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NXT 26th December 2023: Quick Results

NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament Semifinals:

  • Riley Osborne def. Lexis King
  • Oba Femi def. Tavion Heights

Main Card:

  • Noam Dar def. Josh Briggs (DQ) – Retains Heritage Cup
  • Cora Jade def. Karmen Petrovic
  • Bron Breakker def. Nathan Frazer – Retains NXT Championship
  • Andre Chase & Duke Hudson won NXT Tag Team Battle Royal

Other Highlights:

  • Dragon Lee retained the North American Championship in a 3-way match against Charlie Dempsey & Joe Coffey
  • Lucien Price & Bronco Nima def. Duke Hudson & Andre Chase in an All or Nothing match
  • Eddy Thorpe def. Dijak in an NXT Underground match

Future Feuds:

  • Bron Breakker vs. Nathan Frazer (potentially)
  • Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez (NXT Women’s Championship)
  • Joe Gacy’s next move remains shrouded in mystery
  • Toxic Attraction’s sights locked on the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles

NXT Delivers a Post-Christmas Feast: Breakouts, Bust-Ups, and Big Booty – A Recap of December 26th

The holiday cheer wasn’t over on December 26th, not for the NXT faithful! The Capitol Wrestling Center was buzzing with anticipation, the echoes of turkey leftovers mingling with the roar of the crowd. And NXT delivered a smorgasbord of action worthy of a post-Christmas feast, with rivalries reignited, titles defended, and breakout stars rising like soufflés in a fiery oven.

Let’s dive headfirst into the main course: the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament semifinals. Riley Osborne, the underdog with the heart of a lion, faced Lexis King, a powerhouse hungry for gold. The match was a masterclass in contrasting styles. King, a bulldozer of brute force, sought to crush Osborne under his sheer size. But Osborne, nimble and resilient, danced around the blows, stinging with jabs and quick kicks. A well-timed dropkick sent King staggering, and Osborne capitalized with a picture-perfect DDT, securing his spot in the finals.

Across the ring, the clash between Oba Femi and Tavion Heights was a spectacle of athleticism. Heights, a high-flying marvel, soared through the air with the grace of a gazelle, while Femi, grounded and powerful, countered with thunderous slams and bone-jarring suplexes. The match was a thrilling exchange of aerial assaults and earth-shattering maneuvers. In the end, Femi, fueled by pure grit and determination, caught Heights mid-flight with a devastating spinebuster, setting the stage for a highly anticipated final against Osborne.

But NXT wasn’t just about the future; it was about settling the scores of the present. The tension between Noam Dar and Josh Briggs reached a boiling point in their Heritage Cup clash. The match was a brutal chess match, each competitor employing their signature weapons: Dar’s technical precision and Briggs’ raw power. The turning point came when Lash Legend, involved in a separate altercation with Briggs, accidentally struck him with a spit bucket. Blinded and enraged, Briggs retaliated, using the same bucket against Dar. The referee had no choice but to disqualify Briggs, handing the victory and the coveted Heritage Cup to Dar. The air crackled with animosity as Briggs vowed revenge, leaving the rivalry far from over.

Meanwhile, the NXT Women’s division served up a delicious dish of determination and drama. Cora Jade, fresh off her victory in the Women’s WarGames, locked horns with the fiery Karmen Petrovic. The match was a whirlwind of kicks, strikes, and near misses. Jade, a predator in the ring, stalked her prey, while Petrovic, a fearless fighter, refused to back down. But Jade’s experience and cunning proved too much. A perfectly timed Future Shock DDT sent Petrovic crashing to the mat, solidifying Jade’s dominance and leaving the NXT Women’s Championship within her sights.

And who could forget the main course? Bron Breakker, the reigning NXT Champion, faced the high-flying Nathan Frazer in a match that redefined gravity. Frazer, a human trampoline, defied physics with his gravity-defying maneuvers, while Breakker, a granite wall of muscle, countered with earth-shattering slams and bone-crushing suplexes. The match was a symphony of athleticism, each competitor pushing the limits of their bodies and the crowd’s decibel levels. In the end, Breakker’s raw power proved too much for Frazer. A monstrous Gorilla Press Slam followed by his signature Bronzer Buster sealed the victory, leaving Breakker standing tall as the undisputed king of NXT.

But NXT wasn’t just about individual glory. The night closed with a chaotic tag team battle royal, a comedic brawl that saw unlikely alliances forged and friendships tested. In the end, it was the unlikely pairing of Andre Chase and Duke Hudson, united by their shared hatred of Tony D’Angelo, who emerged victorious. As confetti rained down, NXT delivered one final message: chaos and comedy are always on the menu in this brand.

The curtain had closed on the official matches, but the NXT buffet wasn’t done serving yet. Backstage, alliances shifted like sand in a sandstorm. Joe Gacy, fresh off his unsettling victory over Joe Coffey, stood bathed in the dim glow of the locker room, a cryptic smile playing on his lips. His eyes, glinting with madness, darted across the room, seemingly assessing, plotting. Was he satisfied with simply sowing discord, or did he have his sights set on a grander, more macabre goal for the new year?

