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That was a WWE Raw

October 10, 2023

That was a Monday Night Raw


steal the Monday Night Raw show

October 10, 2023

This Ivar singles push is something I didn’t see coming up until Ivar and Kofi Kingston randomly decided to put on the best match of the night and steal the show one Monday Night Raw but now that it’s happening and it’s actually pretty good and interesting I hope it leads to Ivar getting title shots in the future because he deserves it.

Also, I really don’t get people’s disdain for Raquel Rodriguez… I mean I get it that she doesn’t have a lot going on character wise, but I think she’s really fun to watch in the ring and she’s a good worker… I mean come on! She’s 6′ 0″ and taking other women on the main roster to Fallaway Slam City! I just love it when she’s put in a huge Women’s Gauntlet Match and she just runs through them all. Also, she was having a pretty good title match on Monday Night Raw against Rhea Ripley up until Nia Jax interfered and caused a DQ… I think Raquel Rodriguez is definitely a better worker than Nia Jax because Nia Jax hasn’t impressed me at all with any of her matches or promos since she returned to the main roster and it honestly seems like she has major “Go Away Heat” from the live crowd…

Also, man…, look…, this NXT Women’s Championship match between Becky Lynch and Tegan Nox ended up being hyped up way more than it should’ve honestly been because it was very obvious who was going to win this match and it was delayed due to Becky Lynch’s arm being injured…, but… let’s just say it definitely didn’t live up to that great and epic main event Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton NXT Women’s Championship match at NXT: No Mercy (2023). Tegan Nox was very sluggish the entire match and I mean she was really moving slow the entire match… I remember Becky Lynch launched her over the top rope onto the ring apron and it took Tegan a couple of seconds just to go over the top rope and land on the ring apron… Plus, she kept doing the Cannonball move to Becky and after awhile it just became pretty boring to watch that same move over and over again… Also, Becky Lynch at one point did a Missile Dropkick from the top rope that didn’t really land or hit Tegan Nox at all… Literally the only exciting thing that happened in this title match that impressed me was when Tegan Nox did an innovative Bridging Fallaway Slam pin… Someone in the live thread pointed out that Tegan Nox has had ACL injuries in the past so that’s probably why she was so sluggish in the ring

Side Note: Jeez…, that 1-D + Cody Cutter tag team finisher in the main event looked absolutely rough on Cody… Cody literally folded himself in half and landed on the back of his head and neck with that one… I don’t know why they kept showing replays of that finish lol…


I felt bad for Tegan tonight.

October 10, 2023

Crowd seemed dead and she didn’t have much chemistry with Becky. She probably could have used a match or two to acclimate her to a live crowd again before throwing her into a title shot.


This was a really well paced Raw.

October 10, 2023

Not everything was perfect, but nothing dragged and I can’t remember the last three hour Raw I could say that about.


WARGAMES is gonna be freaking amazing

October 10, 2023

The way I cheered at the end there… gosh darn pro wrestling is awesome n fun


I loved it.

October 10, 2023

This was very much a post vince is officially out celebration lmao there were more women on this show than the last six months of raw, main event got a ton of time, as did the women’s title match.


A fun and well-paced episode

October 10, 2023

that also did a lot to set up next week and beyond. Besides everyone from Xia to Indi/Candice appearing again, it’s cool how it’s just a normal thing for Rhea to appear several times over the course of a show.


Love the Raw,

October 10, 2023

the boost the show needed for a while. Raw was good recently, and done a lot of great work, show feels more complete now. Consistent, better roster use, great matches, segments, new talent, what we needed.

Only few left who are missing from TV: Nikki Cross, Indus Sher, Dexter Lumis, Apollo Crews, Odyssey Jones. Next one to return?


Very good Raw.

October 10, 2023

I quite enjoyed it.

Can’t wait to see more from the women.


Very good episode,

October 10, 2023

some of the best ring work on Raw in a while. Triple threat, Ivar/Kofi, and the main were all great.


We love love

October 10, 2023

KO begrudgingly accepting Jey bc of Sami’s puppy dog eyes is a+


Best RAW since late last year.

October 10, 2023

Coincidence it just happened to happen on the day we hear that Vince is basically not a part of creative anymore.


What a fun episode of raw tonight

October 10, 2023

Enjoyed the pacing and matches a ton.

Really enjoying Drew more then I have since the Roman feud.

Ivar vs Kofi kicked all the ass, Ivar and Gunther is the agenda 🔥

Women got a lot of screen time tonight, and it seems to be all out war between Rhea, Raquel, Shayna, and Jax.

Awesome main event between KO and sami vs Cody and Jey.

Fatal four way was good and everyone looked great, Gunther vs Reed is going to be meaty fun 🥩

Loved the show tonight, can’t wait for nxt tomorrow.


