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FULL MATCH – Trick Melo Gang vs. The LWO – Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals: Jan. 30, 2024

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That was an A+ show from top to bottom

January 31, 2024

Great development in the Lyra/Tatum story

Dijak and Gacy’s brawl lasting half the show with a Looney Tunes ending

Lexis King hilarity

Arianna Grace hilarity

Jacy to the rescue of Chase U

NXT at it’s peak today.


best weekly wrestling show on TV.

January 31, 2024

NXT isn’t for everybody, but if it’s for you, it’s consistently the best weekly wrestling show on TV.


Ilja’s promo game

January 31, 2024

I’ve often said that Ilja’s promo game is still quite average (understandable for English being his third language) but holy crap he was on fire tonight. Maybe the scripted feel is just because he’s articulating stuff a lot more clearly than a native speaker does.



January 31, 2024

NXT is the best wrestling show there is.


Great episode for the women’s division tonight as usual.

January 31, 2024

Roxanne vs Tatum was a solid match. The highlight was Tatum’s character work. Her obsession with Lyra is getting more intense and her face when Lyra protected her post match was great. I hope something happens around Valentines Day.

Lola vs Elektra was also good. This was Elektra’s final NXT appearance and it served its purpose to give Lola a big win. I like Lola’s theme a lot fsr, I hope she does more soon cause she’s not wowing me as much as a few months ago.

The Jace U segment was great. Her saving the school was a moment that wasn’t expected when this storyline began but I’m here for it. The whole segment I was waiting for Jacy and she delivered. Her idea being a calendar is so ridiculous that it works perfectly. Imo Jacy is the most underrated prospect in NXT’s women’s division. Her good facial expressions and mannerisms (like her egging on Chase’s thank yous backstage) come naturally to her. Couple that with her being good in ring atp and she has a bright future if used correctly. Also the more Jacy and Thea work together, the more irritated I get at the lack of NXT tag titles. Please bring them back and have Jacy/Thea win the titles at Stand and Deliver, this duo is one of my favorite teams atm and them not having a chance to be tag champs is a tragedy.

The whole Fallon/Wren/Meta-Four/Arianna arc was well done tonight. It gave Arianna another bs win that inflates her ego, gave more development to the growing Fallon/Wren friendship, and continued their fued with Lash and Jakara. I sense a tag team match next week which is nice, more of the M4 girls wrestling is good. Also random, but I loved Jakara’s outfit tonight. Anyways, I think Wren is doing a solid job at getting her new girl character across, good for her. She and Fallon as an alliance just makes sense, they just seem like they’d be friends.


The more and more that this Lyra and Tatum Paxley story builds and develops,

January 31, 2024

the more it reminds me of the Trish and Mickie James story from years ago lol

And how it led to Trish defending her Womens Title at WrestleMania and Lyra (provided she gets by Roxanne Perez) similarly defending her Womens Title at the NXT version of WrestleMania….NXT Stand And Deliver


That’s the best go-home show any company has had in quite some time.

January 31, 2024

NXT has quickly become my recommended point of entry for anyone thinking of getting into wrestling. The characters are fleshed out yet simple enough to grasp quickly. The storylines are all contained to the same two-hour slot every week. And the real-life goal is simple and shared by everyone on screen: to get called up.


Why’d Dijak react so strongly?

January 31, 2024

I missed the whole thing with tape recorder? Why’d Dijak react so strongly?

Was Arrianna doing a Gorgeous George thing on her entrance?


Ilja Dragunov

January 31, 2024

I love those hugs from Ilja Dragunov


Vengeance Day should easily clear the Royal Rumble if everyone delivers.

January 31, 2024

There’s a level of bitterness/hatred in every match that i like.

Tatum, Arianna and our King were the highlights of the show for me. I’m really impressed with their week to week improvement.

I’m sad that it seems that Tuesday night Tiffy Time is over though.


The Trope is Problematic,

January 31, 2024

but I hope that everyone in this thread knows not to take example from this. Do not be Sonya Deville Guy at ANY Costs. For real, we may joke simp for these wrestlers cum tuesday, but unless that Wrestler Legit Loves you back in the relationship kinda way NOT IN A FAN KINDA WAY, a lucky lucky lucky lucky LUCKY chance of that happening lemme tell you, you don’t be like that. You will be ostracized from the Wrestling Community and probably arrested.


