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Pure division

July 28, 2023

Man I hope they do something with Anthony Henry soon, feels like he would thrive in something like the Pure division


Women’s wrestling

July 28, 2023

Where are all the people begging for Tony Khan to book women’s wrestling/stories and why aren’t they watching this show….?


Free wrestling shows

July 28, 2023

TK did put on two free wrestling shows for a while, so he is quite aware of the financial return on that. Perhaps just having a few paid subscribers is better


Obnoxious fan sitting behind me

July 28, 2023

Wasn’t sure where else to post this but I was at this taping (the first half at least) and I would’ve really liked to enjoy this show had not been for the absolute obnoxious fan sitting behind me. Now I’m fine with educating non fans nearby (which is who he sat next to) but here are some of the things I had to overhear:

confused Trish Adora for Trinity (kept saying Naomi)

claimed Leyla Hirsch was in the WWE

thought the Renegade Twins were Peyton and Billie

claimed he watched ROH and liked it more than AEW but knew nothing of the Pure Rules and did not recognize Nigel McGuinness during his entrance

He also randomly went on a tirade about how LA Knight is not properly pushed (reminder the guy next to him does not actively watch wrestling, he brought the kids) and then wouldn’t stop complaining when Fallah Bah was doing comedy spots during his dark match.

These just might be minor nitpicks and issues but I can’t believe a person can be so loud but so wrong at the same time.


Ring of Honor Wrestling returned to Honor Club on July 27, 2023, with an action-packed episode that featured several high-stakes matches. The show was headlined by Athena’s first singles match since her return, as she faced off against Trish Adora in a non-title match.

Athena and Adora put on a show-stealing performance, with both women giving it their all. In the end, it was Athena who came out on top, defeating Adora with a Widow’s Peak. This was a big win for Athena, who is looking to make a statement in her return to ROH Wrestling.

In other matches on the show, The Trustbusters (Sonny Kiss, Jeeves Kay, and Slim J) defeated Dalton Castle and The Boys (Brandon Tate and Brent Tate), Josh Woods defeated Eli Isom under Pure Rules, and The Embassy (Brian Cage, Kaun, and Toa Linoa) defeated Iron Savages (Bronson, Boulder, and Jacked Jameson).

Here is a more detailed look at the results from ROH Wrestling on July 27, 2023:

Main Event

  • Athena defeated Trish Adora (non-title match)

Other Matches

  • The Trustbusters (Sonny Kiss, Jeeves Kay, and Slim J) defeated Dalton Castle and The Boys (Brandon Tate and Brent Tate)
  • Josh Woods defeated Eli Isom under Pure Rules
  • The Embassy (Brian Cage, Kaun, and Toa Linoa) defeated Iron Savages (Bronson, Boulder, and Jacked Jameson)

Overall, it was a great night of wrestling on ROH Wrestling. The show featured several exciting matches, and the main event between Athena and Adora was a true classic. If you missed the show, I highly recommend checking it out on Honor Club or YouTube.

Here are some additional thoughts on the show:

  • Athena’s return to ROH Wrestling has been a major success so far. She has been involved in some great matches, and she is clearly one of the top stars in the company. I am excited to see what she does next.
  • The Trustbusters are a rising star in ROH Wrestling. They are a talented team with a lot of potential. I am excited to see what they do next.
  • Josh Woods is a solid wrestler who always puts on good matches. He is a contender for the Pure Championship, and I am excited to see if he can win the title.
  • The Embassy are a new faction in ROH Wrestling, and they have made a big impact so far. They are a force to be reckoned with, and I am excited to see what they do next.

I hope you enjoyed this recap of ROH Wrestling on July 27, 2023. If you have any thoughts on the show, please feel free to share them in the comments below.

Thank you for reading!

Please continue.

The show also featured several promos and vignettes, including a new promo from Jonathan Gresham, who is set to defend the ROH World Championship against Bandido at Death Before Dishonor. Gresham cut a confident promo, vowing to retain his title.

Another highlight of the show was a vignette from The Briscoes, who are set to return to ROH Wrestling soon. The Briscoes cut a promo, vowing to reclaim their place as the top tag team in the company.

Overall, it was a great night of wrestling on ROH Wrestling. The show featured several exciting matches, and the main event between Athena and Adora was a true classic. I am excited to see what ROH Wrestling has in store for the future.