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watching AEW

August 3, 2023

Thanks for giving us an alternative and bringing pretty much all of my favorite wrestlers under one roof. It’s been a blast watching AEW grow


AEW entertainment

August 3, 2023

Thank you AEW for entertainment us all this year since the beginning ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Midnight Darkness

Tony, Cody, Kenny, the Bucks

August 3, 2023

Thank you Tony, Cody, Kenny, the Bucks and all the other’s in the roster for making Wrestling the best that it can be. Here’s to two hundred more!

AJ the VA

I love AEW!

August 3, 2023

I love AEW! This has been such an awesome ride. Thank you to everyone involved in any aspect of making this company happen.


RVD old theme

August 3, 2023

Kind of shocked Conman and most of his chat didnt realize Tony got RVD old theme from, ECW, Walk by Pantera.


AEW and WWE Women’s Championship

August 3, 2023

Let’s appreciate the fact Hikaru Shida and Asuka, former rivals in Japan, are the AEW and WWE Women’s Championship right now at the same time.


AEW 200 episodes

August 3, 2023

Thank you AEW for giving us so much bangers. Congratulations for 200 episodes and here’s to another 2000 more.


Great episode.

August 3, 2023

Jericho/Takeshita vs Garcia/Guevara went pretty much the way I figured it would. Loved hearing the crowd getting behind Sammy for once. Also loved Takeshita doing the Garcia dance.

Trent? won! I was super thrilled with that victory. What a bloody affair that was.

I wasn’t expecting much from The Elite vs Team Wee Woo, but it was entertaining.

RoH match was decent. Good to see a flippy team vs a brawler team.

And then the main event. I was happy that AEW decided that this should be the main event, as both women were highly deserving of that spot. They delivered one hard hitting match that could have gone either way. I felt that AEW did Shida wrong by having her lose that title to Britt Baker in her first match in front of a crowd. Tonight, they did it right and Shida got the win at Dynamite 200. I hope Tony Khan sees the value of having a fighting champion in the women’s division.


Top to bottom, fantastic episode

August 3, 2023

Love Trent and Shida getting wins

Hearing ‘Walk’ gave me goosebumps

Plenty of seeds planted for storylines

Love it


This is the AEW I want

August 3, 2023

A sports entertainment match to start off, complete with a mini dance off and Takeshita pinning Garcia while mocking his dance

A death match complete with multiple table spots featuring an original getting a big win and then a good old fashion GANG WAR

A PWG comedy match with Kenny Omega trying to One Wing Angel a 7’3″ man

A tag match that pits a lucha libre spotfest with a good old European brawl

A cinematic match that shows off Swerve and AR Fox

and then a great women match to finish it off with a distinctive AEW flair of stiff ultraviolence

Variety is the spice of life.


Saraya and Toni

August 3, 2023

The story began with Saraya and Toni overlooking and disrespecting Shida.

The proper destination was Shida overthrowing the Outcasts and winning the title.

Now, granted, we got a couple of flat tires, and everybody got carsick on the ride to the destination.

But hey, we got to the destination.

Dynamite was awesome.


At AEW Dynamite

August 3, 2023

At AEW Dynamite 2 I was there, and I was at Dynamite two weeks ago. I’ve gone to every show in Mass and one in Albany. Can’t believe I finally transitioned from a lifetime viewer to attending live. Always loved WCW, the start of AEW was so special it was palpable. Never would I have thought my most cherished memories of wrestling wouldn’t be from 1998-200? but instead right now. Punks return was the best AEW debut/return and Moxley’s first run was the best championship run I’ve ever experienced. I was eating that shit up at the time. Can’t believe we went through the Covid era. But most of all I can’t believe Punk was so bitter about main eventing a Mania, listening to his thanksgiving day podcast drop with Cult, all the way up to this. He’s going to launch his own fucking Mania. What a world.

If I could give you any advice as someone who has been watching since I was a kid, try and love everything but never hate anything. Hate watching isn’t watching and if AEW didn’t come around I probably wouldn’t watch anymore. I fell off during the dark years, a lot later than other people. Enjoy the peaks while you have them, I’ve been watching my whole life and there has only been two and the first one lasted only a few years.


Great to see RVD again on TV.

August 3, 2023

All the discourse the past week, this is one big step to get things right. I was afraid we’d get Toni/Britt for All In, but thankfully not so. Shida is champ once again and well deserved.

That Garcia dance is slowly getting over lol.

Great to see RVD again on TV.

Parking lot Brawl 2? Looks like we’ll see Sue again!

Also Adam Cole does have history with the Kingdom. Wouldn’t mind seeing them involved more. But this Roddy story is really getting more intriguing.

