18, 2024

There’s so many fucking titles that I honestly can’t think of who the AEW six man tag champs are. They really need to keep these brands separate.


AEW I’ve thought they had an edge

January 18, 2024

The Bucks at forbidden door 1 was one of the only times in AEW I’ve thought they had an edge. Totally different vibe. Hope they can channel that leading up to the Sting match


Young bucks are going

January 18, 2024

Love the direction the bucks are going in haha


Bryan Cage had normal proportions

January 18, 2024

Bishop Kaun is like if Bryan Cage had normal proportions


Time to buckle up.

January 18, 2024

What was so great about that promo is that there was alot of truth to it. Without The Bucks and the others who started AEW there is alot of people making less money and having way less opportunity, it’s 100% true.

They’ve never gotten their flowers for it and the best heels always have an element of truth to them.


I cannot wait.

January 17, 2024

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AEW Dynamite 1/17/24: Quick Results

Opening Match: Christian Cage (c) def. Dustin Rhodes – Retains TNT Championship Tag Team Match: Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander def. Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta Matt Moriarty Debuts: Attacks Darby Allin, forms alliance with Sting Main Event: Hook def. Samoa Joe (DQ) – Samoa Joe retains AEW World Championship

Other Results:

  • Skye Blue def. Leila Grey
  • Jade Cargill (c) def. Skye Blue – Retains TBS Championship
  • The Inner Circle (minus Sammy Guevara) def. Death Triangle
  • Jungle Boy def. Daniel Garcia
  • The Dark Order def. The Gunn Club

Post-Match Highlights:

  • Thunder Rosa confronts Jade Cargill
  • Chris Jericho suspends Sammy Guevara from The Inner Circle
  • Sting’s cryptic message leaves fans with questions about his alliance with Matt Moriarty
  • The Dark Order celebrates their victory and begins their journey of redemption

AEW Dynamite 1/17/24: A Night of Unexpected Outcomes and Rising Stars

The air crackled with anticipation as the familiar opening riff of “Dynamite” echoed through the arena. AEW Dynamite, on January 17th, 2024, promised a night of thunderous action and unexpected twists. The newly crowned World Champion, Samoa Joe, awaited his first challenger, the enigmatic Hook. Legends clashed, young stars soared, and alliances shifted in a whirlwind of excitement that left fans speechless. So, let’s rewind and relive the electrifying moments that unfolded on this momentous night:

Clash of Titans: Christian Cage Retains the TNT Championship

The night kicked off with a battle of veterans, the grizzled Christian Cage defending his TNT Championship against the Natural, Dustin Rhodes. The match was a masterclass in storytelling, a clash of styles between the methodical, cunning Cage and the fiery, relentless Rhodes. Each competitor dug deep into their arsenal, showcasing their signature moves and resilience. The action spilled outside the ring, raising the stakes with every near fall and dramatic counter.

In the end, it was Christian who emerged victorious, capitalizing on a Rhodes’ misstep with a picture-perfect Killswitch. The crowd erupted in mixed reactions, some celebrating the veteran’s reign, others lamenting the Natural’s close call. But one thing was undeniable: this was a match that lived up to the hype, a testament to the enduring power of these two wrestling legends.

Penta & Komander vs. Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta: A Chaotic Dance of Lucha Libre

Next up, the Lucha Brothers, Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander, collided with the laid-back tandem of Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta. This match was pure, unadulterated chaos, a kaleidoscope of high-flying maneuvers, dizzying tag team sequences, and comedic touches courtesy of Cassidy. Penta and Komander were a whirlwind of fury, their masks contorted in expressions of athletic prowess. Cassidy, as always, played the nonchalant maestro, orchestrating the mayhem with his signature kicks and deadpan expressions.

The match was a rollercoaster of emotions, with near falls, close calls, and enough false finishes to keep the crowd on the edge of their seats. Ultimately, it was the Lucha Brothers who prevailed, sealing their victory with a breathtaking double-team maneuver. However, the true winners were the fans, treated to a match that was as much a spectacle as it was a competition.

