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FULL MATCH – Alpha Academy vs. Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin: NXT highlights, March 26, 2024

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NXT March 26th, 2024: Chaos Erupts as Stand & Deliver Heats Up!

The WWE Performance Center was electric on Tuesday night as NXT rolled into its March 26th episode. With NXT Stand & Deliver just around the corner, the tension was thick in the air. Champions were looking to solidify their dominance, challengers were making their final statements, and unexpected alliances were forged in the heat of competition. Let’s delve into the action-packed show that left the NXT Universe buzzing!

Opening Bell Tolls: Spears Falls to Dijak’s Might

The show kicked off with a bang as the imposing Dijak locked horns with the veteran Shawn Spears. Dijak, a man with power in his every move, wasted no time in showcasing his dominance. A thunderous shoulder block and a devastating clothesline sent shivers down Spears’ spine. However, the Chairman’s lackey displayed his cunning by strategically targeting Dijak’s legs, momentarily grounding the giant. Spears even took the fight outside the ring with a well-timed dive, attempting to gain the upper hand.

The action remained intense as they traded blows back and forth inside the squared circle. Dijak, fueled by his raw power, countered with a backbreaker that left Spears gasping for air. Spears, never one to back down, responded with a vicious chop and a headbutt, momentarily stunning the giant. He even attempted a high-risk maneuver – a moonsault from the top rope. But Dijak, displaying remarkable agility for his size, countered beautifully with a German Suplex from the top turnbuckle. The impact reverberated throughout the arena, leaving the crowd in awe.

Dijak seized the momentum, capitalizing on Spears’ weakened state. A series of powerful strikes culminated in a devastating finisher, leaving Spears flat on his back. The referee counted to three, and Dijak emerged victorious, solidifying his place as a force to be reckoned with in NXT. This dominant win sends a clear message to his potential challengers at Stand & Deliver – underestimating Dijak is a recipe for disaster.

Thea Hail Silences Nyx with a Stunning Submission

The NXT Women’s division was in the spotlight next as Thea Hail collided with Jazmyn Nyx. Jacy Jayne, Nyx’s Toxic Attraction teammate, was present at ringside, adding an extra layer of animosity to the encounter. The match began with a flurry of technical maneuvers, showcasing the in-ring prowess of both competitors. Hail displayed impressive agility, countering Nyx’s aggression with well-timed takedowns and submission attempts.

However, the presence of Jayne proved to be a thorn in Hail’s side. Jayne’s constant interference frustrated Hail, and during a heated exchange outside the ring, Jayne even tossed a towel into the ring to distract the referee. This resulted in the ejection of Andre Chase and the rest of Chase University from ringside, leaving Hail temporarily isolated.

Capitalizing on the distraction, Nyx locked Hail in a rest hold. But Hail, displaying both resilience and resourcefulness, used the opportunity to her advantage. She grabbed Jayne’s discarded towel and used it to lure the referee’s attention, forcing Nyx to break the hold. Fueled by newfound determination, Hail unleashed a flurry of offense, culminating in a devastating neckbreaker.

However, Jayne wouldn’t stay down for the count. She hopped onto the apron, attempting to distract the referee once again. This time, Jayne’s actions backfired spectacularly. In a moment of frustration, she slapped Hail, momentarily disorienting her. Nyx capitalized on the opening, attempting a quick roll-up. But Hail, with incredible reflexes, reversed the maneuver and locked Nyx in a Kimura lock. The pain was evident on Nyx’s face, and she was forced to tap out, giving Hail a hard-fought victory.

Prime Target: A Glimpse into Hayes and Williams’ Volatile Relationship

The NXT Universe was then treated to the intriguing premiere of “Prime Target,” a series focusing on the tumultuous relationship between Carmelo Hayes, the NXT North American Champion, and his trusty manager, Trick Williams. The episode provided a glimpse into the duo’s training regime and their strategic planning for Hayes’ upcoming title defense. However, cracks began to show in their seemingly unbreakable bond.

Hayes displayed an air of arrogance, constantly criticizing Williams’ suggestions and berating him for minor mistakes. Williams, on the other hand, seemed to be simmering with discontent. He masked his frustration with a forced smile, but his body language spoke volumes. This glimpse into their dynamic raises questions. Is their partnership on the verge of a breakdown? Could internal strife pave the way for Hayes’ downfall at Stand & Deliver?