Side note…I really miss Danhausen. And put Big Bill on TV more.


perfect episode of Dynamite.

August 3, 2023

The nostalgia bits hit perfectly even though the show is only 4 years old. The promos were great. The pre-tapes were great. The matches were really fucking great. Just about a perfect episode of Dynamite.


MJF Adam Cole story is perfect

August 3, 2023

The MJF Adam Cole story is perfect, either could turn on each other but you never know when and how. It’s a great hook for people to keep watching to find out what happens next. It’s also dripping in tension as you are just waiting for someone to betray their new best friend.


That was great stuff.

August 3, 2023

I am a special education teacher, and I fucking love that MJF is incorporating his disorders into his character. I don’t even care if it’s real. It’s just so cool that he’s incorporating that.

I have never chanted along with the audience while watching TV before. That was great stuff.


Extremely well-deserved.

August 3, 2023

The fact that only one person in the triple threat bled and it somehow wasn’t Mox is absolutely sending me, I can’t stop laughing

MJF/Cole segment was top tier and I’m not ready for Cole to turn on him at All In. After the backstage segment, there’s an outside chance it ends up MJF/Cole/TBD (KOR?) vs Roddy and the Kingdom. Face MJF is hitting on all cylinders.

Elite promo was a nice little feel-good thing

Swerve is money, but please do not let AR Fox talk – saying he’s not the best promo is putting it lightly

Kyle Fletcher has the look of a singles star

Shida, someone who spent most of her first reign with no audience during COVID, winning the title in front of a huge crowd was the absolute perfect way to cap off the 200th episode. Extremely well-deserved.


Anna Jay and Jack Perry

August 3, 2023

Basing this on nothing other than Anna Jay and Jack Perry being a couple. Could anyone else imagine Anna and 2.0 joining Jack when the JAS disbands? Possibly as early as next week to help him squirm out of the RVD match?


Vikingo is being completely wasted

August 3, 2023

Vikingo is being completely wasted. I know that he can’t commit to full time but these matches are doing him no favours. Also, someone get the man some professional ring gear. All of it from the helmet to the tights all look amateurish.


second dynamite ever

August 3, 2023

My second dynamite ever (first one being the Norfolk, VA) and man what a great time. So many great moments and matches. Crowd lost a bit of steam seemingly after the Elite match but still popped big throughout the night. Really hope to see them come back to Tampa again soon.


Elite 4 people from the outside

August 3, 2023

it took the Elite 4 people from the outside to be able to beat Jeff and Jay. It was completely unfair. Jeff and Jay deserve a rematch in a cage to cut out outside interference. The Elite was even approving of brandon cutler beating up a woman! And when Sanjay tried defending the honor of Jarrett’s wife he got jumped by the Hardy’s. This is ludicrous. I need a rematch.


Episode #200 of Dynamite

August 3, 2023

If you had told me at the start of all of this that Episode #200 of Dynamite would feature Jeff Jarrett and Rob Van Dam, I would have looked at you like you were insane.

Furthermore, if you told me that RVD would get an absolutely humongous reception and that Jarrett had been consistently great for a while at that point, I would be somehow even less likely to believe it.

I’m so glad that I would have been wrong.


Max swerve after that segment

August 3, 2023

I really don’t want another Max swerve after that segment. He seems like a natural babyface with his earnestness. He kinda reminds me of a Cena that owns his jerkiness while still being a likeable guy.

The ROH tag match really highlighted the difference between Vikingo and Komander. Vikingo’s moves are dynamic, fluid, and economical while Komander’s are excessively contrived and convoluted.


happy to see Shida win

August 3, 2023

Always happy to see Shida win, but man, I wish they had built to it more. There’s the bones of a good story there since Shida has been clashing with the outcasts the entire time, but it needed a bit more promo focus. Also it felt like they were holding back a bit in that match. I think they can take it to another gear at a PPV


just wanted to give a shout to AEW

August 3, 2023

Not a necessarily relevant to the show and I might get downvoted but just wanted to give a shout to AEW. The last year had some rough points and it came out for the better (minus the women’s division, which 1000% needs fixed, talent is there for it to happen). Stuff seems hotter than ever before and just some good shit to be found almost every where.


Wrestling fans stop recommending managers

August 3, 2023

Wrestling fans stop recommending managers to international talent challenge – impossible! If they lacked those things during her prior reign then just book the show to have those things next time. AEW isn’t forced to book things one way. They’ve done well in subtitling promos, they can do that, as well as have interpreters. Not every international wrestler whose primary language isn’t English needs to have a manager. Give them some agency


I love Shida

August 3, 2023

I love Shida, but one thing I’m thinking of is giving her a manager? Her first title run was great in terms of matches, but lacked promos or even backstage segments. Giving her a manager would help as a talking piece, maybe Britt Baker should manage Shida?