Across the hall, Riley Osborne and Oba Femi, the two finalists in the Breakout Tournament, exchanged a nod of respect. Their paths had diverged for now, but they both knew their destinies were bound to collide on the grand stage of the finals. In their eyes, one saw simmering confidence, the other a quiet determination. The clash would be epic, a battle of styles and wills that would redefine the meaning of “breakout.”

Meanwhile, Cora Jade, still basking in the afterglow of her win, found herself face-to-face with Roxanne Perez. The tension was palpable. Their history, a tangled web of rivalry and grudging respect, hung heavy in the air. A single glance, sharp as a razor, spoke volumes. The NXT Women’s Championship fight was far from over. The two warriors, poised on the precipice of greatness, were hungry for a showdown that would leave the entire division trembling.

And let’s not forget NXT’s resident power couple, Mandy Rose and Gigi Dolin. As Toxic Attraction watched the chaos unfold from their perch on the balcony, a mischievous glint flickered in their eyes. Their reign hadn’t been threatened – not tonight. But there was a predator’s gleam in their gaze, a hint that they were merely sizing up the landscape, waiting for the opportune moment to unleash their venomous charm and reclaim their dominance.

NXT 26th December wasn’t just a post-Christmas feast; it was a smorgasbord of storylines simmering, rivalries escalating, and futures unveiled. Each match, each interaction, left a lingering taste of anticipation, a sense that the real fireworks were yet to come. As the calendar flipped to a new year, one thing was certain: NXT’s hunger for drama, its passion for action, and its dedication to creating unforgettable moments wouldn’t diminish. In fact, it was just getting started.

So, buckle up, NXT faithful, because the rollercoaster ride is far from over. The champions might stand tall, the challengers might lick their wounds, but the hunger for victory, the thirst for glory, and the insatiable appetite for entertainment – those are the ingredients that will keep NXT simmering hot in the months to come.

NXT Slams into the New Year with a Pulverizing Punch of Action!

The bells have rung, the carols have faded, and the turkey coma has finally subsided. But NXT, the developmental proving ground of WWE, refuses to hibernate! On December 26th, NXT explodes onto the airwaves with a night of unbridled chaos, heart-stopping clashes, and the promise of new stars ascending the ranks. Brace yourselves, NXT faithful, for this ain’t your grandma’s holiday special!

The Underground Boils Over: For months, Eddy Thorpe and Dijak have waged a brutal war, their animosity simmering like molten lava beneath the NXT canvas. Now, it erupts in the barbaric confines of an NXT Underground Match. No ropes, no rules, just primal fury and the hunger for dominance. Thorpe, fueled by ancestral rage, will unleash a guerilla storm of unorthodox strikes. Dijak, the personification of controlled chaos, will unleash a symphony of bone-crushing suplexes and earth-shattering slams. This is a battle for survival, a dance with oblivion, and the only guarantee is that someone will walk out forever changed.

Heritage on the Line: The prestigious NXT Heritage Cup, a symbol of technical excellence and fighting spirit, finds itself in the iron grip of Noam Dar, the flamboyant “Supernova.” But Josh Briggs, the blue-collar brawler, is determined to wrest it away. Briggs is a force of nature, a whirlwind of grit and determination. Dar, however, is a master of the mat, a cunning strategist with a venomous arsenal of submissions. This clash of styles promises a technical chess match punctuated by moments of explosive brawling. Will Briggs’ raw power overpower Dar’s technical prowess? Or will Dar’s cunning reign supreme? The answer lies in the intricate tapestry of the Heritage Cup rules, where every point, every submission attempt, is a battle in itself.

Breakout Stars Shine Bright: The NXT Breakout Tournament, the crucible where future champions are forged, reaches its boiling point with the semifinals. Oba Femi, the Nigerian powerhouse, collides with Tavion Heights, the high-flying acrobat. Femi is a walking battering ram, his every move radiating raw power. Heights, however, defies gravity with death-defying aerial maneuvers. This clash is a study in contrasts, a dance between unstoppable force and immovable object. Who will emerge victorious, their name etched in NXT history as the next Breakout star?

Across the Canvas: The NXT canvas is a tapestry woven with captivating threads. Cora Jade, the venomous “Blackheart,” faces off against the enigmatic Karmen Petrovic in a clash of personalities. The ever-evolving Gallus crew, led by the stoic Wolfgang and the fiery Mark Coffey, look to extend their dominance. And the ever-unpredictable Andre Chase and his band of “students” are sure to inject their own brand of chaos into the proceedings.

Beyond the Ring: The shadows of NXT are not just for the combatants. The ever-observant Joe Gacy, the enigmatic leader of the Dyad, lurks in the periphery, his motives shrouded in darkness. Will he make his presence felt, adding a layer of psychological warfare to the night’s events? And what of the mysterious “Axiom,” the enigmatic hacker who has been disrupting NXT transmissions? Will their digital footprint touch down on the 26th, unveiling another piece of the puzzle?

A Night to Remember: December 26th is not just a date on the calendar, it’s a declaration of intent. It’s NXT saying, “We’re here, we’re loud, and we’re not going anywhere.” It’s a night where grudges are settled, dreams are forged, and the future of professional wrestling takes a thrilling step forward. So, grab your popcorn, NXT faithful, and prepare to be pulverized by a night of unrelenting action. This is NXT, and it’s about to slam into the New Year with a force that will leave you breathless.

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