So we do know the trope is problematic, right?

January 31, 2024

also me: idc idc Tatum loves her and it is beautiful 😭


By my reckoning,

January 31, 2024

Von Wagner is now the only man to have challenged for every active NXT men’s title but never won any of them.

I offer my condolences, but at least he came Tuesday


What worked in NXT

January 31, 2024

Trick and Melo and Dragunov, with a side order of Breakker & Corbin. In horse racing, the Belmont Stakes is referred to as the test of a champion. For Trick Williams, wrestling’s equivalent comes Sunday, with 2 matches, and two chances to win championships. I don’t think it ends well enough to suit, as we may see the Trick-Melo Gang implode once and for all.

Lola over Elektra went as well as it should, and Elektra put Lola over clean as a sheet.

Trick & Melo over LWO. That was a banger & a half. We’ll see the LWO & Elektra on Fridays going forward.

In the middle:

Roxanne over Tatum. I think we know how it’s going down on Sunday. Lyra retains thanks to Tatum. Then, we’ll get Tatum vs. Lyra at Stand & Deliver. Instead of rehashing Trish vs. Mickie from 2005-6, Tatum should be tagging with that other delusional maiden, Arianna Grace. They’d be perfect for each other.

Dijak vs. Joe Gacy. Gacy is trying to channel the spirit of Raven and the late Terry Funk & Bray Wyatt. That’s the vibe I’m getting, but he doesn’t mix well with Dijak, and I’d root for Dijak.

Poor Ava. Lexis King was hitting on her as well as Jacy & Thea.

What didn’t work:

The last three matches all had different forms of outside interference. This happens in almost every go-home show before a PLE/PPV. I think we’ll get Lash & Jakara vs. Fallon & Wren next week, but I’d rather run back Arianna vs. Fallon. Noam Dar screwing over Von Wagner was no surprise. I am begging HBK to find someone to relieve Dar of the Heritage Cup, this time for good.

Style points: King comes out with a jacket that looks like something from the Logan Paul collection. There’s something else to it that I can’t quite put my finger on just yet. Is it just me, or did the throne slide out to the stage a little slower this time?

Ladies of Chase U calendar? Uh, ok. I guess Chase U’s final implosion could come at Stand & Deliver…..!

Do we know if they did an injury angle with Ridge?


This show was the final deciding

January 31, 2024

This show was the final deciding factor for me to buy tickets for Vengeance Day. Monday Morning Me is gonna hate Sunday Night Me, but I have to see Trick and Ilja run that shit live.


we stay winning ALL HAIL THE KING

January 31, 2024

Lexbians we stay classy we stay winning ALL HAIL THE KING


So Ava has no control as GM.

January 31, 2024

Time for her to go.


Good match.

January 31, 2024

Glad Lexis King got the win.


Chase is starting to look like Wheeler Yuta.

January 31, 2024

Also, I just noticed that they took the “crowd” off of those LED boards on the walls.


U section 😔

January 31, 2024

Just realized there was no Chase U section 😔


Chase U is closing

January 31, 2024

I’ve been drinking and spiraling since we found out Chase U is closing


Nice to see it’s getting a sequel.

January 31, 2024

I heard that the last Ghostbusters that came out was pretty good.


Feels so weird watching NXT having not watched in like 8 years,

January 31, 2024

I keep waiting for someone I recognise to show up like Balor, Joe, Neville, etc. (even though having different people is literally the whole point lol)


So I only recently got back into watching NXT

January 31, 2024

So I only recently got back into watching NXT on a regular basis so why does everyone hate Ridge in the locker room


okay Ghostbusters

January 31, 2024

I gotta see this now. This trailer got me


Jon cryer typecast

January 31, 2024

Jon cryer typecast as the quirky ex-husband for all of eternity 😂


They’re building something

January 31, 2024

So surely they’re building something with Gallus beating the shit out of Ridge. Maybe a return visit from Pete Dunne?


NXT Heritage Cup Championship match

January 31, 2024

Man I wish we at least got the NXT Heritage Cup Championship match on the Vengeance Day KickOff Show. Meta-Four, Von Wagner and Mr. Stone deserve it!