Dragunov Emerges Victorious, Stacks Left Frustrated

The hard-hitting Ilja Dragunov faced off against the cocky Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo in a match that promised pure brutality.

NXT on the Brink: Stand & Deliver Looms Large in Packed March 26th Episode

The black and gold brand is back with a vengeance this Tuesday night, March 26th, 2024! With NXT Stand & Deliver mere weeks away, the tension is as thick as the Florida humidity in the Capitol Wrestling Center. Champions will be tested, challengers will rise, and alliances will be forged and fractured – all on the road to the biggest NXT event of the year.

The NXT Championship: Dragunov Faces The Family’s Wrath

Ilja Dragunov, the imposing NXT Champion, stands tall as a beacon of resilience. However, his reign is far from secure. His upcoming challenger at Stand & Deliver is the cunning and ruthless Tony D’Angelo, leader of The Family. D’Angelo’s mafia-esque operation has its tendrils wrapped around NXT, and this week, Dragunov faces one of D’Angelo’s muscle, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. This non-title match is more than just a warm-up; it’s a message. A brutal display of what Dragunov can expect at Stand & Deliver if he underestimates The Family’s power.

Dragunov is no stranger to adversity. His matches are legendary for their technical brilliance and sheer brutality. Will he be able to withstand the onslaught of Stacks and send a message back to D’Angelo, or will The Family chip away at the champion’s confidence before their big showdown?

Tag Team Turmoil: Alpha Academy Eyes Gold

The NXT Tag Team Championship picture gets even more interesting this week. The dominant duo of Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin, known as The Wolf Dogs, put their titles on the line against an unlikely challenger: Alpha Academy’s Otis and Akira Tozawa.

While some may scoff at this pairing, underestimating Alpha Academy would be a huge mistake. Otis, a powerhouse of a competitor, possesses incredible strength and agility for his size. Tozawa, the energetic firecracker, brings a technical prowess that shouldn’t be ignored. A victory over The Wolf Dogs would not only be a huge upset, but it would also earn them a coveted spot in the NXT Tag Team Championship match at Stand & Deliver.

Can Breakker and Corbin maintain their dominance, or will the experience and teamwork of Alpha Academy throw a wrench into their plans? The winner of this match will have a massive target on their backs heading into the upcoming PLE.

Other Matchups with Big Implications

The NXT card for March 26th is stacked with other intriguing encounters that could have major ramifications for Stand & Deliver and beyond. Here’s a closer look at some of the must-see matches:

  • Shawn Spears vs. Dijak: The “Chairman” Shawn Spears returns to the ring this week to take on the powerhouse Dijak. Spears has been a thorn in the side of NXT management for weeks, and a convincing victory over Dijak could solidify his position as a major player in the brand. However, Dijak is no pushover. He’s a walking highlight reel with incredible power and agility. This clash of styles promises to be an explosive encounter.
  • Josh Briggs vs. Duke Hudson: The bruiser Josh Briggs goes toe-to-toe with the self-proclaimed “Premier Athlete” Duke Hudson of Chase U. This match is a battle of contrasting styles. Briggs brings a hard-hitting, brawling approach, while Hudson relies on his technical skills and athleticism. The outcome could determine which brand of wrestling supremacy reigns on NXT.
  • Jazmyn Nyx Debuts: The intriguing newcomer Jazmyn Nyx makes her in-ring debut on NXT this week against Thea Hail. Nyx is shrouded in mystery, but her pre-recorded promos have hinted at a dark and dominant persona. Will she live up to the hype in her debut match, or will the more experienced Thea Hail put a stop to the newcomer’s momentum?

Stand & Deliver: The Road Ahead

With NXT Stand & Deliver just around the corner, the upcoming episode promises to be a turning point for many superstars. Will Dragunov survive his encounter with Stacks and head into his title defense with his confidence intact? Can The Wolf Dogs retain their dominance over the tag team division, or will Alpha Academy pull off a shocking upset? These are just some of the questions that will be answered on the March 26th episode of NXT.

Beyond the Ring: NXT Women’s Division Heats Up

While the official card for the March 26th episode doesn’t feature any women’s matches, the NXT Women’s Division continues to simmer with anticipation. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez has yet to find a challenger for Stand & Deliver, and the landscape is full of potential contenders. Will Mandy Rose, the former NXT Women’s Champion

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