But please KO don’t turn heel on your best friend Sami

October 10, 2023

I don’t think Sami and Kevin has lost clean in a tag match until this one


Michael Cole being such a bitch to Cody tonight

October 10, 2023

Why the hell was Michael Cole being such a bitch to Cody tonight, like what is their beef? Like he was so shady during that interview, he kept asking rude questions. 😭. Idk why that stood out so much to me but I was stunned by Cole lol.


great Raw.

October 10, 2023

That was a really great Raw.


Raw has been so damn good lately.

October 10, 2023

Good stories, a lot of fresh new faces, and the match quality has been way better. Those 3 hours breezed by.


Owens and Jey

October 10, 2023

It’s a good thing that Owens and Jey made peace just in time for Survivor Series because I am 99.99999% percent sure they will be teammates for Wargames.


Really excited for Seth VS Drew.

October 10, 2023

So are they just making that Cody and Jey’s official finisher I’m guessing?


Some great matches on the show (Kofi vs Ivar, Reed vs Gable vs Ricochet, Becky vs Tegan)

October 10, 2023

Loved seeing stories getting intertwined and getting 10 women featured on the show and the Women’s match getting decent time

Great main event, main event Jey USO taking over

Next week Raw is looking pretty stacked


favorite WWE Raws

October 10, 2023

One of my favorite Raws of the year easily


Watching the show tonight

October 10, 2023

makes me realize the concept of Nia can work a lot. What I mean is you have someone like Raquel, who’s struggling as a face to get over. She has a match with Nia here, and it’s easily the match with the most heat she’s had in a while. It had more heat than either of her matches with Rhea.

And it’s easy to see why. The fans hate Nia, with good reason. Anyone will get cheered over her. And fans like seeing people pick her up. That will always work. And in the end it makes Raquel look the best she’s looked in forever.

But, fans don’t really want to acknowledge Nia because of her history. And yeah, that’s completely fair given how many women she’s injured in the past. It’s on her now to have a sustained run where she doesn’t do that.


Nikki Cross and Zoey Stark

October 10, 2023

I think every woman appeared tonight and did something. It felt like I was watching NXT for a second with those backstage segments and I’m here for it lol.

Raquel vs Nia was actually pretty good. Raquel powerbombing Nia was cool and the DQ was fine. The real MVP of tonight was Rhea Ripley’s hair it was so cute, I love how she’s been experimenting with it. Shayna standing tall and setting up another match for next week is interesting and everyone in this fued has been looking good aside from maybe Raquel. I hope this fatal 4 way happens at Crown Jewel it could be really fun.

I loved how Xia was set up as a future opponent for Becky. Becky has taken Natalya, Tegan, and Xia out of catering in this title reign while elevating Tiffany in NXT, she’s been killing it. The match was Tegan was solid but it had Deonna Purrazzo syndrome where it felt like the start was supposed to build to something huge later on but it just never went there with the nearfalls. Like couldn’t we have seen Becky hit a leg drop or a disarmer that gets escaped. Couldn’t have Tegan done that front face slam, molly go round, shiniest wizard combo for a false finish? It needed more drama, not to mention Tegan felt like she was wrestling scared. She had way more urgency against Chelsea last week. Solid enough though.

I’m glad the women’s tag champs are finally in a story. Those belts haven’t been defended in almost 3 months now 💀. Piper and Chelsea provoking Natalya who’s forming an alliance with Tegan while also annoying Katana and Kayden sets up some interesting future stories. (Not to mention Dawn and Fyre have that curse they revealed on Smackdown). Natalya and Piper having a match next week is confirmed, two women’s matches announced ahead of time again, I’m so proud. 👏 I hope Katana and Kayden get involved next week somehow. I’m fine with Natalya and Tegan becoming a team but they shouldn’t get the first shot at Chelsea and Piper, one of the three real teams should.

The one thing I disliked was that Candice/Indi thing. While everyone else who returned to TV this week actually was involved in something with the other women, of course Candice has to be about Johnny. Like ffs we know they’re married, stop making everything she does about him. Have them involved in that tag interaction with the other teams instead, not just leave when Rhea tells them to like pushovers 😭

I have a feeling the NXT title is a test run for a midcard women’s title and I feel like if the division officially starts separating into 3 groups that get weekly development Raw’s women’s division can start being great.

Rhea/Nia/Raquel/Shayna for the World Women’s Title.

Becky/Nikki/Xia/Zoey/maybe a call up for the NXT Women’s Title

Chelsea/Piper, Katana/Kayden, Candice/Indi, Natalya/Tegan for the tag titles.

I really enjoyed this episode of Raw, hope the season premiere onwards produces more great content.