The segment ends with Kiana James buying Chase U

January 31, 2024

Just like every other heel who spends enough time around Andre Chase, Kiana James ends up turning face


TV trailer

January 31, 2024

That was a long ass TV trailer


InteLexual savior

January 31, 2024

Another win for my InteLexual savior!



January 31, 2024

I really shouldn’t be suprised at this point but HOW THE FUCK IS IT ONLY 9:00?


I cannot wait.

January 30, 2024

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NXT’s Seismic Shockwaves: Unpacking the Explosions of January 30th

The NXT ring hasn’t stopped trembling since last week’s episode – championship clashes detonated, alliances shattered, and NXT’s future hung in the balance like a high-wire act teetering over molten lava. On January 30th, the dust settles, revealing a landscape reshaped by these tremors.

This isn’t a mere Tuesday night NXT; it’s a reckoning, a crossroads, a supernova about to rewrite the NXT rulebook. Buckle up, NXT Universe, because the aftershocks from last week’s bombshells are about to turn the Capitol Wrestling Center into a seismic symphony.

Fallout From a Shattered Throne: The NXT Championship sits in pieces, torn from Bron Breakker’s grasp by the cunning Grayson Waller. But the fallout from this heist reverberates beyond mere title changes. Breakker’s reign, built on raw power and unwavering heart, was NXT’s anchor. Now, with that anchor adrift, the entire NXT ecosystem is vulnerable.

Will Breakker, fueled by fury and a bruised ego, unleash a primal storm on Waller? Or will Waller, NXT’s resident viper, weave his venomous charms, slithering his way into the hearts (and perhaps championships) of the NXT faithful? This isn’t just a championship feud; it’s a clash of philosophies, a battle for the very soul of NXT.

Fractured Alliances, Forged Rivalries: Toxic Attraction’s implosion was as shocking as it was brutal. Mandy Rose, betrayed by Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, stands alone, a queen dethroned in her own court. But Mandy’s crown wasn’t the only casualty – the once-impregnable Toxic Attraction is now a viper pit of simmering resentment.

Expect an all-out war on Tuesday. Gigi and Jacy, drunk on newfound freedom and blinded by ambition, will clash with the scorned Queen. Will Mandy reclaim her throne, proving her doubters wrong with the fury of a tigress defending her cubs? Or will Gigi and Jacy, their eyes gleaming with malice, paint the canvas of NXT scarlet with Mandy’s downfall?

NXT’s New Blood Rising: With established orders crumbling, NXT’s next generation sees an opportunity to seize the mantle. Carmelo Hayes, the self-proclaimed “A-Lister,” seeks to ascend beyond the North American Championship. His sights are set on the gold reserved for NXT’s elite – the undisputed NXT title. But his path to the top is littered with thorns.

Solo Sikoa, the Uso brother with a chip on his shoulder and a savage grin, stands in Hayes’ way. Their clash last week was a glimpse into an epic rivalry brewing. Will Hayes’ flamboyant flair withstand Sikoa’s unbridled fury? Or will Sikoa prove that bloodlines and raw power trump flash and ego?

The Women’s War Escalates: Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez’s rivalry has become the heartbeat of NXT’s women’s division. Their brutal, personal war transcends championships and accolades. It’s about proving who belongs, who deserves the spotlight, who carries the NXT torch.

On January 30th, their simmering feud boils over. Will they settle their differences in a sanctioned match, or will the NXT canvas become their personal battleground, unscripted and unforgiving? Will this be the final chapter in their saga, or just the beginning of an epic trilogy?

And Beyond the Headlines: NXT’s canvas is brimming with other captivating threads. The Diamond Mine seeks to reclaim its dominance, Ivy Nile plots her next reign of terror, and the mysterious Gallus lurk in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike.

January 30th isn’t just an NXT episode; it’s a seismic event, a Pandora’s Box spilling NXT’s hidden demons and hidden heroes onto the stage. It’s a night where alliances crumble, rivals collide, and the future of NXT hangs in the balance. Don’t blink, NXT Universe, because on January 30th, history will be rewritten in the Capitol Wrestling Center.

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