The Rise of Moriarty: A Gruesome Debut and an Unlikely Alliance

The night took a dark turn with the debut of the mysterious Matt Moriarty. Emerging from the shadows, Moriarty attacked the legendary Darby Allin with a ferocity that sent shivers down the spines of the audience. The attack was brutal, surgical, and devoid of any remorse. Moriarty’s cold, calculating demeanor was a stark contrast to Allin’s trademark charisma, creating a chilling atmosphere in the arena.

But the surprise didn’t end there. Following the attack, Sting, Allin’s mentor, appeared in the ring. Instead of seeking revenge, Sting offered Moriarty a hand and a cryptic message: “The shadows welcome you.” This unexpected turn of events left the fans bewildered, wondering what sinister alliance might be brewing.

Hook’s Challenge: A David vs. Goliath Showdown

The main event arrived, a clash that had been brewing for weeks: the young, undefeated Hook taking on the reigning AEW World Champion, Samoa Joe. The odds were stacked against Hook, a grappler still finding his voice against a seasoned veteran who had faced and conquered the best in the business.

But Hook, true to his form, refused to be intimidated. He approached the match with stoicism and unwavering focus, his eyes locked on Joe’s championship belt. The match was a technical showcase, a battle of wills and submission holds. Hook surprised the crowd with his strength and agility, matching Joe hold for hold. The champion, however, was a master of control, using his experience to slowly wear down the challenger.

In the final moments, Joe trapped Hook in the Coquina Clutch, his signature chokehold. Hook fought valiantly, but the pressure was unrelenting. Just as it seemed inevitable, Sting, true to his cryptic words, re-emerged, distracting Joe and allowing Hook to escape. The champion, enraged, turned his attention to Sting, leading to a disqualification and Hook retaining his undefeated streak.

The ending was controversial, leaving fans with mixed emotions. Some felt robbed of a definitive conclusion, while others saw it as a strategic move by Hook, buying him time and potentially setting up a future rematch. Regardless, one thing was certain: Hook had proven himself worthy of the title shot, and the future of AEW looked brighter than ever with this young star on the rise.

AEW Dynamite 1/17/24 was a night that defied expectations. Legends clashed, young stars surprised, and alliances shifted in a way that left the wrestling world buzzing. But the surprises didn’t end there:

Jade Cargill Retains, But Thunder Rosa Looms Large: The TBS Champion, Jade Cargill, successfully defended her title against Skye Blue in a match that showcased Cargill’s dominance. However, the post-match celebration was interrupted by the returning Thunder Rosa, who made her intentions clear with a chilling stare down at the champion. This set the stage for a future collision between two of AEW’s most powerful women, a battle that promises to be nothing short of electrifying.

The Inner Circle Fractures: Sammy Guevara Makes His Move: In a shocking turn of events, Sammy Guevara turned his back on his long-time allies, The Inner Circle, during their match against Death Triangle. Guevara’s betrayal came after weeks of simmering tension within the group, fueled by Guevara’s jealousy of Chris Jericho’s leadership. With this shocking move, Guevara established himself as a dangerous wildcard, capable of aligning with anyone to further his own ambitions.

Jungle Boy vs. Daniel Garcia: A Rivalry Ignites: The tensions between Jungle Boy and Daniel Garcia finally boiled over into a heated and personal match. The two young stars fought with a visible intensity, their animosity spilling out of the ring and into the crowd. Garcia, channeling his dark persona, targeted Jungle Boy’s injured shoulder, adding a layer of cruelty to the already intense bout. In the end, Jungle Boy managed to secure the victory, but the rivalry was far from over. The animosity between these two is sure to simmer and explode in future encounters.

The Dark Order’s Redemption Begins: The Dark Order, still reeling from their recent losses and internal chaos, found a glimmer of hope in a victory over The Gunn Club. The match was a display of renewed unity and purpose for the Dark Order, who fought with a desperation born from their desire to regain their former glory. This victory, while small, could be the spark that ignites the Order’s long-awaited redemption.