Raw is such a shonen anime,

October 10, 2023

the protagonists settling their differences by fighting each other for 30 minutes.


woman’s divisions

October 10, 2023

WWE did more to revive their woman’s divisions than they have in like 3 months.


good Raw gets with stories

October 10, 2023

As good as Raw gets with stories having multiple intertwined segments, background moments, basically every Women on the Roster getting involved and some awesome Matches. Already cant wait for next Weeks episode with how great the Card looks.


KO shook Jey’s hand!

October 10, 2023

Cody and Sami have succeeded and now The Avengers have assembled to fight The Judgment Day


Anyway, give Rhea and Shayna at least ten minutes. Please and thank you.

October 10, 2023

Watching the Main Event, and man, there are just so many good wrestlers in WWE right now. Even Nia showed up tonight!


I cannot wait.

October 10, 2023

Next week’s RAW looks amazing,


Why was Mike Rome announcing tonight?

October 10, 2023

I thought Sami was on Raw and he was on SD


Raw was awesome

October 10, 2023

Raw was awesome tonight


Drew threw McDonagh

October 10, 2023

Jesus christ Drew threw McDonagh like 7 feet off the air. I’m starting to come around for Funko Pop Mcdonagh.


WWE Raw returned to the airwaves on October 9, 2023, from the CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska, with a show full of fallout from the Fastlane premium live event.

Kofi Kingston vs. Ivar (Viking Rules Match)

The show kicked off with a bang with a Viking Rules Match between Kofi Kingston and Ivar of the Viking Raiders. The match was chaotic and brutal, with both men using weapons and the environment to their advantage. In the end, Ivar emerged victorious after hitting a moonsault off the top rope onto Kingston and Erik.

Grade: A

Nia Jax vs. Raquel Rodriguez

Nia Jax and Raquel Rodriguez collided in a highly anticipated rematch from Fastlane. The two women went toe-to-toe in a physical and hard-hitting contest. However, the match was brought to an abrupt end when both women were disqualified after brawling outside of the ring.

Grade: B+

WWE Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match: Bronson Reed vs. Ricochet vs. Chad Gable

Ricochet, Chad Gable, and Bronson Reed battled it out in a triple threat match to determine the next challenger for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The match was fast-paced and exciting, with all three men showcasing their athleticism and skills. In the end, Reed emerged victorious after hitting a Tsunami on Gable.

Grade: A-

Drew McIntyre vs. JD McDonagh

Drew McIntyre and JD McDonagh squared off in a singles match. McIntyre was dominant throughout the match, and he eventually picked up the victory after hitting his signature Claymore kick.

Grade: B-

WWE NXT Women’s Championship: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Tegan Nox

Becky Lynch defended her WWE NXT Women’s Championship against Tegan Nox in the main event of the evening. The match was back-and-forth, with both women trading blows and submissions. However, Lynch was ultimately too much for Nox, and she retained her title with a pinfall victory.

Grade: A

Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

In the dark match of the evening, Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso teamed up to take on Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. The match was a high-energy affair, with all four men giving it their all. In the end, Rhodes and Uso picked up the victory after hitting a double team finisher on Owens.

Grade: A

Overall, WWE Raw delivered a solid and entertaining show on October 9, 2023. The Viking Rules Match between Kingston and Ivar was a highlight, and the NXT Women’s Championship match was also very good. The show ended with a strong dark match, which should leave fans buzzing heading into next week.


The WWE Fastlane premium live event was a huge success, and WWE Raw did a good job of following it up with a solid show on October 9, 2023. The Viking Rules Match between Kofi Kingston and Ivar was a highlight of the evening, and the NXT Women’s Championship match between Becky Lynch and Tegan Nox was also very good.

The show ended with a strong dark match featuring Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn. This match should leave fans buzzing heading into next week, as it sets up a potential rivalry between Rhodes and Owens.

Overall, WWE Raw delivered a solid and entertaining show on October 9, 2023. The show was not without its flaws, but the highs outweighed the lows. Fans should be looking forward to next week’s show, as it promises to be another exciting night of WWE action.

Other Notable Moments

  • Seth Rollins cut a promo in which he challenged Cody Rhodes to a rematch for the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship.
  • Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest confronted Finn Balor and JD McDonagh, setting up a potential tag team match next week.
  • Bronson Reed interrupted Gunther’s promo and challenged him to a match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
  • Becky Lynch and Tegan Nox had a face-off after the main event, showing respect for each other.


WWE Raw delivered a solid and entertaining show on October 9, 2023. The show was not without its flaws, but the highs outweighed the lows. Fans should be looking forward to next week’s show, as it promises to be another exciting night of WWE action.

Watch WWE RAW 10/9/23 9th October 2023 Live Online 9th October 2023 2023/10/09 Livestream and Fullshow Online Free Review