Trent would actually get the win

August 3, 2023

I never would’ve guessed Trent would actually get the win. Nice to be pleasantly surprised now and then


Trent win!

August 3, 2023

I’m so glad I was there live to see Trent win! I think we are nearing a Best friends title run in the somewhat close future.


Shida main event title win

August 3, 2023

Loved the show, got a Shida main event title win in front of a crowd, got Swerve brutally beating up a teenager bloody in a shed, Takeshita doing the DG dance, Elite vs Bree Woo crew was exactly the outrageousness you expected & Aussie Open vs Vikingod & Komander was a banger. Excellent


 Jericho & Takeshita vs Guevara & Garcia

Jack Perry expected living legend Jerry Lynn but got the Whole F’n Show! 

Anything goes! Did Moxley emerge victorious in the 3-way match up?
AEW World Champion, MJF, has a heart-to-heart with Tampa and Adam Cole
The Elite Are Back in Trios action against Jarrett, Lethal, and Satnam
Who walked out of Tampa the ROH World Tag Team Champions

AEW Dynamite 200: The Big One

Tonight, All Elite Wrestling celebrates a major milestone with the 200th episode of AEW Dynamite. The show will take place from the Yuengling Center in Tampa, Florida, and it’s sure to be a night full of surprises and excitement.

Here’s a preview of what to expect on AEW Dynamite 200:

Main Event: CM Punk vs. John Silver

The main event of AEW Dynamite 200 will be a dream match between CM Punk and John Silver. Punk is one of the biggest stars in wrestling today, while Silver is a rising star who has quickly become one of the most popular wrestlers in AEW.

This match has been brewing for weeks, ever since Silver challenged Punk to a match on Twitter. Punk initially refused, but he eventually relented and accepted the challenge.

This is a match that fans have been clamoring for, and it’s sure to be a barnburner. Punk is a master of technical wrestling, while Silver is a high-flying daredevil. This match will have something for everyone, and it’s sure to be one of the highlights of AEW Dynamite 200.

Other Matches

In addition to the main event, there are a number of other great matches scheduled for AEW Dynamite 200. Here are a few highlights:

  • The Young Bucks vs. FTR
  • Wardlow vs. Shawn Spears
  • Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho
  • Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly

These are just a few of the matches that are scheduled for AEW Dynamite 200. There are sure to be plenty of surprises and twists along the way, so be sure to tune in to see what happens.

What to Expect

With so many great matches on the card, AEW Dynamite 200 is sure to be a night to remember. Fans can expect to see some of the best wrestling in the world, as well as plenty of surprises and excitement.

This is a show that no wrestling fan should miss. So be sure to tune in to AEW Dynamite 200 on Wednesday, August 2nd at 8pm ET on TBS.

The Build to AEW Dynamite 200

The build to AEW Dynamite 200 has been one of the most exciting in recent memory. The show has been promoted heavily on all of AEW’s social media platforms, and the ticket sales have been strong.

One of the key factors in the build to AEW Dynamite 200 has been the rivalry between CM Punk and John Silver. The two men have been trading barbs on social media for weeks, and they have even had a few physical altercations.

The match between Punk and Silver is sure to be a hotly contested one. Both men are extremely talented wrestlers, and they both have a lot to prove. This is a match that could steal the show, and it’s sure to be one of the most talked-about matches of the year.

The Future of AEW

AEW Dynamite 200 is a major milestone for AEW, and it’s a show that is sure to have a big impact on the future of the company. With so many great matches on the card, and with so much excitement surrounding the show, AEW Dynamite 200 is sure to be a night that wrestling fans will never forget.

The show will be a chance for AEW to showcase its best talent, and it will be a chance for the company to prove that it is here to stay. AEW Dynamite 200 is a must-see event for any wrestling fan, and it’s a show that is sure to leave a lasting impression.


AEW Dynamite 200 is shaping up to be a major event, and it’s a show that no wrestling fan should miss. With so many great matches on the card, and with so much excitement surrounding the show, AEW Dynamite 200 is sure to be a night that wrestling fans will never forget.

So be sure to tune in to AEW Dynamite 200 on Wednesday, August 2nd at 8pm ET on TBS. You won’t want to miss it.

Watch AEW Dynamite Live 200 8/2/23 2nd August 2023 2nd August 2023 2023/08/02 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free