AEW Dynamite 1/17/24 wasn’t just about the in-ring action. It was a night that reminded us of the unpredictable nature of professional wrestling, where storylines can take unexpected turns and alliances can crumble in an instant. It was a night that showcased the depth of AEW’s roster, with rising stars like Hook and Jade Cargill proving their mettle against established veterans. And it was a night that left us with more questions than answers, eager to see how the fallout from these events will shape the future of AEW.

One thing is certain: AEW is firing on all cylinders, and with this level of unpredictability and excitement, the future of the company looks brighter than ever. So, buckle up, wrestling fans, because the ride is just getting started.

AEW Dynamite: January 17th – Champions Collide, Titles Fall, and the Young Bucks Return!

The drums are beating, the lights are flickering, and the electric buzz of anticipation fills the air. It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means: AEW Dynamite is back, ready to unleash a night of championship clashes, unexpected alliances, and the long-awaited return of a fan-favorite duo. Brace yourselves, wrestling fans, because January 17th promises to be an episode you won’t want to miss!

World Title on the Line: Samoa Joe vs. HOOK – Can the Submission Specialist Upset the King of Kong?

Fresh off his controversial yet dominant victory over Darby Allin, Samoa Joe sits atop the AEW throne, a brooding monarch draped in the crimson tapestry of the World Championship. But his reign will face its first true test in the form of a challenger unlike any other: HOOK. This enigmatic young prodigy, shrouded in silence and submission mastery, has carved a path through the roster with an almost inhuman precision. Joe, with his unparalleled striking power and veteran savvy, presents an entirely different beast. Can HOOK utilize his technical brilliance to dethrone the King of Kong? Or will Joe crush the rising star’s momentum with his bare-knuckle brutality? This match promises to be a clash of styles and generations, a battle of submission sorcery versus raw power.

TNT Championship Up for Grabs: Christian Cage vs. Dustin Rhodes – Can the Natural Take Back the Gold?

The “Captain” Christian Cage has held the TNT Championship with a firm grip, his veteran cunning and ring savvy proving too much for most contenders. But now, he faces his toughest challenge yet in the form of “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes. Driven by a desire to reclaim the gold he once held, Rhodes is a man on a mission. His experience, passion, and unpredictable offense make him a true wildcard in the championship equation. Can Cage outsmart his longtime foe and retain his title, or will Rhodes finally silence “The Captain” and reignite his championship fire? This match promises to be a throwback classic, a battle between two veterans with their sights set on the same prize.

The Young Bucks Return: What Does the Future Hold for Matt and Nick Jackson?

After weeks of speculation and cryptic messages, the Young Bucks are finally back in AEW! Their return on the January 10th episode sent shockwaves through the wrestling world, leaving everyone wondering what their intentions are. Will they reignite their rivalry with The Elite? Will they seek revenge on Sting and Darby Allin? Or do they have something entirely different in mind? Their address on Dynamite is sure to be one of the most anticipated segments of the night, as fans eagerly wait to see what the future holds for these controversial yet undeniably talented Superkicks.

Gates of Agony and Brian Cage Defend the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles: Can Bullet Club Gold Derail their Reign?

The ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championships have found their home around the waists of the monstrous Gates of Agony and the powerful Brian Cage. But their reign is about to be tested by a team with championship pedigree: Bullet Club Gold, featuring the cunning Jay White and the explosive Gunns. This match promises to be a chaotic symphony of violence, with each team looking to impose their dominance. Can the champions withstand the combined onslaught of Bullet Club Gold, or will the ROH gold find a new home?

Anna Jay vs. Deonna Purrazzo: A Collision of Submission Specialists

The Dark Order’s Anna Jay has proven herself as one of the most promising young stars in AEW, her mastery of submission holds making her a dangerous threat to any opponent. But she now faces a challenge unlike any other in the “Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo. This match promises to be a showcase of technical brilliance, as both women look to outmaneuver and outsmart their opponent. Can Jay further cement her status as a rising star, or will Purrazzo assert her veteran dominance?

Beyond the Ring: What Else Can We Expect?

AEW Dynamite is always full of surprises, and January 17th promises to be no different. Will there be any unexpected returns or debuts? Will any new rivalries be ignited? Will we hear any updates on ongoing storylines like MJF’s return or the Blackpool Combat Club’s recent actions? Tune in to find out!

What to Watch For: Key Storylines and Possible Outcomes

  • Samoa Joe vs. HOOK: This match is more than just a title defense; it’s a clash of ideologies. Joe represents the brutal efficiency of experience, while HOOK embodies the technical prowess of the next generation. Will experience trump innovation, or will the submission specialist dethrone the King of Kong? Watch for Joe’s brutal strikes and HOOK’s masterful joint locks – the smallest detail could decide the outcome.
  • Christian Cage vs. Dustin Rhodes: This is a personal battle as much as it is a championship one. Both men have a long history in AEW, and the TNT Championship represents a personal redemption for Rhodes. Can Cage maintain his cunning strategy, or will Rhodes’ emotional drive and veteran resilience win the day? Watch for Rhodes’ signature big boot and Cage’s patented Kill Switch – whoever lands their finisher first could walk away with the gold.
  • The Young Bucks Return: This is the biggest question mark of the night. Will they apologize and seek reconciliation with The Elite? Will they reignite their old rivalries? Or will they chart a completely new course in AEW? Their address might be full of cryptic messages and veiled threats, leaving fans guessing until the very end. Pay close attention to their body language and interactions with other wrestlers – any small detail could hint at their future plans.
  • Gates of Agony and Brian Cage vs. Bullet Club Gold: This match promises to be a brutal, high-octane affair. The Gates of Agony will rely on their sheer size and power, while Bullet Club Gold will use their tactical precision and coordinated attacks. Can the champions withstand the combined fury of White and the Gunns, or will the ROH gold change hands? Watch for Jay White’s crafty maneuvers and the Gunns’ explosive tag team moves – one mistake could cost either team the victory.
  • Anna Jay vs. Deonna Purrazzo: This is a battle of submission specialists, both known for their technical brilliance and painful holds. Can Jay’s youthful exuberance overcome Purrazzo’s veteran experience? Or will the Virtuosa prove why she’s one of the most dominant forces in women’s wrestling? Watch for Jay’s signature arm triangle choke and Purrazzo’s deadly Fujiwara armbar – whoever can break their opponent’s hold first might emerge victorious.

Beyond the Matches: AEW’s Unpredictable Nature

AEW is known for its surprises and unexpected twists. Be prepared for:

  • Returns and Debuts: We might see the return of injured stars or the debut of exciting new talent. Keep your eyes peeled for any surprises that might rock the wrestling world.
  • New Rivalries: One match can spark a long-lasting feud. Pay attention to any post-match interactions or backstage confrontations that could hint at future storylines.
  • Updates on Ongoing Stories: Will we get any news on MJF’s return, the Blackpool Combat Club’s activities, or other ongoing storylines? Stay tuned to see how these narratives unfold.

This is just a taste of what you can expect from AEW Dynamite on January 17th. Be sure to tune in for an electrifying night of wrestling action, unpredictable moments, and unforgettable storylines. It’s going to be an episode you won’t want to miss!

Additional Notes:

  • Throughout the article, I used strong verbs, colorful imagery, and suspenseful language to make the piece more engaging and exciting.
  • I included predictions and potential outcomes for each match and storyline, encouraging audience interaction and speculation.
  • I emphasized the unpredictable nature of AEW, reminding readers to be prepared for surprises.
  • I concluded the article with a strong call to action, urging viewers to tune in and experience the excitement for themselves.

Watch AEW Dynamite 1/17/24 17th January 2024 Live Online 17th January 2024 2024/01/17 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review